Anyone who has played Apex Legends is bound to have a handful of favorite legends that they gravitate towards. Whether it be because of those characters' unique abilities, backstories, or how they fit into the game's meta, players who spend any amount of time with these legends are bound to find that they are just as well-designed and well-written as characters from other video games.

As of Apex Legends' thirteenth season, Saviors, there are 21 playable legends. Not all of these legends can say they have abilities that are all their own, but every character brings just enough of a twist to the game's formula that shakes it up and gets players excited for each new season. And while it is nice for players to have their own personal roster to choose from, it is just as integral that they take the time to learn how each of Apex Legends' characters plays.

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Knowing Your Enemy

apex legends control

There are four general legend types as of writing. Offensive legends tend to have the most mobility and thus are the ones who usually instigate fights. Defensive legends excel at holding down a specific area with traps and cover. Recon legends pinpoint the location of the next rings and provide vital information such as enemy locations. Lastly, Support legends aid their squad by providing them with the best gear and (in Lifeline's case) reviving them when they are downed.

Not everyone is going to like all the legends' playstyles, but it does help players learn how they work. Wraith, for instance, can temporarily turn invincible with her Into the Void tactical ability. It is an annoying ability to fight against, but when players realize that it takes a good 1.25 seconds to activate followed by a four-second invincibility window and a short time wherein Wraith cannot perform any other actions, then they can find ways to counter it. The same can be said for any other legend's abilities. Gibraltar's Dome of Protection tactical ability, Valkyrie's VTOL Jets passive - all of these abilities have their own respective strengths and weaknesses. Part of the fun of Apex Legends is learning how these abilities work and how to shut them down if they are being used by enemies.

Your New Best Friend

apex legends 3 players getting ready with one holding a weapon

On the allied side of things, knowing how each legend works can also greatly benefit someone who has a specific legend on their squad. The newly released Newcastle, for instance, pairs well with Rampart, whose Amped Cover tactical ability can be used to add some firepower to Newcastle's Castle Wall ultimate. Newcastle's Mobile Shield can also be used in conjunction with Lifeline's Combat Revive passive, allowing the squad running both legends to unofficially bring back the revive shield Lifeline used to have. There are many useful combinations of legend abilities that can greatly benefit a squad - combinations that players can learn by experiencing other legends.

One other advantage of playing all of Apex Legends' characters is the pleasant surprise of finding a new favorite legend. People tend to gravitate toward things that are familiar to them, but they can never really grow without trying something new. Octane players might not use any other legend because he makes playing others feel slow, but swapping over to Valkyrie or Horizon will let them experience the repositioning power and verticality that Octane doesn't always possess. Doing so might add yet another favorite character to those Octane players' rosters, making them more versatile and a bigger asset to their squad.

Knowing the enemy and knowing one's squad is an important part of Apex Legends. While aiming and gunplay are just as integral, properly allocating legend abilities and combining them is what sets good squads apart from the bad ones. By taking the time to understand each legend, players will further their knowledge of the game and become true Apex Legends.

Apex Legends is available now on PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.

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