There is no character in Apex Legends that can accomplish what Gibraltar can. He has a unique ability to protect both his teammates from damage and protect himself from damage, not to mention has a very good ultimate ability that has strong area-denial capability while also dealing a heavy amount of damage. Gibraltar can find a place in just about any team, and when played right, he can be an almost immovable object.

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Let's take a look at some tips to keep in mind when playing as Gibraltar, as well as some cool team compositions to use Gibraltar in.


apex legends gibraltar heirloom

The ability that sort of flies under the radar with Gibraltar is his Gun Shield. This shield protects Gibraltar's entire torso whenever he aims-down-sights and can absorb 75 damage. That's essentially like having an entire extra blue body shield on top of whatever else you have equipped and can really go a long way in winning those close gunfights. One thing to note about the Gun Shield is that if you're hit it for more than 75 damage in one shot, say with a Kraber, it will absorb all of that damage before disappearing.

Another thing to keep in mind with the Gun Shield is that it doesn't cover your legs. Crouching is going to allow the shield to cover a higher percentage of your body.


Gibraltar's Dome Shield can be used for a couple of different scenarios. One way to use it is as a nice little safe room at the back of the engagement. If placed far enough back, it should be a nice safe spot for you or teammates to back up and heal in a spot that would otherwise be coverless. This will require teammates holding enemies from the dome, because if an enemy sees you in the dome recharging your shield, you can bet that they're going to get inside the dome in a hurry.


The dome can also be tossed forward to give you and teammates a little more cover on your way to close the gap between the enemies and yourself. There are some situations in which the area between you and enemies is a no-man's-land of barren terrain, and this dome shield will immensely help in giving you and your team a fighting chance at getting up close and personal with the enemy squad.


Gibraltar's ultimate ability shares quite a bit in common with Bangalore's; the difference being his constantly bombards the same spot with damage over time, though it's a much smaller area than Bangalore's can cover.

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Most of the time, Gibraltar's ultimate ability isn't going to hit any enemy (unless they've been downed, in which case the ultimate is a great way to finish them off), but it does do a great job in pushing enemies out of their cover.


His ultimate can also have the inverse effect; if you'd rather push enemies inside a building either into your waiting arms or to gain yourself a moment to recover, the ultimate can accomplish that, too. In an urban environment when there are rooftops involved, enemies are likely going to seek their cover, and a good Gibraltar can push enemies right where he wants them with a well-placed bombardment.


Gibraltar can truly be effective as any range; all that matters is that he has the opportunity to put his Gun Shield up in order to give himself the advantage in the fight. This is easier to accomplish in a mid-to-long-range fight, as you'll be aiming down sights (ADS) much more often in those. But, as long as you can hit your shots while ADS'd in close-range, he can be perfectly usable in any scenario.


No matter what range Gibraltar is fighting in, the most important thing is for him to stay the center of attention. He has the Gun Shield and dome to soak up as much damage and ordnance from the enemies as possible, and while they're all focused on him, teammates should be doing their best to hit the enemies where it'll hurt most.

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Cycle between your Gun Shield and your dome, and don't take unnecessary risks with Gibraltar, and your teammates are going to adore you for it.


There are a few interesting team compositions involving Gibraltar, and the most classic lineup brings a Lifeline and a Bangalore along with him. This is a super well-rounded lineup capable of excelling in any scenario. In urban environments, Bangalore can easily limit the visibility of enemies while Lifeline is going to have an easy time healing teammates. In those more open areas, Gibraltar can plop down his dome while Lifeline places her D.O.C. drone inside of it, making for a nice little healing station anywhere on the map.


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Another really cool team to bring Gibraltar in is with a Wattson and a Revenant alongside. Gibraltar can drop down his dome shield, Wattson can line the inside of the dome with her electric fence, and Revenant can place his totem right in the middle. If anybody on your team dies, they'll revive right in the middle of a great defense, likely either giving them the chance to heal up and get back out there, or at least a fighting chance against an enemy that decides to rush through all of that utility.


apex legends facts gibraltar 5

Lastly, Gibraltar can be a part of a team that can lock down huge swaths of the map and easily dictate the terms of the engagement. Both Gibraltar and Bangalore have ultimate abilities that can drive enemies exactly where you want them, and Caustic can accomplish the same thing with his Gas Canisters and his own ultimate ability. Push enemies right where you want them, and that will likely ensure that they aren't comfortable in any engagement you put them in.

NEXT: 10 Little-Known Facts About The Protector, Gibraltar