It is common for players to make game suggestions for developers to consider, especially for first-person shooters such as Apex Legends. However, in this case, players are chiming in with suggestions for Gibraltar and Lifeline, believing that one legend has an ability that would better suit the other.Apex Legends players are implying that favored character and Defense Legend Gibraltar’s fast revival ability would better suit popular Legend Lifeline, the combat medic. This ability swap idea was mentioned by pro player Jamison "PVPX" Moore of Cloud9, in which he realized that he wasn’t the only fan of the game thinking the same thing.RELATED: Apex Legends Players Call for Classic Hop-Ups to ReturnConsidering players have pondered the ability swap before, it was PVPX who highlighted the fact that Gibraltar is able to quickly pick teammates back up, but Lifeline is not despite being a healing support character. PVPX made a Twitter post basically asking why Gibraltar has a fast revive ability and Lifeline does not, and it did not take long for fans to agree, filling the post with numerous comments. Fans have stated that Lifeline’s combat revive ability is useless and that Lifeline’s character needs to be reworked. However, according to some Apex Legends players, considering that Lifeline can already revive two teammates at once, giving her a faster revive ability would increase how overpowered she is.

Fans are constantly making suggestions for Apex Legends, to which the developers at Respawn Entertainment are often paying attention and attempting to work them into the game. “Gibraltar uses a tactical with a cooldown, and Lifeline uses a passive with no cooldown. Having back-to-back fast revives is too strong,” one stated on Twitter. “If she did have fast revive, everyone would cry about it,” noted another player. Lifeline has already been on the radar of reworkings since her overpowered abilities back in Season 9. Now it seems more ideas for Lifeline’s improvement are being added to the current list, such as giving her a fast manual revive with a shield and 25% more rapid healing.

Respawn has made revisions to Apex Legends throughout the game’s lifespan, such as reworking Ranked Arenas in the game’s current 12th season and possibly bringing back Control, as fans have called for the game mode to become permanent with some changes. Over the last few years, players have thrown out numerous ideas for modifications, and Respawn has received plenty of feedback even if it cannot completely change everything. It’s good to know that Respawn is working to keep Apex Legends updated.

Although players’ suggestions may or may not make sense for Lifeline’s character, the future for the medic is up to Respawn to consider. The developers may hopefully look at the Lifeline and Gibraltar’s ability swap as they work to improve Apex Legends moving forward.

Apex Legends is available now for PC, PS4, Switch, and Xbox One.

MORE: When is Apex Legends Season 12 Ranked Split

Source: Dexerto