Players are very rarely, if at all, quiet when providing feedback on the games they play. In Apex Legends' case, there have been many instances of its fans sharing their own critiques regarding certain aspects of the game. Several complained about its skill-based matchmaking system not too long ago, namely that they didn't think it was working properly. However, in this instance, a member of Respawn's staff is actively seeking feedback from players concerning Evo Shields.

Evo Shields have been a part of Apex Legends since Season 4, where they very quickly became a permanent fixture. The way they work is that they provide additional armor, obviously, but can be upgraded and made stronger the more damage a player deals, meaning players are actively encouraged to get into the thick of it if they want the improvements. They're an otherwise popular addition, and it sounds like Respawn could be considering making some changes to them.

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John Larson, an associate live balance designer at Respawn, took to Twitter to ask the player base for their thoughts on Evo Shields, especially in the wake of the new starter kits added in Season 9. Now, at the start of matches, players have a level one Evo Shield right from the start. Some specific things he asks opinions for are the amount of damage needed for each level and whether or not there are too many red shields by the end-game.

Unsurprisingly, he has received plenty of responses. But, judging from a glance at some of them, many people seem to enjoy Evo Shields as they are and think they don't require much more balancing. That's not to say there are no requests for changes. One fan asks that red shields (the highest level of shield in the game) be removed from competitive play, while others wish that they didn't have to hold down a button to switch to gold shield. Several other replies aren't even related to Larson's original Tweet and are instead requests for changes to other aspects of the game.

It's too early to say whether Respawn will actually make changes to the Evo Shields. And if it does, it may not implement them until way later down the line, especially since some changes and fixes are arguably more urgent. For example, earlier this week, players discovered an exploit with Wraith in the Arenas mode that lets them escape the starting area before matches begin.

Apex Legends is available on Nintendo Switch, PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.

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