Apex Legends Season 9 is right around the corner, and ahead of that launch, Respawn Entertainment has shown off everything from the new Arena mode and new character Valkyrie to the little buffs and nerfs coming to the season. A meta shake-up is no surprise, but there is one major change that shocked many.

Respawn Entertainment has confirmed that the Mozambique is getting buffed from 4 shots to 6. Prior to holding 4 shots, the Mozambique used to have three. While not necessarily game-changing, it is a significant buff to one of Apex Legends' weakest weapons; in the right hands, this could deal some real damage. However, as a sort of counter balance to this, Respawn is removing the Hammerpoint Rounds hop-up, which, when attached to the P-2020 and Mozambique, multiplied damaged to unshielded targets.

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It's not uncommon to see someone using a Hammerpoint Mozambique as a secondary, as it's a quick swap-to in order to finish off opponents mid fire-fight. The increased damaged and "spray and pray" nature of the gun makes it ideal for this scenario, understandably upsetting those who enjoyed the Hammerpoint Rounds. One Apex Legends dev has explained the reason for this removal, and it's as simple as it sounds: it was removed "mostly" due to the buff.

As explained, the Hammerpoint Rounds are so popular because it's a strong pop-up that can make an okay gun much better. Without the big weakness/only 4 rounds to highlight that strength, it becomes a "pretty lame hopup." The two extra shots may not be that big of change in Apex Legends, but it seems to be enough to warrant the removal of the hop-up.

Respawn, in the meantime, is re-evaluating the hop-up, so it's possible the Hammerpoint Rounds return at some point in the future. Most have, with the sole exception of Apex Legends' Disruptor Rounds.

Apex Legends is available now for PC, PS4, Switch, and Xbox One.

MORE: Everything You Need to Know Ahead of Apex Legends' Season 9 Launch

Source: Reddit (via Charlie Intel)