Surveillance is key in battle royale games like Apex Legends, and any ability that gives players information about the map can be the deciding point in any match. This specialty in information gathering is what makes Crypto quite an attractive character, especially when he’s capable of scouting areas ahead of his allies.

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Now that a major overhaul will happen to Apex Legends characters in February 2023’s Season 16: Revelry, fans and newcomers to Crypto might be interested in how these changes can affect his toolkit. This is especially the case for Crypto’s data-dependent skillset that may force players to go slow and steady - something that can turn deadly pretty fast if players aren’t attentive to how their environments move. However, one thing remains with this hacker’s playstyle: information is key, and players who fail to stay ahead of the game can cost them their characters’ lives.

Crypto: Hacker Extraordinaire

Crypto grabbing his Drone

The man known as Crypto became infamous in the Apex Games for being one of the best hackers in town, capable of revealing almost anyone on the map given enough time. Behind the scenes, however, Crypto was once known as Tae Joon Park, a computer engineer under the Mercenary Syndicate who once managed the Apex Games.

Alongside his partner, Mila Alexander, the both of them had an ordinary life managing the programming of the Apex Games. However, their discovery of a prediction algorithm inside the Games’ systems would result in Mila disappearing and her death being pinned on him. Now on the run, Crypto joins the Apex Games in order to discover who framed him, hoping to use the spotlight for his protection and the secrets he unraveled to his advantage.

Why Use Crypto: Knowledge Is Power

Crypto leading his team

​​​​​​​Of all Legends in the game, Crypto’s approach to Apex Legends gameplay sticks true to the adage that “knowledge is power,” especially with the presence of his Surveillance Drone (Tactical). Players using Crypto are expected to continuously deploy their Drone to scout various locations, giving solo Apex Legends gamers the opportunity to ping relevant elements and even spot enemies to prepare for engagements. Those interested in using Crypto may want to consider these things when playing him:

  • Slow but steady is a challenge: Crypto’s toolkit immediately imposes a skill ceiling on players, especially since his skills work with a slow and steady flow versus the game’s fast-paced gameplay. Players who appreciate moving slowly in favor of security would want to give Crypto a shot, especially if they prefer a challenge.
  • Eye for information: As a Recon Legend reliant on scouting, Crypto players should pay extra attention to elements in their surroundings. Given how the Drone can ping important information that it sees on its camera, Crypto players need to be sharp in marking relevant areas and elements for the team to use in their encounters.
  • Balance speed and recon: Compared to other Legends, Crypto players won’t always get to use their Drone especially if they find themselves in periodic firefights. This means players who plan on using Crypto need to be able to make quick judgments on what to do when in various encounters. Crypto players can either bring out their weapons to try and eliminate their foes quickly or use that same time to find a better vantage point to scout what everyone’s doing in the hot zone.

The Basics Of Crypto: Surveillance Supremacy

Crypto about to activate his Drone

Crypto is one of the few Apex Legends characters who is constantly accompanied by a Drone. However, unlike more fast-paced counterparts such as Lifeline and Horizon, Crypto’s usage of his Drone is the hallmark of his rather extremely careful - and sometimes slow - gameplay. This makes it ideal for him to use an Apex Legends Assault Rifle or a quick-firing weapon to help him with sudden engagements. However, players who get to master Crypto get access to one of the most potent surveillance Legends out there, thanks to these abilities:

  • Neurolink (Passive): Whenever Crypto releases his Drone for surveillance, everything the Drone marks for up to 30 meters is also detected by his teammates.
  • Surveillance Drone (Tactical): The piece de resistance of Crypto’s kit, he can launch his Drone to explore up to a certain distance. Aside from being able to mark enemies and other useful items, the Drone can use Survey Beacons and Respawn Beacons remotely.
  • Drone EMP (Ultimate): Perhaps Crypto’s most devastating offering, Crypto can load and launch an EMP blast from his drone. Not only does this slow down players and destroy traps, but this also deals 50 Shield damage.
Crypto controlling his Drone

​​​​​​​Similar to other gadget-reliant Legends in Apex Legends, Crypto’s Neurolink (Passive) represents his immediate connection to his Drone. Thanks to Neurolink, Crypto is able to send his teammates the same information his Decoy sees. In the right moments, spotting an enemy close enough allows Crypto with Apex Legends SMGs to rush in for the kill.

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  • Properties: Everything the Drone sees up to a 30-meter distance is communicated to allies. This means everyone in that radius can spot what the Drone sees: doors, Packages, and especially enemies.
  • The Drone isn’t an all-seeing eye: Unfortunately, the Drone as a machine does mean there are exceptions to its detection rules. For instance, it can’t detect Mirage when cloaked or as a decoy, and can’t detect enemies within the Dome of Protection (Gibraltar). Likewise, it can’t see enemies within Caustic’s gas and Bangalore’s smokescreen.
  • The Drone sees what Crypto can’t: Players having a hard time spotting enemies manually can simply fly the Drone to areas where they think enemies exist. The Drone immediately marks opponents it sees even when Crypto can’t spot them.

Tactical: Surveillance Drone

Crypto - Surveillance Drone

Perhaps the most vital part of Crypto’s toolkit as a character in Apex Legends, the Surveillance Drone (Tactical) is his trusted partner in gathering information. When activated, Crypto can deploy his Drone and trigger a scanning mode, allowing him to remotely control this robot to scout areas. When he detects enemies, Crypto with Apex Legends LMGs can rush to the said area and catch enemies off-guard.

  • Properties: This Drone has 50 Health that recovers when recalled, which happens after a 2-second loading time. If the Drone is destroyed, it needs 40 seconds to fully respawn. The Drone can interact with Survey Beacons, Banner cards, and Respawn Beacons.
  • Take note of interaction distance: When deployed, the Drone can be flown up to 200 meters away from Crypto and is automatically recalled upon reaching 240 meters. It can ping items within 12 meters of its location, while it can also ping opponents up to 125 meters. The Drone also makes special noises when it reaches certain distances.
  • Be mindful of safety during scouting: When deployed, Crypto is completely left undefended during the process. This means players need to be mindful of how long they want their Drone out and when they should be moving as Crypto. It’s ideal to leave the Drone unattended along the 100 to 150-meter point range, ensuring it’s capable of detecting Crypto’s immediate environment after he moves closer to the Drone’s location.

Ultimate: Drone EMP

Crypto - Drone EMP

One of the most important abilities that Crypto’s Drone possesses is the Drone EMP (Ultimate), perhaps one of the most damaging abilities available in the battle royale game. Similar to Silence (Revenant), Drone EMP is capable of sabotaging enemy electronics, rendering them unable to use their gadgets. In emergencies, even Crypto with Apex Legends Pistols can rely on Drone EMP to distract opponents for quick finishers.

  • Properties: This ability needs a 3-second activation queue before affecting all players within a 30-meter radius. The ability affects Crypto himself, as well as going through obstacles. All Legends caught in the blast are slowed and have their mini-maps disabled for two (2) seconds, suffer 50 Shield damage, and have most of their gadgets destroyed. This has a 3-minute cooldown.
  • Take note of special item interactions: The EMP blast also deals damage to certain items, such as Launch Pads (100 Damage), Mobile Shields (100 damage), and Nox Gas Traps (50 Damage). It also disables Skyward Dive (Valkyrie) if it damages Valk’s Shields, stops Tridents for five (5) seconds, and renders Mobile Minigun “Shiela” (Rampart) in the placed mode for 17 seconds.
  • Activate without controlling the Drone: One of the best properties of Drone EMP is that players can activate it even without controlling the Drone. This means players can simply get out of Drone mode as soon as it detects enemies, activate Drone EMP, and then finish off opponents as soon as they reach the destination seconds later.

Crypto Gameplay: Never The Frontliner

Crypto fighting against tagged enemies

There’s a reason why Crypto suffers from having a low play rate in Apex Legends gameplay, and that’s due to the specialized nature of his kit. As a surveillance specialist, Crypto relies more on getting actionable information instead of acting on his data on the go, with his Apex Legends teammates often doing the follow-through for him. In that regard, Crypto needs teammates who can react quickly to his information, whereas Crypto himself needs to be able to adapt to any situation due to his slow toolkit. Here are some things Crypto players need to consider for his playstyle:

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  • Secure mobility for follow-throughs: Given how slow Crypto’s main movements could become throughout the match, it’s important for his teammates to be able to act upon his information quickly. Fast-moving Legends such as Wraith, Ash, and even Pathfinder are ideal partners for Crypto as their quick movement allows teams to almost immediately deal with threats that Crypto spots.
  • Tight-knit groups share information more efficiently: Considering how Neurolink (Passive) allows entire teams to see what the Drone is seeing for up to a 30-meter distance, Crypto teams also have the option of keeping themselves close to ensure all information is shared instantaneously. Players who learn how to optimize the deployment and positioning of their Drones can move from area to area quickly while knowing in advance whether threats and other areas of interest are present.
  • Higher is better for enemy scans: Due to his recon-dependent playstyle, players of Crypto should anticipate having to use his Surveillance Drone (Tactical) throughout the majority of the match. Instead of pressuring themselves to rush into areas, Crypto mains should be using the Drone to look at their immediate target areas for exploration, particularly from a higher aerial view. Doing this allows them to observe other teams who are also exploring the premises.
  • Destroy enemy defenses with EMP: While Drone EMP (Ultimate) essentially allows Crypto to initiate combat almost anywhere and get the upper hand with intense Shield damage, it’s more practical for players to use this Ultimate precisely against opponents who set up defenses. Being able to destroy gadgets such as Gas Traps (Caustic), Fences (Wattson), and Walls (Newcastle) ensures enemies in those locations have nothing to rely on for protection as Crypto’s team makes their move.

Recon Class: Ultimate Surveillance

Crypto is the last member of the team to run

Players might find it difficult to make Crypto a fast-paced Legend due to his surveillance-reliant toolkit, which can make matches in Season 16: Revelry a bit tougher due to how more lightning-quick sessions are tailored to become. However, Crypto mains can make their Apex Legends gameplay much easier now that Crypto’s classification in the Recon Class gave a few tweaks with what they can do:

  • Access to Modified Survey Beacons: Similar to other Recon Legends since launch, Crypto still has access to Survey Beacons. This time around, Survey Beacons have become Modified Survey Beacons with a more specific function: reveal all enemies on the Map and Mini-Map for 30 seconds. This can become a game-changer for teams with Crypto, as his surveillance-based toolkit becomes equipped for aggressive plays. However, when Crypto activates this Beacon, enemies within the Beacon’s pulse range are alerted to its usage.

Loadout Recommendations

Crypto aiming at an opponent

Considering how Crypto is built to stay in the rear, it’s essential for the character to have weapons that can help him switch between surveillance and combat in order to assist his teammates. In the context of Apex Legends firefights, this means Crypto needs weapons that can he can either quickly carry to the frontlines or allow him to help from the rear. Here are some ideal weapons:

  • R-301 Carbine (Assault Rifle): Since Crypto is left vulnerable when using his surveillance abilities, it’s important for him to be with the most practical weapons to ensure versatility in surprise situations. The R-301 Carbine fits this configuration, especially with its excellent handling and auto-fire nature. Regardless if he’s caught off-guard or able to pull off his recon properly, Crypto is able to get in and out of combat more efficiently.
  • M600 Spitfire (LMG): Perhaps one of the most popular LMGs in the game, the Spitfire is an ever-reliable option for Crypto mains who want to dish out as much damage as possible in short encounters. When Crypto manages to detect an enemy party, the Spitfire offers light recoil for decent handling, allowing Crypto to arrive in the thick of combat or provide supporting fire from mid-range.
  • G7 Scout (Marksman): Compared to the extreme range of Snipers, Marksman weapons such as G7 allow Crypto mains to capitalize on mid-to-long-ranged combat despite his toolkit usage. The single-shot nature of the G7 Scout allows Crypto to make pinpoint shots from afar after detecting his foes, or even equip certain optics to make it into a makeshift shotgun.

Apex Legends is currently playable on the PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, and the Nintendo Switch.

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