The weapons in Apex Legends are constantly changing with differences in damage, recoil, or other factors. Gamers will have different standards for what weapons they consider the best as some will focus on TTK while others will prioritize other factors, such as recoil. Weapons with fast TTK allow the player to dish out damage at an insanely fast rate, but many of these weapons are difficult to use consistently. Weapons will perform better depending on what legends players use.

15 Great Team Compositions In Apex Legends

There are near-infinite team combinations possible in Apex legends, but each combination has its pros and cons. Choose wisely.

Defensive legends benefit from SMGs or shotguns, while offensive legends benefit from an AR and SMG. Pairing preferred weapons with a matching class will allow players to create more scenarios for their guns to shine.

Updated on May 16, 2024, by Aly Azmy: Apex Legends is constantly tweaking weapons with small nerfs or buffs. This list has been updated to match season 21's newest values. With the new season, weapons have been taken out of the Care Package and have had their entries updated. The Wingman has been reverted to its older values. Many weapons have taken a hit due to the removal of the Skullpiercer and no weapon has suffered more than the 30-30 Repeater. The order of entries has been adjusted to accommodate the recent tweaks in Apex Legends.

15 Alternator

Weapon Highlights: Excellent Hipfire Accuracy & Easy Recoil

Alternator Inspect Animation apex legends



DPS (With Disruptor Rounds)




The Alternator has seen a large buff by reintroducing Disruptor Rounds to the weapon. The Alternator struggled a bit when it comes to raw DPS, but the additional damage from disruptor rounds will give players an excellent SMG capable of destroying shields and dishing out large damage. Many gamers love the Alternator for its simple recoil pattern and high hip-fire accuracy.

The gun is easier to control when compared to other SMGs and can be used in medium-ranged fights, unlike other SMGs.

14 30-30 Repeater

Weapon Highlights: High Headshot Damage & Fast Fire Rate

3030 Repeater Inspect Animation apex legends

Headshot Damage

White Helmet

Blue Helmet

Purple & Gold Helmet









Skullpiercer & Uncharged




Skullpiercer & Charged




After having its Skullpiercer hop-up removed and a reduction to magazine capacity, the 30-30 repeater has taken a hit to its status. Despite the lack of a Skullpiercer, the 30-30 repeater is still a powerful weapon for mid-range fights and is an excellent choice as an alternative to a sniper.

Apex Legends: How to Use the New 30-30 Repeater

The newest weapon to be added to Apex Legends, the 30-30 Repeater, is a powerful medium-to-long range rifle that requires a steady trigger finger.

The removal of the hop-up intends to give other snipers the advantage of higher headshot multipliers to encourage different playstyles. Despite its nerf, the 30-30 remains a powerful weapon that dishes out tons of damage.

The above values still show the Skullpiercer hop-up values to show the extent of the nerf.

13 L-Star EMG

Weapon Highlights: Potential For No Reloading & Great Recoil With Attachments

Lstar weapon view select black and white





While favored by few, the L-Star is often slept on due to its odd recoil pattern that takes some getting used to. The lack of a clear magazine size is challenging for gamers but rewarding once players get the hang of it. Extended mags prolong the duration of firing an L-Star without overheating.

The recent removal of its barrel attachment has made the weapon more difficult to control and causes it to stand out during longer-range fights. Generally, players will hold onto an L-Star to store their attachments until they find one of their preferred energy weapons.

12 Longbow DMR

Weapon Highlights: Projectile Size & Magazine Capacity

longbow sniper rifle weapon inspect skin

Headshot Damage

White Helmet

Blue Helmet

Purple & Gold Helmet









Having one player in the team use a sniper can pay off, especially if they're using a Longbow. The Longbow received a buff in season 19 that increased its projectile size, making landing shots easier. With high base damage and good fire speed, players can easily dish out lots of damage on enemies caught out of cover.

The Longbow has a large magazine capacity, especially with a purple mag, giving players a total of 12 shots. Landing frequent headshots with a Skullpiercer will make the Longbow the best sniper in Apex Legends.

11 Spitfire

Weapon Highlights: Massive Magazine Capacity And Manageable Recoil

Spitfire Model View skin





Due to its poor hip-fire accuracy, recoil, and DPS, the Spitfire was a weapon that was disregarded for a long time. The Spitfire was given a significant buff in Season 18 and received better ADS recoil, improved hip-fire spread, and the ability to equip a Barrel Stabilizer.

The Spitfire has a magazine capacity of 50 bullets with a purple extended mag. With the reduced recoil, the Spitfire is now a solid weapon at medium ranges. With 50 bullets, players can miss a few shots and still knock out an enemy who probably might need to reload their weapon.

10 R-99

Weapon Highlights: High DPS & Fast Reloads

R-99 Inspect Animation apex legends





In season 18 the R99 was nerfed by having increased recoil and reduced ammo capacity. These changes have caused the Car SMG to outshine the R99 as they now have similar ammo capacity when using extended mags. The R99 still functions as a great secondary in weapon combinations but will require an extended mag to perform well.

The weapon still has the highest DPS among SMGs but its nerf has caused players to experiment with alternatives such as the CAR.

9 Havoc

Weapon Highlights: High Damage & Large Magazine Capacity

Havoc Inspect Animation apex legends





The Havoc rifle was the first post-launch gun added by Apex Legends. The energy rifle was dominant in its introduction and even included a powerful hit-scan mode that outperforms the modern charge rifle. At the moment, the Havoc is capable of high DPS and has a whopping 36 bullet count, giving players lots of room for error.

Apex Legends: 10 Tips & Tricks On Using Assault Rifles

Assault rifles are extremely effective in FPS games, but to use them to their full potential in Apex Legends, here's everything you should know.

The recoil is easy to control and allows players to dish out large damage easily from a distance. Once equipped with a Turbocharger, the Havoc is considered to be the best AR in the game. In Season 19, the Turbocharger had its minus 1 damage debuff removed.

8 Flatline

Weapon Highlights: High Damage & Good Hipfire Accuracy

Flatline Inspect Animation apex legends





Many consider the Flatline to be the AK-47 of Apex Legends, even the developers intended it as the gun's full name is VK-47 Flatline. With great bullet damage but strong recoil, players either love the Flatline or avoid it.

Players who routinely use the Flatline have grown a feel for the weapon’s recoil pattern and are capable of downing players at medium ranges. The hip-fire on the Flatline is also good, allowing it to be an option for close-ranged encounters in a last-ditch effort.

7 Volt

Weapon Highlights: Good For Close & Medium Range

Volt Inspect Animation apex legends





Originally appearing in Titanfall 2, the Volt was a Fan-Favorite SMG added in season 5. The Volt is the only energy SMG in the game, but it is a powerful weapon. The Volt offers excellent close-range capabilities and has decent recoil for medium range. The slower rate of fire allows players to have an easier time managing the recoil for medium-ranged fights.

Apex Legends: How to Use the New 30-30 Repeater

The newest weapon to be added to Apex Legends, the 30-30 Repeater, is a powerful medium-to-long range rifle that requires a steady trigger finger.

Carrying a purple laser sight will vastly improve hip-fire accuracy and allow players to depend on the Volt for hip-fire.

6 Wingman

Weapon Highlights: High Headshot Damage & Fast ADS Move Speed

Wingman Inspect Animation apex legends





The Wingman is the most difficult weapon to operate and the one that causes players to miss shots when it matters most. Its strongest selling point is the fast strafing speed when in ADS, followed by its punishing headshot damage. Despite numerous nerfs, the Wingman remains a favorite of many players.

Even without attachments, the Wingman does a great job at covering close range to medium range. Players will certainly notice the lack of punch the Wingman has after its removal from the Care Package, alongside the removal of the beloved Skullpiercer.

5 Kraber

Weapon Highlights: High Damage & Early Game One Hit Kill Potential

kraber sniper rifle rare gold colors weapon inspect

Helmet Level

Headshot Damage

1 (White)


2 (Blue)


3/4 (Purple & Gold)


The once-powerful Kraber is still an effective weapon when used under the right circumstances. After players called for a Kraber nerf, the weapon lost its one-hit kill potential and lost its edge in competitive play.

The weapon will no longer one-shot players with purple helmets and purple shields. The Kraber is still effective during the early game but is a rare find. The weapon is excellent during late-game third-party engagements as many players may not be fully healed allowing players to secure a knockdown from a safe distance.

4 Nemesis

Weapon Highlights: Excellent Recoil & Fast Reload

Nemesis Model view skin

DPS (Default-Max)


RPM (Default-Max)


The Nemesis was introduced to rival the R301 and Flatline and has become the preferred Assault Rifle of many players. The top asset of the Nemesis is its manageable recoil that allows players to decimate others during medium-ranged gunfights.

Once the energy meter of the Nemesis is fully charged, the weapon becomes a killing machine capable of downing players who underestimate it. The Nemesis has a fast reload time and good hip fire that will come in handy during close-ranged fights.

3 Peacekeeper

Weapon Highlights: High Damage

Peacekeeper Inspect Animation apex legends

DPS (Shotgun Bolt Tier)

(With Disruptor Rounds)

0 (No bolt) 73


1 (White Shotgun Bolt) 78


2 (Blue Shotgun Bolt) 83


3/4 (Purple and Gold Shotgun Bolt) 84


In the hands of a skilled player, the Peacekeeper is scary to go up against. Since it received the Disruptor Rounds Hop-up, this remark is more accurate than ever. This change has cemented the Peacekeeper as the best shotgun in Apex Legends.

With an additional increase in damage, the Peacekeeper is a fantastic weapon for close-ranged fights, as long as players can land their shots. Finding a Disruptor with a purple shotgun bolt turns the Peacekeeper into a beast for close-quarter fights.

2 Car SMG

Weapon Highlights: Great Hipfire Accuracy & High DPS

CAR Inspect Animation apex legends





At first, players disliked the CAR due to its awkward recoil and preferred the tried and tested R-99. After some players invested time to learn the gun recoil, the CAR skyrocketed as the preferred SMG in Apex Legends. The gun has excellent fire control and stellar close-range support due to the insanely fast rate of fire.

What cemented the CAR into popularity was its inventory ammo economy through its ability to use heavy and light ammo, and this meant players had a much easier time finding ammo at all stages of the game.

1 Prowler

Weapon Highlights: High DPS & Manageable Recoil

Prowler Weapon Model view apex legends

DPS (Burst)


DPS (Full Auto)


RPM (Burst)


RPM (Full Auto)


The Prowler is the preferred weapon of many players and will be desired more than ever as a gold rotation weapon. Extended mags on a Prowler give the weapon the largest magazine capacity of any SMG in the game. For close-range fights, the Prowler is a lethal weapon and will shred careless enemies who push unprepared.

The Prowler still has potential for some ranged use outside of close quarters, despite being a burst weapon. Once players get used to the burst’s recoil, the Prowler is a killing machine.

Apex Legends

February 4, 2019
Respawn Entertainment
Battle Royale , First-Person Shooter