Apex Legends is a particularly novel battle royale game for two reasons: every legend has their own unique playstyle, and there are three maps that are played in rotations. The roster in Apex Legends is pretty well balanced, all things considered, with no one legend outshining the rest in every situation.

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However, each legend has their own strengths and weaknesses – particularly with regards to environmental factors and maps currently in rotation. World's Edge is a map with plenty of wide-open spaces for fast-paced movement but is also dotted with tall, winding buildings and specialty locations. Legends who can use that verticality and benefit from it shine on this map, as well as legends who can outmaneuver their enemies in tight corridors and buildings.

Updated August 30, 2022 by Erik Petrovich: The best legends for Worlds Edge are numerous, as the map plays well to the strengths of most every character available in Apex Legends. There are close-quarters areas that favor legends like Caustic, long-range areas that favor mobile legends like Valkyrie, and plenty of in-between locations. It's also home to Fragment, the city where half of any given Apex lobby seems to drop and where most games seem to end, so planning to choose legends who can survive this inevitable firefight helps with surviving on World's Edge specifically. Because of its funnel-like nature, the best World's Edge legends are those that can maneuver around the normal routes and take advantage of the huge number of chokepoints, too.

7 Octane

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Octane is one of the best legends for World's Edge as he thrives in areas where his rapid movement and verticality can be taken advantage of. Most of the subzones of World's Edge feature multiple levels of buildings that can be difficult to navigate effectively without a movement-based legend like Octane - like Skyhook and of course Fragment. Octane's jump pad lets teams literally get the jump on others through windows and other high-up entrances, and his tactical ability lets him zip around corners and stay out of fire.

The downside with Octane is that only his ultimate ability helps out his teammates, so getting across World's Edge's massive open spaces is still quite the hassle. If you need a legend whose movement abilities benefit all teammates, try Valkyrie instead.

6 Valkyrie

Valkyrie Apex Legends

Valkyrie is one of the more recent additions to Apex Legends, and she's arguably the most mobile character in the game currently. This is thanks to the fact that she can jetpack regularly, and her ultimate ability essentially turns her into a jump tower for teammates, launching the squad high in the air to zip down into another location.

Valkyrie provides a lot of utility for a squad no matter the map, and the many world obstacles in World's Edge make her one of the best World's Edge legends for her ability to simply fly over hurdles in the team's way. This can be a real life-saver, especially when you're trying to run away from a rapidly closing ring - plus it's a great way to escape Fragment if you and your squad are having bad luck in the fast-paced area.

5 Pathfinder

Pathfinder Apex Legends Ranked Champions Season 8

The positive-vibes-only Pathfinder is arguably the best legend for getting around vertical spaces efficiently. Pathfinder's tactical ability Grapple lets him ascend to areas either unreachable or up several layers of floors faster than any other legend, and his Zipline ultimate can get the whole team up to a better vantage point on this map that's always about the high ground.

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Pathfinder is a Recon-type legend, meaning he can use Survey Beacons to discover the location of the next ring. The other two legends that can use this ability are Bloodhound and Crypto, but Pathfinder is the only one who actually gets a personal benefit from using these beacons. When Pathfinder scans them, his zip line cooldown reduces by 10 seconds. It's not the most overpowered bonus, but it'll help with the vast amount of zip lining you're sure to do on World's Edge.

4 Mirage

Mirage Apex Legends Ranked Champions Season 8

World's Edge is home to multiple urban areas and complex structures. A lot of the game takes place indoors, where a team can easily be cornered or ambushed, and Mirage's tactical and ultimates can help with these situations immensely. His tactical Psyche Out sends out a projection of himself forward, which can be used to check how safe a hallway is or dupe an enemy squad into thinking you've left a room.

Mirage's ultimate ability Life Of The Party creates a swathe of holograms who all copy Mirage's movements. In tight corridors, enemies will have a much harder time figuring out which Mirage is the right one, which can give you the chance to make use of Mirage's passive – Mirage will turn invisible when reviving or respawning teammates. He performs well in open spaces, but it's a lot easier to be stealthy in enclosed areas.

3 Bangalore

Apex Legends Bangalore Artwork

Bangalore is one of the more balanced, "basic" legends in Apex Legends, with abilities that work well in most situations. However, she shines particularly well on World's Edge for her ability to cordon off an area with her ultimate Rolling Thunder and her tactical ability Smoke Launcher which, as the name might suggest, launches smoke at an area. The indoor and outdoor blend lets Bangalore "wall off" buildings with her abilities very effectively, but that's not all she's good for.

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The Smoke Launcher isn't just good for defense, it's a fantastic offensive ability too. The grenade itself deals damage if it hits an enemy, sure, but it's also an extremely effective weapon of deception. For example, smoking an area can make an enemy think that's where you are, then you can take them on totally unaware from a different angle. Bangalore's passive ability is one of the most useful in the game, too, as it increases her speed by 30% if a bullet hits her or barely misses her. Players often forget about this ability, and it can get you out of unwinnable situations.

2 Crypto

The buildings and verticality of World's Edge give Crypto the upper edge over Bloodhound for World's Edge. Among all the legends, Crypto sometimes feels like the most underpowered because he stays in one place while his drone is active which can lead to surprise attacks. However, on World's Edge there are lots of great hiding spots, and his drone becomes far more powerful than Bloodhound's scanner for its far range and ability to see in all directions.

Crypto's drone's ultimate EMP Blast has a relatively small diameter, which means enemy players can easily run out of it if they are on a flat surface. On World's Edge, though, the EMP Blast's height is what matters. It will blast just about the entire height of most buildings in World's Edge, which puts fights in multi-layered buildings in Crypto's favor. His passive ability lets teammates see everything his drone highlights, too, which makes him among the better support heroes for such a dense map.

1 Wraith

Wraith is arguably the only legend in Apex Legends who is slightly better than every other legend in most situations. On World's Edge, her tactical Into The Void and her ultimate Dimensional Rift are particularly useful for both indoor spaces and getting the team to a better vantage point in height-based fights. Her passive Voices From The Void can be useful on World's Edge because of the verticality, too, as the player might not see enemies standing on the top layer of a building until it's too late.

Into the Void is particularly useful for tight spaces because enemies have a hard time being able to tell exactly where Wraith travels to, and it can be used to flank enemies indoors too. Dimensional Rift doesn't make Wraith invisible, but it can help in highrise buildings and tall areas by giving a fast means of escape. If the team is cornered, Wraith can pop a portal, run to a safer location below, then get the rest of the team to escape too. Then, if the enemy happens to find the portal, you'll be waiting for them on the other side with the advantage.

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