The newly added legends upgrades are an amazing addition to Apex Legends and provide meaningful changes to gameplay. The new changes incentivize players to go out of their way to earn EVO points to give their legend an advantage. This change also tweaks how armor works and teams need to upgrade their legend abilities, so they are not at a disadvantage against other teams.

The legend upgrades provide buffs to the legends' base kits by either increasing ability duration, giving them an extra ability charge, reducing cooldowns, or even regenerating HP when it wouldn't be possible otherwise. Some legends have upgrades to help win fights, while others allow players to carry extra ammo per stack.

Apex Legends: 15 Best Weapons Ranked 2024

The weapons in Apex Legends fluctuate in popularity depending on the characters players are using, and these are the best ones in 2024.

Updated on May 29, 2024, by Jordan Marie Tassiello: With the start of Apex Legends' Season 21 bringing a new character and exciting changes to the Broken Moon map, players are flying into battle royale suited up and ready for victory. Since the introduction of Legend Perks, players have had the opportunity to tailor their gameplay to their liking, injecting new layers of complexity and customization into gameplay. Regular reworks and revamps of the perk system ensure the gameplay experience doesn't get stale. Knowing which perks to choose mid-game can mean life or death. From Wattson's double pylon to Mirage's boosted revive, there's a perk for every play style. Here's a ranking of some of the most useful ones to equip players with the knowledge to excel on the battlefield.

7 Sixth Sense

Enemy Radar

Wraith art
  • Passive triggers when nearby squad count increases
  • Great for squad-protection

Having a team ambush another team can spell disaster if they catch one unprepared player and knock them out. Wraith's passive only works well against snipers, and does not extend to her team. Sixth Sense is an upgrade that warns Wraith when the nearby squad count increases.

The alert functions similarly to her passive and will work to keep her team focused on their surroundings to prevent players from getting ambushed. Players can quickly reunite and reposition for advantage if they are aware of the other team.

6 Taste Of Blood

Life Drainer Or Life Saver?

bloodhound with crow
  • Gain 50 HP on knocks while ultimate is active
  • Perfect for end-game close fights and third parties

Bloodhound players can all agree on one thing: they love the thrill of the hunt. What happens when enemies (or prey) fight back? Bloodhound's perk, Taste of Blood, may not be ranked high, but it's a top contender for players to snag a win and feast on their competitors.

If players are looking to sustain fights and play aggressively, Taste of Blood is the perfect perk to pick. While it only regenerates 50 HP and no shield regeneration, this perk encourages Bloodhound players to push enemies and stay in the fight longer. The health boost can give players the edge they need to turn the tables and secure elimination.

Apex Legends: How to Self-Revive

For those intense moments in Apex Legends where revival is key to victory in the battle royale game, here's what players need to self-revive and rejoin the fight.

Having a backup self revive is incredibly useful in the later stages of a match, and can help lead a team to victory. Enemies may target Lifeline players to eliminate a chance of a self revive, but every once in a while, Last Stand will come in handy.

5 Split Circuit

Double Pylon Princess

wattson pylon
  • Place up to two pylons and use ultimate accelerants twice as fast
  • Great for close combat in conjunction with defensive legends

Scared of grenades? Arc stars? Love electricity? Wattson mains already love all of the above, but choosing Split Circuit makes Wattson a stronger teammate and perfect for defensive play. Some players may argue that Split Circuit has some drawbacks, but others find this makes for electrifying mayhem.

4 Eternal Nexus

Bending Reality With A Timeless Ultimate

Apex Legends Alter Season 21
  • Void Nexus no longer times out
  • Good to confuse the competition

Alter came in hot, bending the rules to reality in the Apex games. Her skill set and abilities make her an asset to the team and an enjoyable play for those who enjoy other skirmish characters. After exploring all of Alter's perks, it's easy to say that Eternal Nexus deserves its ranking as one of the top perks in the game.

Eternal Nexus turns Alter's portal into a timed hideout from death for players who place it in the correct timeframe. Before pushing a fight, utilizing Alter's ultimate ability and having this perk equipped makes for an easy win, teleporting players (down or up) away from threats.

3 Miracle Cure

Miracle Cure: Turning Revives Into Wins

Mirage Dancing in Apex Legends
  • Allies are revived with Health regen up to 75 HP
  • Used by Mirage and Newcastle

Support characters are the pillar of the game and in the Apex games, teamwork is paramount. Vulnerable moments after reviving leave players exposed and this is where Miracle Worker shines. Used by Mirage or Newcastle, this perk is essential for strategic plays and offers a helping hand to players.

With the invisibility from Mirage and the fortification from Newcastle, Miracle Worker gives revived and revivers a chance to reposition themselves for the next fight. This crucial health regen comes in clutch in the final moments of a game, potentially protecting players from elimination.

2 Particle Diffuser

Disoriented Enemies Make Way For Victory

caustic apex legends art
  • Increases ultimate area of effect by 50%
  • Great for defense and trapping enemies in smoke

Caustic mains were surprised when his perks got reworked this season, but it's in the player's favor. Caustic thrives on closed corners and tight spaces, gassing his enemies to obliterate them. His ultimate, Nox Gas Grenade, blankets an area in a green cloud, which is perfect for area denial and disorienting the competition. But what if players want to maximize the impact of Caustic's ultimate? That's where Particle Diffuser, a level 2 perk, comes in.

Arguably one of the best perks in the game, Particle Diffuser is a tactical gas master's dream. Trapping enemies in rooms with placed traps at entry points and having Caustic's ultimate ready with Particle Diffuser equipped is a nightmare for enemies to deal with. The increased area of effect can make it more difficult for enemies to push through the gas or navigate around it, giving the team with the most gas an advantage.

1 Last Stand

Redemption, Get A Second Chance At Life

Lifeline healing player
  • Gain a self-revive
  • Perfect for third parties and redemption against enemies

Every player wishes for a second chance. With Lifeline's Last Stand perk, the war is not over. Lifeline has always been a Legend known for her support capabilities. Her care package drops valuable supplies, and her D.O.C. Heal Drone keeps her teammates patched up. But what if Lifeline herself could take a hit? Last Stand changes the meta of the arena, making every second count.

Last Stand grants the player one chance to get back up and show their competitors who it is that truly deserves the victory. In crucial moments, the ability to self-revive can turn the tide of battle. A self-revived Lifeline can revive a teammate or eliminate an enemy before they can secure a knock, the ultimate advantage in the game. It's a perk that injects excitement and risk-reward gameplay into Lifeline's kit.

Apex Legends

February 4, 2019
Respawn Entertainment
Electronic Arts