
  • Legends in Apex Legends have joined the Apex Games for various reasons, including glory, revenge, and to find their calling.
  • Crypto joined the Apex Games to clear his name and uncover the truth behind his sister's disappearance, while Caustic uses the games as an opportunity to test his deadly gases on live subjects.
  • Loba seeks vengeance against Revenant for the murder of her parents and utilizes her thieving skills in the Apex Games, while Gibraltar's guilt over a mudslide accident led him to dedicate his life to protecting others in the games.

The Apex Games is a viscous bloodsport full of guns, explosives, and chaos that fans all enjoy as Apex Legends. The legends that indulge in violence for a living are as interesting as the games themselves. Amid the bloodshed and mayhem, many legends have joined the Apex Games due to their ambitions. Some joined for glory, fun, and some for revenge. Many legends in Apex Legends have tragic upbringings that have led them to become war machines indulging in killing on a daily basis.

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Others have joined the Apex Games to find their calling, reunite with their family, or for a love of violence while a certain legend has joined to have live test subjects and conduct research on their enemies.

5 Crypto

Crypto Posing

Crypto was orphaned at a young age and was later adopted by Caustic's biological mother. Crypto and his foster sister turned their life around by becoming computer engineers for the Mercenary Syndicate. The two siblings found a computer program that was able to predict the results of the Apex Games after unlocking an encrypted file from the Apex Games servers. Their discovery attracted attention from the wrong people and shortly after, Crypto's sister disappeared.

Crypto was framed for her "murder" and had to keep a low profile to evade the authorities. Feeling trapped for options, Crypto decided to join the Apex Games to show his innocence and begin finding out who framed him. After joining the Apex Games, Crypto slowly unraveled a large conspiracy that he is still unable to solve. Crypto's legend has a high skill ceiling but sees little use outside professional play.

4 Caustic

Caustic Apex Legends

Nicknamed Smartypants by his mom, Caustic was a spoiled child, causing his mother to ignore the red flags that were apparent in his behavior. When Caustic was older, he landed his first job at a pesticide manufacturing laboratory as a research assistant. After a while, Caustic grew curious as to how his gas would affect human subjects and began tests in secrecy.

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After getting caught testing on humans by the lead researcher, Caustic murdered him and burned the lab, and faked his death. He then got involved in aiding a prison break and forged a new identity for himself. Caustic then decided to join the Apex Games to freely test his gases on live subjects. Caustic relies on his manufactured gas for both his tactical and ultimate to aid him in winning games.

3 Loba

Loba with her silver wolf head

The best thief in the outlands had a tragic upbringing after witnessing Revenant murder her parents. While her parents were still in the picture, Loba moved from planet to planet with her parents as they made a living as professional thieves. After her parents robbed a specific wealthy person they got a bounty placed on them, causing Revenant to be sent.

Before their death, Loba's father gifted her a small wolf's head made of silver. The silver wolf head currently sits atop her Black Market Staff ultimate. All of Loba's abilities relate to her background as a thief, as her ultimate is capable of stealing loot from locked vaults. Loba signed up for the Apex Games to avenge her parents.

2 Gibraltar

Gibraltar Posing

The gentle giant of the Apex Games was not always this way. During Gibraltar's younger days, he stole his father's motorcycle and went on a joyride with his boyfriend, Nik. After taking a detour they ended up crashing in a mudslide. Gibraltar was unharmed, but his partner had fainted and broken his leg.

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Since Gibraltar's dad was part of a Search and Rescue group, he rushed to the scene. He and Gibraltar were able to rescue Nik, but Gibraltar and his father, Miko slipped into the mudslide. Miko's arm was crushed by a large rock but was rescued by a helicopter. Miko lost his arm in the ordeal.

Gibraltar felt great guilt over this, and it greatly changed him. Gibraltar dedicated his life to protecting others in need. He joined the Search and Rescue Association of Solace and later joined the Apex Games. He felt a calling to protect those in the Apex Games and ensure the survival of his teammates. Miko encouraged the decision to join the Apex Games and gifted Gibraltar his iconic Gun Shield.

1 Wraith

wraith punch

During her time working as a senior science pilot for the ARES Division, Wraith volunteered to be a test subject for a risky project. The project aimed to test phase shift technology but was incredibly risky. After an unfortunate accident in the project, Wraith lost all her memory and was stripped of her rights by her colleague.

Her colleague, Amer Singh, continued to perform tests on her despite Wraith bordering on insanity due to hearing voices in her head. One day a portal opened up, and a Wraith from another dimension gave Wraith the device that allows Wraith to use all her abilities.

After using the portal to escape, Wraith learned that the voices were different versions of herself from alternate realities. Once she left the portal, Wraith found herself in the construction of Kings Canyon for the Apex Games. Wraith joined the Apex Games in hopes of recovering her lost memories.

Apex Legends is available now for Android, iOS, PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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