Apex Legends is full of hidden mechanics that most players do not know. These secret mechanics can be used to give players an edge over their enemies and may even help win fights. Knowing these secret tips may turn the tides of a match and give players a win due to their knowledge.

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These tips will give players new avenues to approach fights, obtain information and improve in the game. Apex Legends is coveted for its high-skill ceiling for an FPS game. Most of these tips are used by skilled players, but new players may not be aware of them because neither the game nor other players discuss them.

6 Aim Punch

Aiming at enemy dummy

Gamers all too well know the feeling of seeing their shots miss their target despite aiming right at them. Aside from recoil, there is another reason for this. Aim punch is a mechanic in Apex Legends that causes a character's aim to flinch under two instances.

The first instance is when players are outside the zone. Each tick of damage causes a player's aim to twitch upward when aiming down sights. The other instance is when a player receives damage to their health when they have no shields.

This mechanic makes fighting outside the zone difficult and will put players at a disadvantage if they are unaware of this. Prioritizing shields over health will protect players from receiving aim punch and missing some of their shots. Players must take measures to prevent aim punch even if when using the best weapons in Apex Legends.

5 Mini-Map Blinking

Minimap inside ring

Rings force players into combat and are common in Battle Royale games. The final rings in Apex Legends are deadly, but so are players. Finding a safe spot can be difficult when players are unsure if a spot is within the next zone. Waiting for the ring to close and finding out that a supposed safe area is outside the ring may result in a player's demise.

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There is a way to check if an area is inside the next ring without waiting for the ring to close. The next white zone on the mini-map will indicate if players are inside it or not. The ring will blink continuously as long as players are outside the ring. Once inside the ring, the indicator of the next zone will stop flashing.

4 Open Doors

Door Open using wingman

Door combat is a hallmark of Apex Legends due to the change of pace often brought by them. Doors will temporarily halt enemy advances and are deadly to be near if unprepared. Throwing grenades inside a building is a great tactic, but a closed door will require an explosive ordinance to destroy.

Certain weapons can open doors just by shooting near the door's handle. Doors can be pushed open by the Wingman, L-Star, 30-30 repeater, Sentinel, Longbow, and Kraber. By having one player use one of these weapons to unlock the door and the other player use a grenade, two players can coordinate an attack on enemies while maintaining a safe distance.

3 Ledge Peeking

Ledge Peeking on ledge

Getting information in Apex Legends is vital during the last few rings as players can know where others are and when the best time to push is. Ledge grabbing allows players to peek over walls and only expose their heads. By only exposing their heads, players drastically reduce their chances of being spotted by enemies and can obtain valuable information regarding enemy players.

To ledge peek, begin climbing a wall but let go of the W key before climbing the ledge. This will lock your character in a ledge grab that allows players to see over the wall by only exposing their heads and not the entire player model. Many professional players use these tips among other pro tips to improve in Apex Legends.

2 Shotgun Patterns

peacekeeper and mastiff patterns

Shotguns are the strongest weapon for close-quarter fights. While they deal incredibly high damage, shotguns are difficult to use and have a chance of dealing lower damage than expected. Getting as many shotgun pellets into the enemy is the key to dishing out the most damage.

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The secret lies in knowing that every shotgun has a special pellet spread pattern. The Eva-8 fires in a circular spread. The Peacekeeper fires pellets in a star pattern and is best fired at the head or chest. Due to its consistent spread, the Peacekeeper is the best shotgun in Apex Legends when mastered.

The Mastiff fires pellets in a straight line and is best fired on enemy shoulders, as it is the widest area of a legend. The Mozambique fires three pellets in a triangular shape and the top pellet lands directly under the top crosshair.

1 Tactical Usage

tactical Cropped

Using legend abilities correctly is the key to improving and getting the most out of a legend. Certain legends can use their tactical while they are healing. Bangalore, Mirage, Mad Maggie, Octane, Catalyst, and Revenant are unique as they are the only legends that can keep healing after using their tactical.

Mirage's tactical can confuse enemies while the real Mirage heals, and Bangalore can shroud herself in smoke while she pops off a battery. Using a tactical while healing is a powerful ability as it can help players finish off their heal and clutch a fight.

Apex Legends is available on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, and Nintendo Switch.

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