Players of Apex Legends have just learned of a previously hidden passive ability for Bangalore that allows her to bust through doors with a single hit, compared to the two strikes it takes for everyone else. Bangalore might not be the most popular character Apex Legends, but this ability will provide a strong new tactical option to those who do play as her.

The roster of playable characters in Apex Legends is vast, giving players 23 Legends to choose from when going into battle. Among these, Bangalore is often ranked as a mid-tier Legend by many players: her kit is well-rounded and offers a wide range of tactical utility, but her iconic Smoke Launcher is of limited use and can be countered by several other Legends.

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Though she may be a niche pick, the Professional Soldier might soon see a boost in popularity after YouTuber Skeptation's discovery of a powerful secret passive ability in her kit. Known as Precrack, this ability makes it so that any doors within range of one of Bangalore's smoke blasts can be broken open in only one hit. Battering down a door normally requires two melee strikes, and after the first hit lands the door becomes visibly cracked, alerting players that it is vulnerable. Not only does Bangalore's smoke reduce the number of hits required to break a door, it also does so without triggering this cracked state, making it possible to trick enemy players who think a door is still secure.

A common tactic in Apex Legends involves players closing a door behind them and blocking it while they perform a quick self-heal. Since doors take two melee strikes to break down, taking cover behind one offers a precious few seconds in which it is safe for players to heal: with Precrack, players can remove that safety and hard-counter this widely used strategy. Bangalore's Smoke Launcher can weaken any door while leaving enemies none the wiser: important to note, however, is that Precrack will only work when used on doors more than 15 meters away from Bangalore at the time they fire the Smoke Launcher.

Overall, the discovery of the Precrack passive is unlikely to rocket the Professional Soldier into the top tier in Apex Legends, as the ability is still fairly niche and limited in use. But this new mechanic is a must-learn for Bangalore mains, who will now have access to one of the most effective means in the game to counter enemies hiding behind doors to heal. Players going up against this iconic Legend will now need to be cautious when employing this technique, as they could soon find a lot more Soldiers kicking down their barriers.

Apex Legends is available now on Mobile, PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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Source: Dexerto