As of now, it looks as if the supposed "Destiny-killer" has turned out to be anything but. Instead, Anthem is making many of the same development mistakes as its competition. In Destiny's defense, the game at least has a stat page so that players can see what all their equipment adds up to. Despite being a loot-based RPG shooter, Anthem has no stat page in-game. In response to this bizarre design choice, a Reddit user decided to make one of their own.

No one quite understands what BioWare was thinking by excluding the all-important stat page in a game that relies heavily on them, but players are trying to make do while waiting for the company to possibly add one at a later date. One of those players, Reddit user kaze369, threw together a stat page concept design in Photoshop.

Like kaze369 states in their post, it's "nothing fancy really, just basic stuff." The Reddit user says it took about 40 minutes to make the Anthem stat page and acknowledges it isn't as good as it could be if they had "some EA Bioware money and 5+ years." For something made quickly, it works well enough. Honestly, it doesn't matter if it isn't perfect, it could be installed in the game today and it would make many players happy. That's because anything would be preferable to nothing, which the developer is beginning to understand.

kaze369 anthem stat page reddit bioware

The lack of an in-game stat page is just one of the many complaints about BioWare's new loot-based shooter. The developer is also currently under fire for unintentionally increasing loot drop rates and later lowering them back down. For about half a day, players were seeing a lot more masterworks and legendary items dropping, elating players.

This sparked a debate within the Anthem community as to whether the higher rates were good for the game or not. BioWare made a statement saying it was listening, but the community will have to wait to see what the developer ultimately decides.

Upon its debut, Anthem was met with mostly lukewarm reviews. For those curious how it matches up with previous BioWare titles, we have ranked every BioWare game by review score. As expected, Anthem ranks pretty low, nearly missing the lowest reviewed game by one spot. That dishonor went to Mass Effect Galaxy, the forgettable top-down shooter for iOS.

Anthem is available now for PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

Source: Reddit