It won't be too much longer until fans of the forthcoming action-RPG Anthem will be able to get their hands on the game, as it's set to release across multiple platforms in just a little more than a week from now. Before the title goes live, though, it looks as if Neill Blomkamp–that is, the director of the 2009 science fiction movie District 9–is set to celebrate Anthem's launch with a live-action short film based on the new IP.

According to Blomkamp, Anthem fans can get a look at his story "Conviction", with the short film set to become available to watch via Oats Studios' YouTube channel this Thursday, February 14, 2019 at 11:30 AM PT. Per the description of the footage to come, one should expect the short film to be a tale of survival that's set in the world of Anthem, and it will take place decades before the events of the BioWare game.

For those unaware, Blomkamp's short film for Anthem won't be the first instance of the Elysium director putting together a live-action piece inspired by a video game, as he also created the Halo 3 "Landfall" live-action short. It seems as if the filmmaker is so enamored by the medium of gaming that he even had thrown his hat in the ring to direct a Halo movie at one point before the project lost traction and ultimately failed to come to fruition.

Taking everything here into consideration, it will be interesting to see just what Blomkamp has cooked up for Anthem fans, and whether or not it will have a significant impact on how players perceive the game's overall lore and story. With Electronic Arts' marketing budget bankrolling the project, there's a high probability that the project will look wonderful, but there's no telling if it will actually help influence folks to pick up a copy of the action-RPG when it comes out.

Anthem launches on February 22, 2019, for PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.

Source: Neill Blomkamp – Twitter