
  • Beware of snowball fights in Helldivers 2! They can crash the game, so Arrowhead advises against using them.
  • Updates and fixes are constantly being released to address issues like freezing caused by arc powered weapons or new items.
  • Despite technical problems since launch, Helldivers 2 remains popular with players dynamically altering the battlefield.

Arrowhead Game Studios warns Helldivers 2 players to stop throwing snowballs during matches as using the items can cause the game to crash. The co-op shooter continues to be a massively popular title, thanks in large part to the ever evolving galactic war. Through major orders from the game master known as Joel, players are dynamically altering the Helldivers 2 battlefield, pushing back enemy factions or sometimes losing planets as well.

However, with so many moving parts, there have been plenty of times when the world of Helldivers 2 isn't functioning quite as expected. Updates and hotfixes constantly provide changes and balance to certain items or weapons, but there are also times when bugs are able to sneak in tthe game. Just recently, Arrowhead released an update fixing arc powered weapons, which were causing Helldivers 2 to freeze up when used. Unfortunately, it seems like a new item is also having adverse effects on Helldivers 2, causing Arrowhead to issue a statement warning players against using it entirely.

Helldivers 2’s Nonstop Immersion is Where It Shines Brightest

Helldivers 2 benefits from having few menu screens interrupting the experience and the result is an immersive, cooperative jaunt through the galaxy.

In a post over on the Helldivers 2 discord, Arrowhead community lead Katherine Baskin issued a statement to players telling them to avoid having snowball fights in the game. The reasoning wasn't because they're overpowered against the enemy Automaton or Terminid factions, but because they can completely crash player games. While there's no information on the how's or why's of this happening, Arrowhead did confirm that it is aware of the issue and working on a fix to be released sometime in the near future. For now, the best course of action is to completely avoid using snowballs at all.

Helldiver 2 Player Reactions to Snowball Game Crashes

Certain snow planets in the game, such as Heeth, allow players to pick up and make a snowball to throw, which naturally inspired many players to start up makeshift snowball fights between battling the enemies of Helldivers 2's Super Earth. However, it wasn't long before game crashes started happening, with many reports coming from users on the PS5, though it has certainly caused hard crashes for many PC players as well. Many players had a bit of fun at the warning's expense on social media, with some inventing new lore as to why this was happening, while others expressed concerns over just how many features of the game could cause unforeseen technical issues.

Even as Helldivers 2 continues to sell extremely well, the game has had no shortage of technical problems since it originally launched in February. One of the biggest issues at release was the lack of server capacity to support such a massive player base, with the game's continued popularity continuing to cause bottlenecking and server related problems until Arrowhead was able to get things under control. Since then, players have experienced various freezing and crashing issues, most of which have since been addressed through updates from the developer.