One of the first things players should seek to do when starting a game in Anno 1800 is to explore and settle useful new territories, whether in the Old World or any other map beyond. In addition to providing more room for production and population growth, many islands will contain varied deposits of natural resources, as well as different crop fertilities, which will be necessary for the production of different resources and consumable goods for the marketplace. Without access to certain materials and resources, it is likely that many production chains will grind to a halt. While it is possible to navigate this issue through trade, it will require a lot of micromanagement, and it is far better to simply claim an unconquered territory.

AI opponents will also be looking to expand at varying speeds, which will depend on their unique personality and diplomatic tendencies. Falling behind in the early race to secure new lands and seize vital resources can leave players at a huge disadvantage when it comes to the late game. This applies equally to Old World, New World and DLC territories. Failing or delaying the capture of new territories can lead to certain resources being blocked and monopolized by other factions, leading to a form of trade war with these opponents, if not an all-out military conflict. Sometimes there is little other choice than to make enemies, but even hostile territories can be acquired peacefully through the purchase and accumulation of island shares.

Anno 1800: Every DLC, Ranked

Ubisoft's RTS Anno 1800 comes with a ton of DLC, but which of them are actually worth buying? Here's how all of them rank up in terms of content.

Fertility And Island ResourcesAnno 1800 looking at resource deposits

Before claiming an island, it is important to take into account the crop fertility and resource deposits present on the island. Capturing an island which only produces resources the player already has in abundance can prove to be a waste of time, and as cities evolve and technology progresses, there will be new demands on the types of materials and resources required. New production chains and building options will become available as players increase the tiers of their settled populations and the overall Attractiveness of the island.

Best Colony Sims, Ranked

Players who enjoy transforming humble settlements into bustling cities will enjoy these immersive colony sims.

An island's resource deposits and possible crop fertility are displayed in small icons above the map in the bottom-left of the screen. Here, it is possible to compare the available resources on different islands and choose the most appropriate strategic option. It is worth keeping in mind that the location of the island itself is also important, as islands surrounded by pirates or enemy factions may find it difficult to transport resources without the aid of heavily armed fleets to escort them.

It is also worth noting that just because a resource may not be in demand at the start of the game, doesn't necessarily mean that it won't be useful or even essential later on. For this reason, it is good to ensure that occupied territories cover most, if not all, of the available resources. This can usually be done with around 3-4 islands per map, though it depends on the player's chosen difficult and resource abundance settings at the start of each game.

Build A Trading PostAnno 1800 building a trade post

In order to claim a new island, players will need to send a ship with ten Timber and eight Steel Beams loaded in order to construct a Trading Post. Since these resources are relatively basic and accessible, it should be no trouble to obtain them with a Lumberjack's Hut and Steelworks. For players who may not have access to the metal deposits, it is always possible to trade with neutral settlements in order to obtain the beams. Players can claim as many new territories as they like, and it is not necessary to begin construction of a full-fledged settlement immediately.

Anno 1800: Best City Layouts

When looking to build a well-functioning city in Anno 1800, these layouts are a great place to start.

Many players will find that it is often best to keep a balance of some larger settlements with smaller ones facilitating their development and producing additional resources which may not be accessible elsewhere. In order to construct the trade post, players simply need to sail their ship with the requisite materials on board, to a suitable location on the island (most likely a flat beach) and then the blueprint icon will display. With the blueprint of the trading post in the preferred location, players can then simply affirm its construction in the normal way.

Once built, players can then immediately commence the development of that island with houses and production buildings - provided everything is linked to the Trading Post via a network of roads. It will also then become possible to deposit resources from other islands to the new island, which can speed up its development considerably.

War And Buying Shares In Rival Islands

Anno 1800 how to settle new islands War

In the event that a particularly desirable territory is already occupied, there are several ways to go about obtaining it. Unfortunately, both methods will cause the deterioration of political relations with the present ruler, so it is worth noting this before entering into a potential conflict. To declare war, players can either do so formally via the diplomacy screen, or by sending a military ship to attack any established outpost. In the event of launching an attack, it is always better to overestimate the enemy's defenses, as even a basic Trading Post can often stand up to several strong battleships at a time.

Therefore, it is usually best to send large fleets whenever a conquest is afoot, ideally with additional reserves to deal with the enemy's own naval fleet, as well as pirates, who will seize the opportunity to wade into unguarded waters. Once an enemy Trading Post is destroyed, all other buildings will be destroyed with it, rendering the island a neutral, uninhabited territory once again. It is then available for the taking and a Trading Post can be constructed.

Anno 1800: Best Ships For Expeditions

Anno 1800 players will need access to reliable ships if they wish to make the most out of expeditions. Here are the best options available.

For players looking to find peaceful solutions, it is possible to acquire shares in rival islands, though the primary value of this is economic and may not be so helpful when it comes to the production of new resources. Players will also gain Influence from owning shares, which is a currency used to execute political actions, such as the buying of further shares. Depending on the enemy faction and their military strength, this can be a preferable alternative to conflict, but it will not provide players with anywhere near the same amount of benefits that can be gained from occupying an enemy island through force.

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Anno 1800

PC , PS5 , Xbox Series X , Xbox Series S , Microsoft Windows
April 20, 2019
Real-Time Strategy , Simulation