The most notoriously unreliable soldiers in fiction are Stormtroopers. These Star Wars grunts are infamous for their lousy aim. The Empire equips them with high-tech blasters and specialized training, but they can never hit the heroes. In fact, their shots fly in every direction except toward the target. This lousy track record has invited a slew of unfavorable comparisons.

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Several anime characters fall into this trap, demonstrating ludicrously low accuracy. That goes for melee or ranged weapons, as they're equally incompetent with both. Enemies die from laughing instead of any injury, and the audience is right there with them. On the upside, any Stormtroopers watching must feel better about themselves.

6 Akira - Rebuild World

Akira in Rebuild World

Everyone has to start somewhere. Akira gradually grows into a gunplay expert in Rebuild World. To facilitate that growth, the story begins with him as an amateur. Even by that standard, though, his track record is comical.

Akira can't hit the broad side of a barn. The only way he can successfully shoot his target is to fire from a few inches away. Knowing him, however, even that's not a guarantee. He may chalk it up to bad luck, claiming he's used up his life's supply of good fortune, but that's no excuse. After all, there's a big difference between luck and skill.

5 Momo Kawashima - Girls Und Panzer

Momo in Girls Und Panzer

When simulating a war, no one in their right mind would want Momo as a teammate. Unfortunately, the heroines of Girls und Panzer make that mistake. They position her as the gunner of their tank, which turns out to be a poor decision.

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Momo does no damage except to her own team. That's impressive considering the size of a tank's cannon. It's even more so given how large the targets are. That said, Momo still finds a way to miss. She even fails to hit two tanks sitting right next to each other, sending the shell through the tiny gap between them. One would almost think she does it on purpose if the stakes weren't so high. With their school closure on the line, though, she really is that hopeless as a gunner.

4 Major - Hellsing Ultimate

The Major in Hellsing Ultimate

This guy may be a seasoned Nazi, but he didn't make it far in World War II. That's not only due to his pudgy frame but also his inability to hit the target. The Major openly admits that he can't shoot to save his life. That's why he takes a backseat position in commanding his troops. Of course, that doesn't save him for long.

The final episode forces the Major to test his shooting skills. Integra Hellsing and Seras Victoria corner him in his crashed airship. He encourages them to finish the job and empties a whole clip from his pistol to emphasize that. As his last shot takes out Integra's eye, he marvels that he finally hit something. At least he's self-aware.

3 Frieza - Dragon Ball

Frieza's Eye Beams in Dragon Ball Z

This alien is the most feared tyrant in the galaxy, renowned for his immense power and merciless attitude. Dragon Ball sometimes subverts such expectations, but not this time. Frieza definitely backs up his tough reputation in combat. However, he has one crippling weakness.

He can't sense energy. In order to hit his opponent, he must either see them or have a scouter on hand. Otherwise, he's just firing blindly. When he first fights Goku in Dragon Ball Z, they become separated by a cloud of smoke. Frieza then fires his eye beams in a random spread. Goku just sits there, confused as the attacks fly harmlessly around him. Such an obvious flaw is truly embarrassing in the larger context of this series, and it doesn't take the hero long to exploit it.

2 Lalatina Dustiness "Darkness" Ford - Konosuba

Darkness in Konosuba

This crackshot uses a sword instead of a gun, but her aim is just as pitiful. Though trained as a crusader, "Darkness" Ford is laughably bad at combat. Her strength and endurance aren't in question. Rather, the issue is her technique.

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Every time she swings a sword, she misses by a mile. Because of that and her aforementioned strength, her fights tend to be a slew of flurries with no impact. Actually striking true is a fluke. Perhaps that's a good thing given her masochistic tendencies. Someone that wrong in the head shouldn't wield a sword or any other weapon.

1 Kaori - City Hunter

Kaori in City Hunter

In all fairness, this is not the wielder's fault. True, newly-appointed policewoman Kaori lacks experience with guns in City Hunter. Naturally, one assumes that's the cause for her low accuracy. However, in this case, the problem lies with the tool and not the user.

Kaori's partner, Ryo, tampered with her weapon. Unbeknownst to her, he tweaked it to have unreliable sighting. This hampers her ability to land a successful shot. He wanted to prevent her from being tainted by human death. Though that's an admirable sentiment, it endangers Kaori in a volatile situation. She needs to defend herself from the criminal underworld, so a working weapon might come in handy.

MORE: Video Game Characters Who Have Worse Aim Than Stormtroopers