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Completing the main story of Animal Well is a relatively straightforward affair and shouldn't take more than five hours or so. What follows, however, is anything but simple. After the credits are done rolling, players will be left with a plethora of additional mysteries to unravel if they hope to see the game's true ending.

How to Get Every Item in Animal Well

Players won't need to find every item in Animal Well to complete the main story, though doing so can definitely make life a lot easier.

The first thing that they'll need to do is track down any of the tools that they're still missing, as some of these will be required to get past the true final boss. From there, they'll have something of a collectathon on their hands, as finding all of the secret eggs is key to unlocking the true ending of Animal Well.

How to Unlock the True Ending of Animal Well


Once players have found all of the secret eggs in Animal Well, they should make their way back to the egg room. Upon doing so, they'll see the door in the top left-hand corner of the screen slowly open, allowing them to head through it and access the chest on the other side. Inside the chest, they'll find the 65th Egg, which is needed to reach the true ending.


With the 65th Egg now in hand, players should return to the area where they first fought the Manticore and make their way to the far left side of the chamber to the platform directly beneath the blue light. Using the UV Lantern here will reveal a drawing of a Top, and using the Top will open up a secret passageway leading off to the left. Heading into this new area, players will find an egg incubator and will be given a prompt to place the egg when they approach.


Placing the 65th Egg into the egg incubator will lead to it hatching into a new Manticore, which, just like the last one, will chase players around. They can lead it pretty much anywhere they want on the map and have it destroy the blocks with crosses on them by firing laser beams at them. However, players won't have to stray too far from their current position to unlock the true ending of Animal Well.


Players should head one screen right and then make their way to the top right-hand corner of the chamber, where they'll find a small alcove blocked off by four destructible blocks. They should have the Manticore destroy these and then use the Top in the alcove, revealing a Wheel device and a large Manticore block. As quickly as possible, they'll want to use the Wheel device to raise or lower the block. It doesn't matter if they die after doing so, so unless they're going for a deathless run, there's no need to worry about taking damage.


After moving the Manticore block, players should make their way back to the area with the egg incubator and turn their attention to the destructible blocks on the left side of the room. They'll want to have the Manticore destroy these ones too, then use the Remote and the Bouncy Ball to get through the obstacles blocking their path to the organ. Once they're able to reach it, they should play the Animal Flute while standing beside it, which will cause the Manticore to swallow them whole.


Players will then be warped to a new area where they'll be in control of the Manticore. As the second set of credits begins to roll, they'll want to follow the outside of the large land mass around until they reach the very top of it, where they'll be able to disembark the Manticore. It's then a simple case of pushing the four yellow buttons to activate the large black disc, which they can use to return to the area between the clock and the top of the well. Believe it or not, though, there's still more to do, even if the road toward 100% completion technically ends here.

Animal Well
Animal Well

Shared Memory
PS5 , PC , Nintendo Switch
May 9, 2024