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Animal Well is a bite-sized Metroidvania adventure that's easy to get lost in, figuratively and literally. The game offers no names for places, no objective markers for progression, and no clues about where to go next. The extremely blurry map is just the cherry on top.

The biggest challenge Animal Well presents to players is not the puzzles themselves, though they can be quite challenging; no, figuring out where to go next will leave players scratching their heads. Players can find the Bubble Wand in the western corner of the map, in the section of rooms directly left of the main statue room. The next major unlockable item players can unlock is the Disc. Here's how to get it.

Animal Well is a non-linear game. After getting the Firecracker , players can find the Bubble Wand, Disc, Yoyo, and Slink in any order . This covers finding the Disc after getting the Bubble Wand. If you've already found the Disc, travel to the eastern section of the statue room to find the Yoyo (bottom right) and the Slink (top right) to progress further.

Animal Well: How to Beat the Chameleon Boss

Those having trouble figuring out how to beat the Chameleon boss in Animal Well should find this guide pretty helpful.

What to do After Getting Bubble Wand in Animal Well

bubble wand room escape 1

Immediately after opening the Bubble Wand chest, equip it from your inventory. Facing the platform to the right, use the wand to create a bubble. Use the bubble as a makeshift jumping pad to get to the high platform. Note that the bubble created by the wand will float downwards the longer the player stands on it. Make the second jump as soon as possible to cover the largest distance. Use the bubble jump repeatedly to climb higher to the room above.

bubble wand room escape 2

Turn left to find another room that can be crossed by spamming bubble jump.

The lever on the top right of this room can be activated with the Disc.

Use a bubble to headbutt the yellow button on the right side of the room. Two fans will turn, pushing air upward. Create a bubble right on the lower fan and jump on it. Instead of floating downward like normal, the bubble will travel upward. Jump to the second fan and repeat the process to reach the next room.

Use bubble jump to reach the yellow button in the alcove hidden on the left side of the room (shown above). Ride the updraft of the activated fan to reach the top platform. Create another bubble to the right and let it float downward with you. Jump to the right platform when you reach low enough. Repeat the same process on the other side and let the bubble float to the room below. Jump to the right to get to the next room.

Fish Head Pipe Puzzle Solution

fish head pipe puzzle in animal well

After making a fresh save on the telephone, Bubble jump to the platform above it and throw a bubble at the fish head sticking out of the pipe. The fish head will open its mouth and catch the bubble. Jump into it, and you'll be taken to the next puzzle room. The goal is to activate the three yellow buttons spread across this area to get to the chest.

fish head pipe puzzle in animal well first button

The first button is directly above the topmost fish head. Use a bubble jump to reach the second fish head, jump on top of it, and make another jump to the right to get on top of the third fish head. Jump again to activate the button.

fish head pipe puzzle in animal well second button

Use bubble wand on the fish head at the top and jump into it. The pipes will spit you out on glass tiles. Jump left to circle back to the previous room and bubble jump to activate the second button.

fish head pipe puzzle third button in animal well

Jump over the glass tiles to the left to reach the area below. Feed the bubble to either of the fish heads to use them to reach the last area. Jump to the gap in the bottom right to reach the last button.

getting magic egg in animal well

Turn back right to the room and use the fish heads to return to the main room. The locked door is now open. Interact with the chest to get the Magic Egg.

How to Get the Disc

ladder room in animal well

From the save room, return to the main statue room by traveling to the right. Keep going right until you reach the large open room with the telephone.

The Dazzle Egg is in the top left corner of the ladder room (pictured above). Reaching it requires an advanced form of bubble jump: jump on a bubble, aim downward with the bubble wand, and shoot a new bubble to keep climbing higher.

statue room in animal well

Make a save and turn back left. You'll see climbable ladders and platforms going up. Keep going past the egg room to the left until the ladder shows an opening to the left. Go left to find a room with a hollowed-out cat skull holding a disc in its mouth. Ignore the cat's mouth for now and continue going left.

cat ghost room in animal well

Taking the Disc directly from the cat skull will spawn a cat ghost that will follow the player until they die. This monster cannot be killed or hurt.

turning crank in animal well

In the next room, turn the crank on the platform all the way. This will drag the anchor in the middle of the room to the top. Leave the anchor and jump into the gap made by the anchor being lifted. Activate all three yellow buttons to unlock the door. Use the bubble wand to reach the last button. Take the ladder to the left to climb to the next room.

telephone room in animal well

Use the telephone to create a new save. Climb on the platform in the middle and use the moving platform to reach the ledge to the left.

first blue dog room in animal well

In the next room, jump down to where the dog stands and quickly dive into the gap in the lower right corner. Don't let the dog catch you. Go left in the underground section and find yourself in a pitch-black room.

first dark room in animal well

A firecracker can be used to light up this room, but the path is straightforward enough that it's not needed. Keep going left until you drop, then go right until you drop again, and then go left once more to reach the next dark room.

third dark room in animal well

In the second room, just keep going right. There are no hazards to bar the way. In the third room, a blue ghost will appear in the middle of the room. Defeat this monster with a firecracker (optional) and drop down twice to the right and then turn left to find the exit.

fourth dark room in animal well

In the fourth room, you'll find an anchor blocking the exit to the left. Climb on the anchor, then jump twice to the right to reach the crank to lift the anchor. Once lifted, quickly run towards the blue candle to reach the next room.

blue dog room in animal well

In the fifth room, use the right exit leading towards the surface and throw a firecracker through it. The dog guarding the area will be scared and run off. While he's distracted, climb the stairs to the right to reach the ladders.

lever platform room in animal well

Flip the switch once to change the platforms. There will be two floating platforms with a lever. Do not push the lever on the platform on the far left. Jump to the other lever platform and pull the lever to reach the exit on the right.

There is another Egg on the top left. Throw a firecracker in the middle of the room to scare the two squirrels away so that they activate the buttons.

getting mock disc in animal well

Keep going right through the darkness. There are a few fruits scattered on the ground. Use them to replenish lost health. After crossing the dark tunnel, you'll find a golden chest on a glass platform. Interact with it to find the Mock Disc.

brown dog room in animal well

Keep going right, and you'll find a room with a brown dog. Unlike the blue dog, this one can follow you down into the tunnels. Jump over him towards the exit instead of going down.

getting disc in animal well

Activate the button, take the stairs down, and jump left to find the cat room again. This time, interact with the statue, and the player character will replace the Disc with the Mock Disc in the cat's mouth, preventing the cat ghost from spawning.

Animal Well
Animal Well

PS5 , PC , Nintendo Switch
May 9, 2024
Shared Memory
Metroidvania , Puzzle