Throughout the many years of Animal Crossing, players have gotten to meet and help a lot of strange characters who have stumbled upon their town. There has been no character who has shown up more often in mysterious circumstances than Gulliver.

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Washing up on the shores on almost a weekly basis, the seagull sailor has frequently enlisted the help of the player, whether it's trying to remember where he was trying to head off to or asking for help finding parts of his communicator that have been lost in the sand. But there's so much that fans of the series haven't figured out about the lost bird.

10 Where Is Gulliver From?

As well-traveled as Gulliver has presented himself to be, not much is known about his origins. It's worth wondering that, with all the countries he claims to have spent his time in, does he call any of them his home?

Or like a true sailor, is his home the sea? There's also the brief period that Gulliver was an astronaut. Is there a chance that he is not even from this planet, and he has come here to explore every place that he could in order to plan a galactic invasion?

9 What Made Him Want To Be A Sailor?

With the astronaut stuff aside, for now, Gulliver has long been one for the sea. In the original Animal Crossing, he would frequently wash ashore unconscious. Upon awakening, he would tell the player about his many battles with squids and jellyfish.

But despite these crazy stories, one thing he has never divulged on is what made him want to be a sailor in the first place? He loves the sea so much that he returned to it after a few games away from sailor life, so what gave him that love to set sail in the first place?

8 Who Is His Crew?

In Animal Crossing: New Horizons, it seems that Gulliver travels with a group of sailors instead of just himself. Unfortunately for his crew, they constantly have to go out of their way to come rescue him.

How many people are on board with Gulliver, and how is it that none of them can keep track of him long enough so that he doesn't go overboard? Do they harbor any ill feelings for a bird that has time and time again forced them to go off-course to pick him up?

7 Why Does He Keep Going Overboard?

Gulliver's problems with staying on board his ship have been well documented through the years, but in the latest installment of the Animal Crossing franchise, Gulliver has not really talked directly about why he consistently shows up on the player's shoreline.

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Is he still encountering and fighting monsters of the deep? Is he just forgetting where the guard rail is and tipping over it accidentally? Or was he just going for a swim when he got knocked out by a current, leading him to float all the way to civilization?

6 What Does He Dream About?

One of the classic shticks that players deal with when interacting with Gulliver is him talking in his sleep while he lies unconscious on the beach. He has said some interesting lines over the years such as "cinnamon buns are not used as currency" and "ready the pool noodles."

It's worth wondering what kind of experiences he is going through in his mind as he floats in the water after going overboard. Maybe the next time he wakes up, he can write some of these dreams down so he can recount them later.

5 How Does His Communicator Work?

In New Horizons, Gulliver will ask the player to find five communication parts that were lost from his "communicator" (phone) when he was drifting ashore. These parts can be found buried in the sand and, once returned, he will fix his communicator back up so he can reach out to his crew to rescue him.

However, the next day, players can find a sixth, rusted communication part in the recycling bin. So does the phone work even without one of the pieces that got buried? And how is it that parts buried underground in moist sand still work so well?

4 How Does He Get All Of These "Souvenirs?"

Through most games, Gulliver will reward the player with a souvenir he has picked up in his time of traveling. Some may be thinking a postcard or one of those cheap knickknacks that have the year printed on them when thinking "souvenir." No, he sends players the Statue of Liberty and the Leaning Tower of Pisa.

How does one seagull get his hands on these priceless statues? Where does he keep all of them if he is always sailing and also falling into the ocean? One must wonder if he's getting all these expensive items legitly.

3 What Happened To The Astronaut Days?

In Animal Crossing: Wild World and Animal Crossing: City Folk, Gulliver is an astronaut who travels in a U.F.O. that the player can shoot down in order to talk to him. If they helped him collect his spaceship pieces, he'd give them an artifact.

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So what happened that made him decide to go travel the universe instead of travel by sea? Was he sick of being thrown overboard by monsters in the first game? And what happened that made him turn back to being a sailor? That, of course, could be because some humans wanted to shoot his ship down.

2 Does New Leaf Take Place On Earth?

This question may not be directly about Gulliver, but it revolves around his travels to various countries by sea. Sure, in other games, the artifacts he gives may indicate that the events of Animal Crossing take place on Earth.

But the fact that Gulliver is actively traveling by sea to these countries in Animal Crossing: New Leaf that the player helps him figure out is the most concrete evidence that these countries exist in the game as well. So the question is, where is the town the player lives on, and is it in a specific country?

1 What Is Gulliver's Ultimate Goal?

As an explorer, Gulliver has plenty of things to do and places to see. However, what is his ultimate goal? Does he have a specific place in mind that he wants to travel to? Or is he hoping to say that he has been to every place in the world and universe?

And also, how many more times does he have to fall overboard in order for him to come to a realization that there's a chance the sailing life might not be exactly for him? If so, what would be next for the seagull friend?

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