The success of Animal Crossing has shown that numerous fans are dedicated to the franchise. Though there's no telling what the next mainline entry entails, the community will start buzzing with activity once it's revealed. If there's one thing likely for the next Animal Crossing title, it's that Nintendo will try to find ways to make it bigger and more popular than its predecessors. One of the ways it can do so is by copying a particular Minecraft community activity that has gained fame since its inception.

Considering the popularity of Animal Crossing, the franchise and its fans can benefit from adopting an idea that started during MINECON Earth 2017. It involved the community participating in a poll that determined what mob would be added to the game next. This is called the Mob Vote, and it has become a way for Minecraft to provide content while giving its fans a degree of control over what they want. If Animal Crossing were to have something similar, Nintendo would have another way to generate fan interest in the next title while keeping the community happy before its release. However, the company will have to consider how it implements its own 'Mob Vote' carefully.

Animal Crossing Could 'Steal' One Mario Approach To Make Future Spin-Offs More Special

The Animal Crossing franchise has the potential to create unique spin-offs by borrowing one approach that Mario games have been doing for years.

What Animal Crossing Should Take From Minecraft's Mob Vote

The many Minecraft Mob Votes have shown that such an activity is a great way to bring a fanbase together for a conversation. Nintendo could have something similar for its Animal Crossing franchise, but instead of deciding on a future mob entry, fans can vote over the next villager to be introduced in the next game. Should the next mainline entry involve a villager poll, then it should consider borrowing a few things from Mob Vote:

  • Displaying videos that introduce the new villagers, showcasing their looks and personalities
  • Having the poll results be announced during an important event like a Nintendo Direct
  • Giving the fans ample time to vote to ensure that they can make a decision they're satisfied with
  • A website where people can go over the villager candidates and cast their votes

If the next Animal Crossing title decides to take steps similar to Minecraft, copying the Mob Vote is one of the best directions to head towards. Done well, it may lead to other opportunities involving content other than villagers.

How a Villager Vote Could Impact Future Animal Crossing Games and the Franchise’s Community

Although such a community activity can be beneficial for the next game and its fans, it can also lead to a few complications. Much like there are losers in the Mob Vote, there will be villagers who will fail to win during an Animal Crossing community poll. While some fans will be satisfied with who gets chosen, others will inevitably be disappointed. The voting process itself could have issues, such as fans choosing certain villagers for meme-related reasons or the community not liking any of the options presented to them and refusing to pick.

On the other hand, the activity itself can open the door to many opportunities. While the community poll can help the next Animal Crossing take villagers to the next level, it can also improve other content. There can be votes for the future game's wild animals, seasonal items, events, and more. Even if there are candidates who fail to get into the game, Nintendo can announce the possibility of implementing them in the future if they prove to be in high demand. This way, fans whose votes failed to win still have a shot at making it into the future mainline entry, potentially quelling their dissatisfaction and showing that everyone's votes matter.

A villager community poll could be the next Animal Crossing's biggest possible improvement, making it unique even among its predecessors. However, much like Minecraft's Mob Vote, it would run into several complications. Both Nintendo and the franchise's fans will need to coordinate with one another to ensure that such an activity goes smoothly.