
  • More shops being included in the next Animal Crossing game could deepen immersion, offering specialized inventories and more NPCs.
  • However, adding too many shops may overwhelm players and take away from the relaxing gameplay experience. It could also take up too much space in their town.
  • Still, with multiplayer shops rumored as well as a shopping mall feature, the next Animal Crossing may be able to find a healthy middle ground.

The Animal Crossing franchise has gained a reputation for being an incredibly cozy way to pass time. Whether visiting another player's island or interacting with villagers, Animal Crossing has become one of the most popular series in the life simulation genre. As hope for a new entry in the franchise grows, there are many different ways the next Animal Crossing could bring things to the next level, and one such path may be expanding the in-game shops.

There isn't any clear direction confirmed yet for the next Animal Crossing, but some recent leaks have suggested the next chapter is set to be much bigger. Rumors and leaks have hinted at a setting change for Animal Crossing that would be an exciting departure from New Horizons. However, if Animal Crossing chooses to expand upon its world, there are some pros and cons when it comes to applying this evolution to shops.

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Pros and Cons of Animal Crossing Adding More Shops

A recent Animal Crossing leak has claimed that the successor to New Horizons will be focusing more on the game's social aspect by adding multiplayer-focused features. Mini-games, player-owned shops, and an entire island meant for multiplayer interaction are just some of the rumored features listed in the leaks. If these leaks are true, this could signal a major change in how in-game shopping is done in the game. If players are able to control their own storefronts, then the next Animal Crossing could be looking towards increasing the number of shops in general, and not just with multiplayer.

Pros of More Shops in Animal Crossing

  • Deeper immersion
  • More variety

One of the main pros of adding more shops to the game would be an increased amount of immersion. Shops in Animal Crossing are some of the best ways for players to dive deeper into the game's world. Whether it's artwork, clothing, or even furniture, Animal Crossing shops help a player become more involved in their villager's life, and more shops to explore would bring this immersion even further.

Not only would the immersion be brought up a notch, but more variety would be added to what players can purchase. There are a handful of shops in New Horizons, like Timmy and Tommy's and Able Sisters, but the game's successor could take this a step further and make stores more specialized. For example, a store could be specifically for pants or fun hats instead of just being a general clothing store. A shop focused on special food items or high-end furniture could add a fun new layer to Animal Crossing's in-game shopping experience. Harriet's Hair Salon could also make a comeback.

Cons of More Shops in Animal Crossing

  • Island/Town space
  • Could become overwhelming

The biggest concern when adding more shops to Animal Crossing would definitely be island space. Through the years, the franchise has given players the opportunity to build their own unique communities, and adding more shops into the mix could hinder that experience. However, these recent leaks have also suggested that Animal Crossing might be getting a shopping mall, so this could be a smart way to offer more specialized options while still preserving space on a player's island.

Although more shops could enhance immersion, it could also prove to be overwhelming. Animal Crossing is known for its relaxing gameplay, and adding too many shops could possibly be too inconvenient when trying to find certain items. The possibility of losing island space and being overwhelmed by choice is a genuine concern, but there is also the specs of the Switch 2 to take into consideration. The features of the Switch 2 could support a far larger map that solves the island space issue. Whatever the future of Animal Crossing holds, it will likely be an exciting evolution of the long-running franchise.