In the past few months, no video game character has been as loved and hated as Tom Nook from Nintendo's Animal Crossing: New Horizons. This brown raccoon character that inhabits every player's island along with his nephews Timmy and Tommy, is the reason why players have to pay excessive house loans.

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Although many players are understandably frustrated with Tom Nook's shenanigans, it might be that deep down, he's just a humble businessman wanting to create a cool island community. He has a life, too, underneath his business, and with that life comes possible friends and enemies. Here are potential friendships and rivalries he no doubt has with villagers.

10 Friends: Lionel

Lionel is an elderly-looking smug lion villager, who often likes to dress in fancy clothing. He's a bit old-fashioned, but given Tom Nook's possible age, it's very probable that the two would share similar interests and have the same appreciation for simpler, quaint things.

Moreover, Lionel's character comes with a ton of military references, which would hint at him being a rule-abiding guy and generally someone who likes to have things working as they should on an island. Just like Tom Nook, in other words.

9 Enemies: Hopper

Hopper is a cranky penguin villager, who looks absolutely menacing due to his red eyes. He doesn't seem like the kind of villager one would approach to kindly ask them to pay for their house loan, which might make things a bit awkward for Tom Nook.

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Generally, Tom Nook likes to have his villagers play according to the rules and handle payment matters in a timely, non-violent manner. Hopper definitely wouldn't do things his way.

8 Friends: Vivian

Although Vivian is a snooty villager, which means she can sometimes come across as rather rude, by all accounts she's a model villager. Similar to Isabelle, she dresses very smartly, and her house is incredibly tidy. She has a muted elegance that shines through.

Her smart and sophisticated appearance would actually make her a great romantic interest for Tom Nook, who's also intelligent but perhaps a bit clumsy and quirky in comparison. Make this ship sail, internet!

7 Enemies: Octavian

No villager looks as truly annoyed as Octavian. Just look at him: he's bright red, like an angry pufferfish about to explode from frustration towards the world, and he even has a band-aid in the back of his head as though he's been in a fight. It seems like he's a lot of trouble.

Octavian's cranky personality would definitely make things awkward for Tom Nook, who has to remind villagers to pay their loans in a timely manner. How could he even approach Octavian when he looks so scary?

6 Friends: Olivia

Another great villager that shines with sophistication, intelligence and elegance is definitely Olivia. She's a white, snooty cat villager who has an appreciation for the old and antique, as proven by her house's interior decor. Someone like Tom Nook would definitely appreciate her love for all things vintage.

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Moreover, Olivia's strong personality counterbalances Tom Nook's somewhat silly and quirky one, making them a great potential romantic pair. Even Nook needs someone to love!

5 Enemies: Admiral

Tom Nook is sort of considered the leader of the island, and while he's not likely to get annoyed by other strong, principled villagers coming in to uphold his rules, he might have a problem with someone like Admiral. This green, cranky bird villager seems to have an interest in the military like Lionel, but he's more of a negative Nelly.

Admiral's grouchy personality would definitely push him to oppose Tom Nook's decisions, which just isn't ideal when trying to run an harmonious island.

4 Friends: Chops

This light yellow smug pig villager is called Chops, and he could easily be one of Tom Nook's childhood friends. Although it's impossible to decipher ages in the game, based on the language and behavior of both characters, it's perfectly possible they come from the same generation.

As such, it would be easy to imagine Chops and Tom Nook going fishing together or sharing other similar boomer activities. Moreover, Chops would have no issues following Tom Nook's rules.

3 Enemies: Bob

It's not just cranky villagers that would drive Tom Nook to his wit's end. In fact, there's a enemy even worse than negativity: laziness. With how Tom Nook's ambition to create a perfect island paradise, villagers like Bob, the iconic lazy purple cat, would definitely make him lose his mind.

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Bob loves life's easy pleasures like food and napping. He would most likely hate contributing to the island in a productive way, which could even push Tom Nook to kick him out.

2 Friends: Beardo

Not only does Beardo have the same physique as Tom Nook with his round belly, he's also an older villager. As a smug, turquoise bear with a mustache, he likes to dress smartly and in a way that Tom Nook would no doubt dress as well if he could afford to be as fancy.

Beardo would be a great addition to Tom's budding friendship with villagers like Chops and Lionel, due to the similar fatherly attitude they all share.

1 Enemies: Barold

As mentioned, laziness is something that would never fly with Tom Nook. If the island isn't constantly improving, he might very well lose his temper, which would otherwise be extremely uncharacteristic. But with villagers like Barold, it's easy to imagine that happening.

Barold is a lazy cub villager whose main concern in life is what snack he'll eat next and how long he gets to sleep in during the mornings. Not the best addition to Tom Nook's capitalist paradise.

NEXT: Animal Crossing New Horizons: 10 Pro Tips For Your Mystery Island Trip