Animal Crossing: New Horizons gives players plenty of things to collect and do things with, such as the fossils they can find buried all over their island every day. That being said, though, many players feel that there’s even more that can be done with these dinosaur remnants, a point one fan’s brilliant idea makes very clear.

More than a month has passed since New Horizons launched, so many players have probably found themselves coming upon the same types of fossils that they’ve already donated to Blathers’ museum. With duplicates, players only have the options to sell them, gift them, or display them outside the museum, which takes up valuable island space. One way fans think Nintendo could address this is by letting them convert their excess fossil into miniature model versions of themselves, similar to how they can trade bugs for sculptures whenever Flick visits their islands.

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But since the museum currently doesn’t let players do this, Reddit user Kyriearashi took the opportunity to put together their own concept for a Museum Gift Shop, complete with a brand new character to run it. This character, a glasses-wearing snowy owl named Bubs, would give players the option to scale down their complete fossil sets into miniatures, in addition to buying museum-themed items. According to the accompanying mock-up illustration, these items would include things like a chair made of dinosaur bones, fossil-themed T-shirts, and an umbrella with the famous artwork of Vincent Van Gogh’s Starry Night on it.

Though the idea of how the Shop would function was the focus of Kyriearashi’s idea, they also took the time to give Bubs some personality as well, saying that he would have a crush on Blathers’ sister Celeste and would try to “pluck up the courage to talk to her” on nights when she is visiting.

So far, the concept has been very well-received by the Animal Crossing community, who have praised everything about it. As user InfiniteDandelions said in reply, “This is such a cute concept! I love the character (and his little crush on Celeste). It’d be a cool way to use spare fossils, and I’d totally buy that Starry Night umbrella. Super creative!”

Animal Crossing: New Horizons is a game that is at its best when it gives players as many options to customize their experience as possible, so the ability to do more with their excess fossils would definitely be a welcome addition. With any luck, Nintendo will add something similar to Kyriearashi’s concept in the near future, since New Horizons will probably get new shops sooner or later.

Animal Crossing: New Horizons is available for the Switch.

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