So many fans of Animal Crossing have developed a love and appreciation for Isabelle over her appearances in the series. Whether players are the mayor of their town or resident representative of their island, Isabelle has been there to lend a helping hand along the way.

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While she's become a staple in the Animal Crossing world, several fans have started theorizing about what Isabelle's life must be like. When is she watching all these TV shows that she talks about? What exactly does she do behind the desk of Resident Services? Some of these theories might hold the answers, but others seem a bit too far-fetched.

10 MAKES SENSE: New Horizons Isabelle Isn't The Same Isabelle

There's a theory that each Animal Crossing game takes place in a different universe, or that there are even multiple universes in each game in the case of the many different islands in Animal Crossing: New Horizons. In the case of Isabelle, this theory occasionally to explain how Isabelle could be working on the player's island when she was supposed to be running a whole town in Animal Crossing: New Leaf.

It would make sense that the New Horizons Isabelle is different than the New Leaf Isabelle. After all, she had so much work to do in New Leaf that it seems unlikely that she'd be able to step away from all that to live on an island unless someone else took over for her.

9 DOESN'T MAKE SENSE: Isabelle Is An Alcoholic

animal crossing new horizons 4th level glitch

Fans of New Horizons have pointed out that Isabelle can be seen with a drink that looks suspiciously like alcohol on her desk while she's giving the announcements every day. Some people think this implies that Isabelle has a drinking problem, and that might explain why she can't always focus on real news when she's talking.

However, the drink that she has could something like tea or even some other kind of drink that only exists in the Animal Crossing universe. Plus, she seems fairly organized any other time that players talk to her, showing that she can focus on her job but she just gets friendly and chatty when she's giving the announcements.

8 MAKES SENSE: Tom Nook Gave Isabelle The Jobs He Doesn't Want To Do

A few fans have expressed concern that Isabelle doesn't seem to have an important role in New Horizons while Tom Nook seems to do more work. Tom's jobs center around construction on the island, and Isabelle helps with more social and emotional aspects of island life.

Maybe Isabelle expressed her desire to move to the island that Tom set up, and he saw an opportunity to give her many of the jobs that he didn't like. After all, with his current job, he mostly talks to the player and Isabelle instead of talking to other villagers when the player has a complaint about them.

7 DOESN'T MAKE SENSE: Isabelle Pushes Her Cleaning Habits Onto Players

One part of Isabelle's job that has annoyed some players is when she comments on the cleanliness of the island and how it's affecting the island's rating. Sometimes, these comments are only because players might've left some resources that they don't need on the ground, including DIY recipes that can't be put away.

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Some players might think that Isabelle is just being too picky and concerned with cleanliness. After all, she can frequently be seen doing things like dusting her office, even though it seems clean enough. Still, this theory falls apart since Isabelle's recommendations are supposed to be based on villager comments and not Isabelle's own opinions.

6 MAKES SENSE: Isabelle Lives In The Resident Services Building

After she arrived, players could see that Isabelle spent a lot of time in the Resident Services building, and she didn't have a house on the island. So, where does she actually live? There is a mysterious door by her desk, so the door may lead to another room or an upper level of Resident Services where Isabelle lives.

With all her TV habits and the news she shares about the socks she finds behind her washing machine, it's clear that she has to spend her free time somewhere. If she doesn't have a house on the island, and players can catch her sleeping in her office chair while working all hours of the day, it doesn't seem too unbelievable that Isabelle might go to her home behind that door when the player is away.

5 DOESN'T MAKE SENSE: Isabelle Has A Deep Connection To Bags Of Bells

As many fans have realized, Isabelle's name can be seen as a play on the words "Is A Bell" referring to the bells used in Animal Crossing. Her hair even resembles the way that bags of bells are tied at the top.

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For most fans, that's where these connections stop. For others, theories start to spiral into wondering if Isabelle came from a bag of bells somehow. Technically, players haven't seen what's inside the actual bags of bells in New Horizons, but it's extremely unlikely that any other yellow dogs or any other creatures are in them. The bags don't move, they are accepted as money, and we've even seen what bells look like as coins to explain what's in the bag.

4 MAKES SENSE: Isabelle Intimidates Villagers

This theory might seem like a stretch at first. After all, Isabelle is so cute and kind, how could she intimidate anyone? She even tends to say that she doesn't like confrontation when players bring up their problems with villagers to her. Then again, think about how tough she is in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.

What if the villagers on these islands have heard about all the fights she's won? It's unknown what Isabelle says or does when she talks to villagers to discuss how they dress or how they talk. Isabelle might've picked up some moves from The Slayer in Doom: Eternal, so villagers don't want to get on her bad side.

3 DOESN'T MAKE SENSE: Tom Nook Is Controlling Isabelle

Tom Nook has a bad reputation among many players. One popular theory about him is that he's controlling everyone on the island by holding debt over their heads. A few fans have even considered that he's been controlling Isabelle this way, and that's why she doesn't leave the Resident Services building. She might feel like she has to constantly work to pay off any debt she has to Nook.

It's unlikely that this is true though since fans will already know that Isabelle is a workaholic. She also seems to get along with Tom Nook, like how they can be seen stretching together in the office. She even seems to enjoy her job, but then again, that could be an act.

2 MAKES SENSE: Isabelle Judges Islands Based On Her View

Like many fans have pointed out, Isabelle likes to stare out the window of Resident Services often. Since she's the one who gives players evaluations and recommendations for their islands, she might get some of these suggestions from what she sees outside.

If she doesn't have a good view, she might say that there are too many trees. If she thinks that the view is boring, she might suggest more decorations. Yes, her recommendations are supposed to come from villagers, but those comments are all anonymous, so maybe she's sprinkling in some of her own opinions too.

1 DOESN'T MAKE SENSE: Isabelle Forgets To Do Her Job

This theory has been connected to the drinking theory and the idea that Isabelle works too much. Some players have wondered if Isabelle ever actually talks to anyone on the island for complaints or island ratings since it seems that she never leaves Resident Services. Maybe she's taking so many naps in her office that she forgets to talk to villagers, or maybe it slips her mind because of that drink on her desk.

This is hardly the case, as villagers can comment on how they like talking to Isabelle, and how they think she's doing a good job. She may be taking a power nap every once in a while, but she makes sure to get the job done.

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