Following Animal Crossing: New Horizons' smashing success, Nintendo detailed its plans to integrate the social simulation inspired by New Horizons' multiplayer into its future titles to continue bringing friends and families together.

Animal Crossing: New Horizons' success was largely due to the COVID-19 pandemic. While many fans of the series, both those who grew up with the original Nintendo 64 Animal Crossing and those who were playing the popular New Leaf on the 3DS, looked forward to the Switch installment, the game launched just as many countries began enforcing lockdown procedures. Folks were being advised to stay home and socially distance themselves from others, but New Horizons was one of the many games allowing friends and family members to socialize online. But combined with friends experiencing the same motions of developing and designing islands, and then sharing them with one another, it became the most iconic social simulator of 2020.

RELATED: Animal Crossing: New Horizons Back on Top in UK Boxed Charts

In an interview with Nikkei, and translated by Nintendo Everything, Nintendo's current president Shuntaro Furukawa discussed how the company is proud that Animal Crossing: New Horizons helped encourage people to stay indoors. He also notes that New Horizons' success was due to the state of emergency around the world and though it might be over in Japan, people have adapted to spending time at home.

animal crossing new horizons (3)

This has led to an increased demand for games that continue to bring people together. Though this is already the case with most online multiplayer titles, Animal Crossing's experience is unique. Likewise, it will have a "significant impact on future development," Furukawa says. Nintendo wasn't often known for online co-op games until more recent years, but it looks like it will start incorporating this into more of its franchises.

Many games from Nintendo's first-party catalog began including some online functionality due to the rise in demand for it. While many multiplayer games such as Mario Kart and Super Smash Bros. were originally just couch co-op before allowing online competition, other franchises like Splatoon rely on multiplayer, so it's not difficult to see how Nintendo might put emphasis on socializing online with these series. And when it comes to Pokemon, fans have been long requesting more online multiplayer mechanics.

One big reason why Animal Crossing was so successful socially was due to the creativity its sandboxing features allowed. The new Island Designer feature resulted in players using New Horizons for a number of different simulations, such as graduation ceremonies, weddings, haunted houses, and treasure hunts. Ultimately, players made their islands their own, each with a unique experience. Perhaps this is what Nintendo means by impacting future titles.

But when it comes to its other flagship series like The Legend of Zelda, which has long been primarily single-player campaigns, it would be interesting to see if Nintendo incorporates online multiplayer and social simulation similar to Animal Crossing's.

Animal Crossing: New Horizons is out now for Nintendo Switch.

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Source: Nikkei, Nintendo Everything