One Animal Crossing fan has managed to creatively change their Animal Crossing: New Horizons island to better reflect the classic GameCube game. As the series has left behind the story of trying to get along in a new town with villagers like Nosegay and Mitzi, many fans look toward the first game of the franchise not only for notalgia, but also its unique experience that can't be easily found today.

Animal Crossing: New Horizons is the latest game in the series that only helps solidify how it's slowly turned away from the idea of players finding themselves in a new place on their own and leaned more into being about customization. Some players think that to the original Animal Crossing title, important things such as villagers' personalities have become watered down in order to give players full power over their islands and towns. Due to this, many players miss the atmosphere and social options that the series debuted with. Now, one fan has managed to use the more recent customization features to have both sides of the series meet in the middle.

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This player, known as ButIDigress79 on Reddit, has shared a video which showcases a piece of her New Horizons island, which is being transformed into a GameCube-era Animal Crossing town. ButIDigress79 has used custom patterns to bring back tiling that blends in with the grass, the circular dirt on the ground, and has even used multiple playable characters to include the set of four houses found in the middle of town.

Not only is the layout really accurate, but ButIDigress79 has also used further custom patterns to create a fake train station complete that almost looks 3D despite only being on the ground, and even the sign found at the dump nearby. In the comments, ButIDigress79 has shared the creator codes for the patterns she used. For those who wish to visit the island, ButIDigress has said she'll share a Dream Island Code once the island is a bit less of a work in progress.

Even still, the island has been making many fans feel like they've walked into a literal blast from their past. The tribute to the original Animal Crossing game has earned around 9,000 upvotes so far, and plenty of comments praising ButIDigress79's work. As players have fawned over the detail of the island, stating which parts of the original towns they'd like to see be added next, they've also reminded ButIDigress of items she could use that she had overlooked. In the end, the final island may wind up being a love letter from not just one fan, but several.

Animal Crossing: New Horizons is available now for Nintendo Switch.

MORE: It's Time for Animal Crossing to Invest in New Villager Personalities