Early Thursday morning Nintendo shared a 25-minute Nintendo Direct that focused entirely on Animal Crossing: New Horizons. The new Animal Crossing game is set to release exclusively on Nintendo Switch on March 20, making it Nintendo's biggest confirmed release of 2020. As such an important release, it's important for Nintendo to establish that Animal Crossing: New Horizons will be a game worth play for months going forward. Luckily, Nintendo has extensive post-launch content plans for the new Animal Crossing.

At the end of today's Nintendo Direct, Nintendo featured several important questions that fans might have about Animal Crossing: New Horizons. One of those questions was regarding Animal Crossing: New Horizons post-launch content. In its response, Nintendo confirmed that Animal Crossing: New Horizons would have have free updates after the game launches, including free seasonal updates throughout the year. The teaser image shown features a turkey, pumpkin, and a reindeer.

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To follow that up, Nintendo announced Animal Crossing: New Horizons' first seasonal event. The first event will allow players to celebrate Bunny Day with a special event in April. The teaser image featured art of an Easter bunny and Easter eggs.

Best yet, the Bunny Day event will launch for free on the same day that Animal Crossing: New Horizons launches. Players will apparently be able to start a game and participate in whatever fun shenanigans Nintendo has planned for the holiday.

It's unclear if the event is just for Easter Day or if there's a longer-term event that coincides with Easter. If anything, it provides Nintendo an excellent justification for putting out a day one patch. Players will excitedly download it regardless of whether it results in any meaningful in-game activities, though they'll believe it to offer something special.

bunny day animal crossing

Regardless of whether the Bunny Day seasonal event in Animal Crossing: New Horizons will be a substantial content update, players will still have plenty to keep them busy. The full Animal Crossing: New Horizons Nintendo Direct showed an impressive range of gameplay. Players will be customizing their deserted islands very a very, very long time. Hopefully, long enough for Nintendo to announce some more Nintendo Switch games for later in 2020.

Animal Crossing: New Horizons releases March 20 exclusively on Nintendo Switch.

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