With more than 400 villagers available in the Animal Crossing: New Horizons roster, there always seems to be a surplus of fan-created content that the community can enjoy online. Though some like to debate who is the most popular Animal Crossing: New Horizons villager, fans likely share the same love and affection towards their favorite villagers in the game. Recently, an ACNH fan has taken inspiration from the title's most well-loved characters and decided to draw what they would look like as humans.

Despite Animal Crossing: New Horizons villagers already having the anthropomorphic look, many of the artists within the game's community like to envision them with more human-looking features. Some have even made their own artwork of their favorite Animal Crossing: New Horizons as humans, so it is not surprising for another artist to do the same. However, this time, the artist seems to be taking votes via their Reddit post on which villagers they will turn human in their next art pieces.

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On the Animal Crossing subReddit, user Avi3te's latest artwork of villagers turned humans features the life sim's well-loved Coco. The artist's human version of Animal Crossing: New Horizons' Coco has the same big brown eyes and green-and-white outfit. Some of Coco's features, like their bunny ears and headband, were also translated into cute twin pigtails and a forehead band by Avi3te. In the comments section, the artist shared links to their other pieces. In these links, human version artwork of other villagers such as Gala, Raymond, Lyman, and Fuschia can be found.

According to the artist, their next Animal Crossing: New Horizons human artwork will feature the villager that is most upvoted on the Reddit thread. Given Avi3te's personal art style, the game's fans were quick to send in the names of their favorite villagers. With the sheer amount of characters that can be found in the game, it seems very smart and strategic for the artist to have the focus of their next art piece up for voting by the community. If they decided to complete the whole Animal Crossing: New Horizons villager roster on their own, they may have their work cut out for them.

It is likely always nice for the Animal Crossing: New Horizons community to see artists still producing pieces for the fandom. With no news regarding a new Animal Crossing title in the horizon, the fans may have to be content with community-based engagement until official news comes from Nintendo.

Animal Crossing: New Horizons is available now on the Nintendo Switch.

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