One of the best aspects of the new Animal Crossing game is just how cute all the animal villagers and visitors are. From villagers like Dom and Zucker to the traveling popstar KK Slider, fans of the game just can't get enough of how adorable all the friendly critters are. One of the sweetest island visitors is Celeste, a small pink and brown owl who is filled to the brim with knowledge on astronomy.

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The intelligent visitor is beloved by many, both for her cuteness and for her generous space-themed DIY recipes. There is so much about Celeste that is left unknown to players, from her eagerness to share gifts to her vast education. These are 10 unanswered questions about the Animal Crossing: New Horizons visitor that many players find themselves wondering.

10 Where Did She Study Astronomy?


Celeste is very intelligent in her field. She worked at the observatory in previous Animal Crossing games, proving that she has the credentials to work in the astronomy field. She is the older sister to Blathers, who is very knowledgable about other notable things such as fossils, artwork, bugs, and fish. She is a hard-working adult who has gained a wide amount of knowledge over her years. However, did she and Blathers self-teach themselves through reading informational texts or did they attend schools to get degrees? Other villagers have mentioned their schooling days, meaning the owls could have attended a university to become as smart as they are in the games.

9 How Old Is She?


If Celeste did go to university, that leaves the question of her age. Her adorable face looks young and sweet, but her knowledge is so vast, she may be far older than players may think. She is also older than Blathers, but it isn't said by how many years. The little pink owl could be the oldest and wisest character in the Animal Crossing world, though there's no info to confirm or deny it. Also, do she and Blathers age in human years or owl years?

8 Where Does She Live?


Celeste has been a resident of the player's town in previous games when the museums had observatories, but in New Horizons, she only comes occasionally, on both meteor shower nights and other randomly generated times. This begs the question: where does the star-loving girl live? She could be working in an observatory on the closest mainland or on an island nearby.

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Living nearby would make the most sense since she and her brother have never been too far apart in Animal Crossing games, though she doesn't mention her home in the newest installment.

7 Does She Invent Her Own DIYs?


Players love when Celeste visits their town, on days with or without meteor showers, because she gives out unique and exciting space-themed DIY recipes each time she visits. Her DIYs range from Zodiac inspired furniture to fun, new wands. She is always so kind and eager to share her DIYs with villagers, giving out a new recipe each time they meet. However, Celeste gives out some pretty random stuff sometimes, like an astronaut suit, a lunar lander, and an actual space shuttle. Does the owl make these herself? If she really is well-versed in the creation of functioning space shuttles, that would be incredible.

6 How Did She Create An Entire Moon?


On the lines of DIY recipes, how on Earth did Celeste create the DIY for an entire moon that can float on display in villager's towns. The object glows, spins, and looks exactly like the actual moon in the night sky. She clearly figured out a way to turn fragments of real stars into a perfect replica of the moon, which is beyond the abilities of what players have expected. Her intelligence and engineering skills must be on par with NASA scientists if she created a moon (and a space shuttle) all by herself.

5 Why Doesn't She Warn Islanders About Upcoming Meteor Showers?


She always appears on the days there are meteor showers, among other days when there aren't any shooting stars in the sky. The little owl stops by islands after 7 p.m. until the early hours of the morning and gazes up at the twinkling stars as they dart by in the night sky. However, she doesn't give players any warning that she's coming to visit or that a meteor shower will be occurring that night.

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This makes gathering star fragments pretty difficult and rare. Her lack of warning led to the formation of groups on social media where players share their Dodo Codes when Celeste comes to visit so that no one misses out on the opportunities she brings.

4 Does She Believe In Astrology?


Celeste shows off her knowledge of astrology myths and legends when players ask about the Zodiac star fragments, proving that she is fully aware of astrology rather than just astronomy. The real question is: does Celeste believe in the mystical parts of astrology or is she just interested in the legends and stories of the constellations? The owl was born on September 7, making her sun sign a Virgo. Her attention to detail and kind nature match her sign, but there is no proof that she fully believes in the ideologies of astrology.

3 Will She Open An Observatory On Player's Islands?


The bird is well-known for being the observatory employee in past Animal Crossing games. She could be found snoozing or working day-round on each player's island and was an adorable addition to the daily lives of gamers. In New Horizons, Celeste is only an occasional visitor, but she clearly loves stopping by to visit her brother and the island he resides on.

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An observatory currently isn't a feature in the new game, though there isn't anything stopping game developers from adding a permanent island home and career for Celeste in the future.

2 Why Does She Hate Zeus?


Celeste tells players stories of the Greek gods that influenced the stories of the stars. On multiple occasions, Celeste will mention Zeus, the god of the sky, in her stories. Every time she mentions him, she manages to add in a salty diss or roast towards the king of the gods. It is obvious that she despises the guy, and never fails to let it be known to the player. It is unknown, however, why she hates him so much. It might be due to how many unlikable things he has done in the ancient myths and stories.

1 Why Are Her Visits So Unpredictable?


The intelligent owl is guaranteed to visit at least once a month, though it isn't guaranteed that players will see her more than that. Though some players have reported getting visits from Celeste multiple times in a single week, her visits are all randomly generated for each person's game. A good way to know if the owl will be visiting your island is if Isabelle mentions a meteor shower in the daily announcements. Otherwise, Celeste really is unpredictable when it comes to making appearances.

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