Star Wars has many television shows releasing over the next few years, taking place in various points of the timeline. One of these shows is Andor, a spy thriller taking place in the Imperial era before Cassian Andor became the rebel audiences knew and loved in Rogue One: A Star Wars Story.

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While audience and critic buzz is mainly focused on Kenobi, Disney seems very impressed with how Andor has turned out. Star Wars has always been known for its multitudes of characters, locations, and its ability to cross into different genres. There are specific things fans are looking forward to seeing in the series when it airs on Disney Plus. The character of Cassian Andor and the show's genre opens the door to many of Star Wars' untapped plotlines being explored.

6 Double Crossing


Spy shows, movies, and even spy espionage games typically feature at least a couple of moments where a character double-crosses someone. It's practically in the job description of a spy. With Andor and others having to remain a public face of pro-Imperial attitudes, there will be lots of characters who defy the Empire directly or behind closed doors.

With Star Wars having already established Imperial Security Bureau agents whose job it is to track down anti-Imperialists at every level, fans will probably be hoping to see some double-crossing going on by characters.

5 Saw Gerrera's Partisans

Jedi Fallen Order Screenshot Of Saw Gerrera

Saw Gerrera has been around for just over a decade, having appeared in The Clone Wars, Rebels, The Bad Batch, Jedi: Fallen Order, and Rogue One. Trained by Anakin, Obi-Wan, and Captain Rex, Saw has enough training to match even the strongest Mandalorians. Saw is an interesting rebel whose faction is so violent in their military operations the Rebel Alliance chooses to be unaffiliated with him.

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It's been revealed that Saw Gerrera will be appearing in the series at least in some capacity. Hopefully, we'll get to see the military faction in full-glory, battling against Imperials in open rebellion.

4 Many Planets

star wars jedi fallen order planets

With The Book of Boba Fett and Kenobi taking place largely on Tatooine, it is reasonable if some fans are getting a bit tired of seeing the desert planet. Andor seems to be dealing with the formation of the organized Rebel Alliance, which will overlap with the Rebels time period and delve into the titular character's murky past.

All of this suggests that the show will be much more galaxy-faring than those that have come before it. Fans enjoy seeing new Star Wars planets as well as expansion on pre-existing ones, and hopefully, the show will deliver by taking viewers on a journey across multiple planets, including the planets that prospered under the Empire.

3 Returning Characters

star wars ahsoka

With Andor being placed in the same timeline of a lot of Rebels content as well as dealing with the formation of the Rebel Alliance, fans will be hoping to see some familiar faces returning. It's already been made clear through The Mandalorian and The Book of Boba Fett that Star Wars has no qualms about bringing juggernaut characters like Ahsoka to live-action. It has already been confirmed that Mon Mothma and Saw Gerrera will return to the series — and that's just who has been announced.

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It is possible that many known characters could show up in Andor; Darth Vader, Ezra, Thrawn — this is just scratching the surface. Fans will enjoy seeing returning characters so long as it fits into the story and isn't simply gratuitous. Great characters elevate average movies and shows, but great characters in great shows last the longest.

2 Exploration Of Morality

Diego Luna as Cassian Andor in Rogue One

In Rogue One, viewers saw Cassian Andor kill another rebel just to escape being caught by the Imperials. It's clear that Andor and other spies have seen a darker side to the Rebellion and toe the line on acceptable actions in the name of their cause. Some saw Andor as the movie's anti-hero, which, typically, can be more complex in characterization than out-and-out baddies and goodies are.

While fan reaction has mostly been positive toward the Disney Star Wars shows, a lot of fans find it a little cookie-cutter and too family-friendly at times. Considering the characters, story, and genre of Andor, fans are hoping for a more adult show that explores the morality behind the rebels, who are normally very simply portrayed as out-and-out good guys. Blurring the lines between who's good and bad is a skill that few shows successfully achieve, but, when it's done right, it results in a show being elevated to new heights.

1 Origins Of The Alliance

star wars rebels jedi fallen order crossover

While Rebels did feature a few scenes showing Rebels starting to work together and form an organized alliance, it only really stuck to a couple of cells at a time. With Andor featuring Mon Mothma, and Cassian being a high-ranking rebel by the time of Rogue One, the series could be a lot closer to the heart of the Rebel Alliance and could feature animated characters in live-action with new actors.

Fans have long wanted to see the historic Alliance being formed, and there's a good chance they could see that in Andor, even if it doesn't happen in the first series.

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