The Ancient Magus' Bride is one of the most fascinating fantasy anime shows around, featuring a wide range of unique and powerful characters. Anime fans could meet all kinds of mythology and fantasy-inspired magical beings including mages, gods, and fairies, all with their own special abilities and strengths.

While Chise and Elias are the show's two favorites, they're not the story's strongest beings. During their adventures, the unusual couple meets some frighteningly powerful and ancient beings with almost omnipotent powers. What makes The Ancient Magus' Bride's story even more engaging is that these beings are not simply good and evil. All of them have complex personalities that make the story feel more rich, immersive, and its characters are more relatable and unforgettable.

7 Lindel

lindel in the ancient magus bride

Lindel is one of the most powerful wizards in anime, since this beloved mage possesses immense magical abilities. He was Elias' apprentice, and while he was often showing his more calm and thoughtful side, he also loved being more playful with Elias.

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Thanks to his conscientiousness and his various magical abilities, including his dragon expertise and healing powers, he also became the Caretaker of the Dragons' Aerie. While he rarely shows off his powerful magical abilities, he still remains one of the strongest characters in The Ancient Magus' Bride.

6 Chise Hatori

Chise Hatori in the ancient magus bride

Chise Hatori is one of the most powerful female anime characters with a heartbreaking backstory. Even though Chise was powerless for most of her life, she eventually started gaining more and more strength after she became Elias' apprentice.

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Chise has many inherent abilities, including her super strength and her ability to talk to all kinds of spirits, animals, plants, and magical creatures. Chise has already shown her power many times; she can create vital potions and can even fly. Since Chise is still very young and new to the magical world, she'll most likely grow into a truly strong and wise mage.

5 Joseph

Joseph in the ancient magus bride

Joseph is The Ancient Magus' Bride's villainous cursed sorcerer. He is not only immortal, but has powerful magical abilities that would allow him to easily defeat even some of the strongest anime battle mages. However, Joseph wasn't always evil. Before he decided to merge with Cartaphilus, he was a caring young boy who tried to help the dead find peace while working at a graveyard.

However, after he fused with Cartaphilus his personality and life changed forever. Because of the constant pain and fear he turned into a merciless being who committed many atrocities just to save himself. Joseph is a master sorcerer who can even possess another person's body and can transform his own body parts.

4 Elias Ainsworth

Elias Ainsworth in the ancient magus bride

While Elias Ainsworth might not be the strongest character in The Ancient Magus' Bride, he's certainly one of the most intriguing ones with one of the most unique anime character designs of all time. However, Elias does have a wide range of magical abilities including shadow magic. He knows powerful spells, and can even shape-shift into various forms.

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What makes Elias even more powerful is his incredible intellect, which gives him an almost incomparable vast knowledge of magic and all things supernatural. Elias is also one of the most complex, flawed characters in the show. He has been struggling with his own identity and emotions his whole life, and has been continuously working on becoming a better version of himself.

3 Oberon

Oberon in the ancient magus bride

Oberon is not only one of the strongest characters in The Ancient Magus' Bride, but also one of the strongest gods in anime of all time. He's also one of the most charming characters, inspired by folklore and William Shakespeare's beloved A Midsummer Night's Dream character, Oberon.

He is the playful king of all Fae and the husband of Tatiana. While he hasn't really gotten to show off his full powers yet, he's still one of the strongest magical beings. Oberon has a cunning mind that he tries to hide with his seemingly carefree nature.

2 Ashen Eye

Ashen Eye in the ancient magus bride

Ashen Eye is one of the strongest and most devious characters in The Ancient Magus' Bride. He can easily face multiple powerful opponents at the same time. He's also one of the most ancient members of the Faerie, and has many overwhelming magical abilities.

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What makes Ashen Eye especially powerful is that he's immortal and can survive even decapitation. He has many different kinds of powerful magical abilities that make him almost undefeatable. He's also one of the most complex and intriguing characters in the anime, who loves observing and playing tricks on humans.

1 Morrigan

Morrigan in the ancient magus bride

Morrigan is another fascinating, immensely powerful character in the series who hasn't gotten that much screen time yet. However, Morrigan, also known as the Winter Goddess, is undeniably the strongest character in The Ancient Magus' Bride so far.

She's also one of the most ancient and important gods that humans have celebrated for centuries. While her full powers haven't been shown in the show so far, it was made clear that her powers allow her to control Winter and the realm of death and war, and she rules over who lives and dies.

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