The Analogue Pocket's release has been an arduous process, with it being years since its unveiling and still not being out in the public. However, a new update from Analogue offers another chance for people to secure their Pocket, and when people can expect to be diving back into their Game Boy collections.

It is no exaggeration to describe the Analogue Pocket as one of the most ambitious handheld consoles of recent years. With the ability to play Game Boy, Game Boy Color, and Game Boy Advance cartridges, players will be able to take a walk through gaming history on the Analogue Pocket. The device was originally revealed in 2019, but thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic, it was delayed from a shipping date of May 2021 to October 2021. Like the rest of the gaming industry, components are in short supply and so the original pre-orders for the Pocket went fast, and a surge of scalpers appeared selling their reservations.

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An official update from Analogue details its next Pocket pre-order date, the device's price increase, and when it will be shipping. On December 14 at 8 AM PST (11 AM EST) the Analogue Pocket will be available for purchase at $219, up from its original $199 price tag. Analogue writes in the briefing, "Due to industry wide component price increases, the price of Pocket is now $219. All other Pocket accessories will remain the same price." Some of the accessories available for the Pocket include a dock that allows players to display their games on a larger screen, and an adapter to play older portable games like the Game Gear.

analogue pocket full

Analogue goes on to describe the Pocket shipping situation, detailing its fulfillment group system. "Everyone who wants a Pocket will be able to secure an order," Analogue writes, the catch being they are being sold at a first come, first serve basis, meaning the earliest buyers will receive theirs sooner than others. So the quickest purchasers—Group A—should expect their Pocket shipped in Q1 of 2022, with Group B in Q4 of 2022, and finally, Group C in 2023. The shipping date for everyone who already secured a Pocket preorder is Monday, December 13, with Analogue upgrading every order to FedEx 2-day delivery.

It has taken a long time to get here, but the Pocket will soon be in players' hands. The affects of the COVID-19 pandemic have wreaked havoc across the gaming industry, with even independent developers like Analogue being damaged. With the ability to explore practically the entirey of the Game Boy library as well as function as a music synthesizer, the Analogue Pocket seems like a worthwhile investment, even it may take some time for it to actually be delivered. If Game Boy games aren't coming to Nintendo Switch Online, then the Analogue Pocket is probably the next best way to play those games.

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Source: Analogue