In Amnesia: the Bunker, players will need to battle against a horrible monster that has taken over a WWI bunker, killing everyone inside except themselves. In order to get through this short horror game, players will need to pick up a bunch of items, one of these being a lighter.

This simple lighter will help players to interact with the world and the items in the game, allowing them to light everything from torches to Molotov cocktails. To get it, players will need to brave the dark tunnels of the bunker for a locker code.

How to Get the Code for The Locker In Amnesia: the Bunker


Codes for lockers in this June 2023 horror game are found on the backs of dog tags. In order to get the lighter, players will need to find A. Giraud's tag. This tag can show up in two possible places, and the code will be random every time. Thankfully though, this one is pretty easy to come across.

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Potential Location 1: Forman's Quarters


The first location this dog tag can appear is the Forman's Quarters. These are located after the officer's quarters; when heading from the generator, make a left out of the office. Head down the ramp, then turn left. This tunnel will be labeled as "Officer's Quarters" and "maintenance." Go past the officer's bunks, then turn right before reaching the stairs. This will lead players to where a bunch of rats hang out in front of the Wine Cellar; use gasoline and a flare to get rid of them. This will likely get the attention of the monster, so players need to be careful here. Players can also run past them, but be careful of taking too much damage.

Next, follow the corridor around until a door that's blocked off with wood that says "Rats! Don't Enter!" After that, there will be a stairway to the left. Head to the room at the top of this staircase and look for the dog tag on the desk.

Potential Location 2: Rats Room


Couldn't find the dog tag in the Forman's Quarters? Not a problem; just check inside the Rat room, labeled and closed up with the "Don't enter!" painted wood signs. This room is rigged with a trap, and players won't be able to disarm tripwires yet, so make sure to be ready for this.

Players may have to hide from or shoot at the incredibly spooky horror monster with all the noise this causes. Head inside the rat room, then look at the desk to the left of the door. The dog tag will be there.

How to Get the Lighter in Amnesia: the Bunker


Once the dog tag has been collected, players will need to head into the Mission Storage room. Both of the doors are locked to this room, but players can get inside through the vent that sits between those two doors. There is a red light pouring out of it, so players should be able to find it pretty easily. Climb up the boxes in front of it, move the grate out of the way, and climb into the room.

Look for A. Giraud's locker, and put in the code. It will be listed in the code section of the inventory menu. Open it up; the lighter will be on the top shelf.

Amnesia: the Bunker is available for PC, PS4, Xbox One, and Xbox Series S/X.

MORE: Amnesia: The Bunker Review