Frictional Games introduced another installment to the Amnesia series but with a more menacing setting. Amnesia: The Bunker plunges players, who dare to play it, into a claustrophobia-inducing environment set during World War 1. It gets increasingly terrifying as one progresses through the game as a soldier who's trapped inside a bunker with a horrifying monster stalking their every move.

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Normally in the Amnesia series, developers offer two options for survival, run or hide. However, Amnesia: The Bunker features a soldier as the protagonist, which makes him skilled in the arts of combat. However, the monster which keeps chasing players throughout the game seems unaffected in the long term by shotgun shells or even Molotov cocktails. This makes players question whether or not it is possible to get rid of the monster for good.

This article contains major spoilers for Amnesia: The Bunker

How to Kill The Beast for Good

Henri stumbling across a group of rats feasting on a corpse.

Throughout most of one's playthrough of Amnesia: The Bunker, firepower does not seem to affect the monster at all. However, the monster, often referred to as the "Beast", can be slayed during the endgame periods. Hence, trying to kill the beast using weapons or throwables is only effective for temporary periods as it forces the beast to hide in one of the many crawlspaces in the game.

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It is certain to come back to stalk players once it has recovered from the damage it suffered during the last altercation with the player. Hence, it would be smart to conserve ammo and throwables and use them when one deems it absolutely necessary. As no amount of firepower seems to be effective on the beast, players are expected to devise another plan which involves gravity. Players can earn the achievement of "Beast Slayer" upon the beast's death.


Grenade Inventory View in Amnesia: The Bunker

Players require some items for slaying the beast. Although one of them is an absolute requirement, it would make it way simpler for players. There are three methods of slaying the beast in Amnesia: The Bunker.

  • Grenade (required): Causes an explosion in a matter of seconds. Timing it for killing the beast is difficult but not impossible. It is required for the rabbit toy, timing and fire trapping method
  • Rabbit toy (optional): A stuffed rabbit toy that holds sentimental value for the beast. It is used to distract the beast and cease the chase. Recovering the toy is straightforward, as it respawns at the altar in the chapel.
  • Fuel and Molotov Cocktails: Highly flammable fuel can be poured on the ground to make puddles which can then be ignited by shooting at them.
  • Firearms: Shotguns or revolvers are required for the "No Explosives" Method

The Rabbit Toy Method

Throwing Rabbit Toy on the wooden bridge in Amnesia the bunker.

In the final encounter or the final boss fight, one needs to break the bridge while the beast is still on it to send him falling into the abyss, never to return. However, the bridges in the final encounter are generated randomly, and not every bridge is breakable. Players need to look for wooden bridges which they can destroy.

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One needs to set up a trap where they lure the beast out and chase players onto the wooden bridge. This is where the rabbit toy comes in, making the beast stop dead in its tracks on the bridge. Players need to throw the rabbit toy near the middle of the bridge and as soon as the beast ends the chase to look at the rabbit toy, they need to hurl a grenade right at the beast. This breaks the bridge, and the beast falls down to the abyss and its imminent death.

The Timing Method

Timing the grenade on the bridge in Amnesia: The Bunker

If one didn't pick up the rabbit toy at the altar, killing the beast gets increasingly difficult. Players need to learn the exact timing of the explosion time for grenades. They'd also need to throw it at the time when the beast is midway through the bridge.

Due to the requirement of synchronizing two separate timings, players may need to practice a few times before they get it exactly right.

Fire Trapping Method

Burning wooden bridge in final encounter Amnesia: The Bunker

If one does not have the rabbit toy and still cannot time the grenade right after a few attempts, this method is sure to get the job done. However, this requires fuel and Molotov cocktails to trap the beast in the middle of the bridge and force it to remain standing helplessly.

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Players should start off by dumping lots of fuel on the starting end of the bridge while making sure to cover it in a straight line to block the passage back to safety. Being quick is essential for this step, as the beast can keep up with the players if they stall while pouring the fuel.

Then, players should cross the bridge and wait for the beast to run midway across the bridge before stopping it with a Molotov cocktail in front of the bridge. Now as the beast tries to run back in the opposite direction, players should light the puddle of fuel to block its passage back to safety.

As the beast stands on the burning bridge with nowhere to retreat to, one should toss the grenade and get the job done.

No Explosives Method

Shooting the beast in the final encounter off the ledge in Amnesia: the Bunker

This method is the toughest to get down since it is prone to randomness, and it is not recommended for players who already have grenades in their inventory. However, one may not have access to a grenade during the final encounter with the beast.

These players need to break one-half of all surrounding wooden bridges using their shotguns. One can still traverse through the bridge by sprint jumping and catching the ledge to climb up. This is also true for the beast, as it needs to jump and grab the ledge for climbing up, and that is when players should shoot it. This makes the beast lose its grip on the ledge and fall down into the abyss.

Now for the problems with this method. Since the bridge layout of the final encounter is randomly generated, the beast may find alternative ways to get to the player and avoid the jump. To prevent this, one should block other bridges by lifting them up from one side, leaving just the half-broken wooding bridge as the only way to get to the player. If one has trouble with the bridge layout, it is possible to refresh it by loading one's most recent save to try the encounter again.

Amnesia: The Bunker is available for PC, PS4, Xbox One, and Xbox Series S/X.

MORE:Amnesia: The Bunker - All Endings and How to Get Them