One can experience an eerie return to madness with the newest addition to the Amnesia series with a claustrophobic twist. In Amnesia: The Bunker, players take on the role of a French soldier during World War I, trapped in the maze of a bunker with evil lurking in its crevices. After tackling its many challenges and fighting for the protagonist's life, players can take on the route to safety.

However, the path to salvation is blocked and the only way to clear it requires dynamite. As luck would have it, the dynamite detonator is missing the trigger handle, an essential tool for completing the game. The player needs to fight a dangerous adversary while looking for the detonator, and it is advisable to have the proper equipment before dealing with him.

This article contains major spoilers for Amnesia: The Bunker.

Detonator Handle Location in Amnesia: The Bunker

Inspecting Grenade in Inventory panel

The Detonator Handle is a very late-game item and hence, it is kept hidden in order to produce a challenging experience for players. Players are expected to watch their back as the beast/stalker is always prowling around the bunker, making it increasingly difficult for players who are near the game’s completion.

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In order to find the missing detonator handle, players need to complete these objectives:

  • Acquire the Bolt Cutters: The Bolt Cutters can be found in the German prisoner cell in the Prison area of the Bunker. It is an essential item for getting access through chained doors.
  • Lift the Lockdown: Obtain the lockdown wheel from Delisle’s locker and use it on the hallway control panels to lift the lockdown.
  • Retain power in the generator: Can be found in the Admin office, located inside the Central Bunker area of the map. Skipping this step makes it extremely dangerous for players since without light, the stalker chases players more frequently.
  • Grenade (optional): This makes it increasingly easier for players who want to rush through the upcoming altercation without any hindrances. Explosives are a rare sight in the game and should be used as the last resort for survival.

Way To The Save Point

Starting from the Arsenal, players can notice a rundown pathway to the tunnels, which conveniently have space among the rubble for the players to get through. Upon crawling through the rubble, use the bolt cutters on the locked gate. This lets players access a path to a water pump and then, flooded water. Swim across to the other end where the power lever is hidden behind a crate.

RELATED:Amnesia: The Bunker - How to Open All Doors

Upon moving the crate, turn on the power lever and make the water pump functional again. Return to the water pump and activate it to drain the flooded storage area. At the very back of the storage room, players can find a metal box and a wooden plank that block the way to the tunnel beyond.

Upon dealing with these obstructions by moving them separately, the player can enter the dark tunnel which leads to an open area with a camp. Players can safely save their game thanks to the light in the camp. They'll be facing traps and challenging adversaries soon, in order to obtain the detonator handle.

Killing The Unhinged Soldier

Killing the blind French soldier with a grenade

From the camp, proceed right to the seemingly broken wall, following that path leads to an eerie walkway. Following it in a linear path exposes unnerving visuals of a man’s silhouette among the fleeting fog. Approaching it leads to its vanishing, but upon opening the door, the figure reveals itself to the players. It can be heard screaming and shooting a rat when one enters the room through a hole.

In that room, an unhinged French soldier decided to blind himself due to the horrors of the Roman ruins outside the bunker. He remains there while carrying a shotgun, and shoots anything that makes a noise. Remain vigilant in his presence, since any sound will trigger him and make him target the protagonist.

Players can deal with him using a grenade, a clear shot to the head with a handgun bullet, or by completely avoiding him. Avoiding him can progress players towards the Pacifist achievement, but it is recommended to get rid of him to clear any dangerous encounters while returning.

Upon killing the French soldier, he drops his shotgun, which can prove to be a powerful weapon against the Stalker which lurks around the bunker. Players also destroy wooden furniture or even bridges with the shotgun.

Breaking wooden doors with bricks found in the previous room

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Moving forward, players can relax since the monster cannot follow them through the Roman ruins. There are two doors left. One requires unlocking, while the other wooden door can be broken down with a grenade or nearby bricks. This is the room where players can finally take the explosive detonator handle for themselves. The handle is resting on a small crate.

Detonator Handle Location in Amnesia; The Bunker

A dog tag can be found further into the area where a hole in the wall is blocked by debris. Move the debris aside and collect the dog tag to unlock a part of the game’s lore. The rabbit toy, an essential item for distracting the stalker, can also be found near a hidden crater in the area.

However, this is not the route back to the Arsenal. On the left side of the initial area where players found the detonator, there is a door to another area with large boxes and a ledge back to the Arsenal. Stack these boxes neatly on the ledge to jump onto the other side, from where the player first entered the area.

Amnesia: The Bunker is available for PC, PS4, Xbox One, and Xbox Series S/X.

MORE:Beginner Mistakes To Avoid When Playing Amnesia: The Bunker