In 2010, Frictional Games released Amnesia: The Dark Descent, which is a survival horror game that first came out for the PC before heading to the PS4 in 2016, the Xbox One in 2018, and the Nintendo Switch in 2019. Now, after nearly a decade in hiatus, Amnesia is set to return this month with the release of Amnesia: Rebirth.

The upcoming game was first announced back in March alongside a debut trailer that gave players a glimpse of the upcoming horror game. As expected from an Amnesia game, Rebirth will explore the "limits of human resilience" and will be a direct sequel to 2010's Amnesia: The Dark Descent. Now, for those who are interested to get Amnesia: Rebirth in time for Halloween, here is everything players should know about the upcoming game.

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Release Date and Platforms

amnesia rebirth gameplay trailer

Luckily for players who can't wait to get their hands on the upcoming game, Frictional Games revealed that Amnesia: Rebirth will be released on October 20th for the PC and PS4. Pre-orders for the game are already live now, and those interested can place their orders with GOG, Steam, the Epic Games Store, and the PlayStation Store. It also appears that Frictional Games won't be releasing any pre-order bonuses for the game, which is typical for indie titles. However, digital storefronts that are carrying pre-orders for Amnesia: Rebirth are also offering discounts, and players should take advantage of these deals as they may become unavailable once the game releases next week.

What is Amnesia: Rebirth About?

amnesia rebirth algeria castle landscape

Although Amnesia: Rebirth is set to release in a few days, much of the game still remains a mystery. Of course, this is expected for games that fall under the horror genre, given that not knowing what to expect heightens the horror experience, which is the main point of the Amnesia: Rebirth. Frictional Games did release a blurb for the upcoming game, though, which gives players a slight idea of what to expect.

In Amnesia: Rebirth, players will take control of a woman named Tasi Trianon, who finds herself in the Algerian desert. The latest Amnesia story trailer also revealed that Tasi is on the run from terrifying monstrosities and all she has to survive are her wits and a very limited amount of supplies.

Based on the trailers shown so far, it appears that Amnesia: Rebirth will feature the classic Amnesia formula where players find themselves scurrying around dark tunnels and corridors while avoiding all sorts of monstrosities that come to haunt them. However, there is one important thing that players should know about Amnesia: Rebirth is that it will feature more monsters than The Dark Descent. According to creative director Thomas Grip, Amnesia: Rebirth will feature enemies that are "much more integrated into gameplay," so players should definitely expect a stressful and much scarier experience.

One of the biggest differences in Amnesia: Rebirth is that fear will now have an impact on the actual game, though Frictional Games remained vague on how exactly it would work. However, one thing that has been confirmed is that fear will tie into the story of Rebirth, and players who are unable to manage their fears correctly will put someone important at risk.

Putting aside everything that is new about Amnesia: Rebirth, the developer also confirmed some notable features from previous games in the franchise such as the iconic first-person narrative experience, and tons of exploration opportunities that would uncover the history of the world. Players will also encounter tons of horror game puzzles as they traverse through the game, and resources will be limited, forcing players to strategize their every move in order to survive.

Amnesia: Rebirth is releasing on October 20, 2020, for PC and PS4.

MORE: Amnesia: Rebirth Could Have Both Safe and Hard Modes