The Fallout games are no joke when it comes to enemy combatants. A lot of players who grew up during the HD era can attest to the horrors of encountering a Deathclaw in Fallout: New Vegas. Those things could destroy players in an instant throughout most of the adventure.

6 Things Amazon’s Fallout Nails From The Games

Amazon's Fallout adaptation is out, but how loyal is it to the actual Bethesda video game franchise? Here's what the series absolutely nailed.

Then there were the Mirelurks who were introduced in Fallout 3. Encounters those crab-like critters near the sea could run shivers down the spines of any player. The game adaptation of Fallout features a lot of creatures. Does it have Mirelurks or Deathclaws? If not, what does the show have?

WARNING! Spoilers ahead!

7 Dogmeat

Episode Two

Dogmeat in Amazon’s Fallout Show

Dogmeat is not a creature in the horrific sense of this series but he is a creation of man. Dogmeat is the sole survivor in an experiment at the Enclave in episode two, which is run by The Brotherhood of Steel. Dr. Wilzig saves him and the two escape the Enclave with the Cold Fusion device in Dr. Wilzig’s neck.

Dogmeat, as a name, has appeared in this series since the first game in 1997. He’s typically a German Shepard breed of dog and one of the bestest boys. There is another reference to Dogmeat in episode two but it’s at the market in Filly implying that vendors are selling literal dog meat.

6 Brahmin

Episode Two

A Brahmin being led by its owner in Amazon’s Fallout Show

Brahmin is another creature that has appeared in the Fallout games since the first iteration on PC. A Brahmin is a two-headed cow that mutated after the blasts. Now it seems like all cows are two-headed which could be because of human experiments too.

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The first Brahmin to appear in the Fallout show is in episode two. Lucy passes by one once she reaches the inner workings of Filly and it belongs to a merchant. She’s a bit shocked by it like everything else she encounters on the surface.

5 Ghouls

Episode One

Cooper as a ghoul in Amazon’s Fallout Show

Ghouls are all over this show starting with the end of the first episode. Coincidentally, Ghouls were also implemented in the first game. Now, there are two major types of Ghouls in the show. There are intelligent ones like Cooper’s new radiated form.

Then there are Feral Ghouls like in episode four. Feral Ghouls will try to eat people like zombies in other types of media. It’s implied that Cooper and all other types of Ghouls will turn into these zombified creatures if they don’t get enough drugs.

4 Radroach

Episode Two

Radroaches attacking Maximus in his Power Armor in Amazon’s Fallout Show

Radroaches have a more interesting origin story than coming from the first game. They were first implemented in Fallout Tactics: Brotherhood of Steel in 2001, but they have since become a common enemy to fight. It would be interesting for Bethesda to try another tactical RPG like this.

Tactical RPGs aside, the first Radroach in the show is in episode two. It attacks Lucy at a campfire before Dr. Wilzig saves her. Lucy does the same for Maximus later in the series when he is trapped in his Power Armor and a swarm of Radroaches are trying to break in.

3 Yao Guai

Episode Two

A Yao Guai attacking Knight Titus in Amazon’s Fallout Show

Yao Guai is another name for mutated bears in the series. They first appeared in Fallout 3 which is pretty recent compared to other creatures in the show. The scene where one appears in the show is funny in a dark humor sort of way.

In episode two, Knight Titus is bullying his squire, Maximus, and is thought to be a mighty warrior. It turns out he is anything but as he runs in the face of a Yao Guai. Maximus can defeat it and in the process, he kills Knight Titus too.

2 Centaur/Gulper

Episode Three

Maximus fighting a monster in Amazon’s Fallout Show

In episode three, an aquatic creature jumps out of the water and steals Dr. Wilzig’s head from Lucy’s possession. It is never referred to anything besides an abomination by Thaddeus later in the show, implying The Brotherhood of Steel has no name for it.

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This abomination is like a combination of two creatures from the series. A Centaur is an experimented cluster of humans, while a Gulper is an aquatic axolotl-looking creature from Fallout 4. Combined, they make this horrific beast in the show.

1 Quick Cameos

Super Mutants And Deathclaws

A Super Mutants under covers in Amazon’s Fallout Show

Finally, two creatures basically have cameos in the show but they aren’t officially in it. In episode two eagle-eyed viewers may catch a gurney going past Dr. Wilzig at the Enclave. There is a body covered on the gurney with a sheet, but a Super Mutant-like hand can be seen popping out of it.

They are a race of beings that have had since the first game. Another creature from the first game is the Deathclaws. A skull of one can be seen in the final episode as Hank approaches New Vegas in his newly acquired Power Armor and of course, this is the location from the entry, Fallout: New Vegas.

Fallout 4: All Main Story and Faction Quests

There's a ridiculous amount of content for Fallout 4 players to sink their teeth into, with over 50 main story missions and plenty of side quests.