The Wheel of Time is one of the most popular fantasy series of all time. The well-loved book series was translated into a television series for Amazon Prime Video that began to air in late 2021. It was received well by audiences and critics and has been renewed for a second season to air sometime in 2023.

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The Wheel of Time television series is packed with memorable quotes. Many of these lines go along way in helping viewers to learn about the characters, even if they had never read the books.

10 The Arrogance

Rosamund Pike as Moiraine
  • "Many, Many Years Ago Men Who Were Born With Great Power Believed They Could Cage Darkness Itself. The Arrogance."

This epic quote from Moiraine blames men for breaking the world in which The Wheel of Time is set in. Played by Rosamund Pike, she delivers this line while explaining why her journey is incredibly important. She says this as she is preparing to seek out the reincarnated soul.

This quote explains why the women of this world are vital to its existence. It's a great call out to real life as well since arrogance has often led to attempts to grasp at power, nearly all of which have resulted in devastating endings.

9 Coming Of Age

  • "The Only Thing We Know For Certain Is That This Child Is Coming Of Age Now And We Must Find Them Before The Dark Does."

This is another powerful quote from Moiraine from the very same monologue about the importance of her quest. As she has pointed out, the world is broken, but there is a child who will be able to help fix everything as long as the child is found before the Dark.

It's the quote that means the most for the entire plot of the series. Finding the child is of the utmost importance for Moiraine and those with her. The child is as important as the One Ring or the Boy Who Lived.

8 Brutality Is The Only Path To Mercy

Eamon Valda

This Machiavellian view of life was provided by Eamon Valda in the second episode of The Wheel of Time. Played by Abdul Salis, Eamon Valda is the Lord Captain Commander of the Children of Light. He is also a ruthless questioner.

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This quote gives insight into his belief that the ends justify the means. He will do whatever it takes to reach his goal. In his eyes, it may be brutal, but it is also merciful. Too many people throughout history have done bad things in the name of a righteous cause using this philosophy.

7 It's Not A Demand. It's A Threat.


Another quote that expresses just how dire the situation in the Amazon Prime Video series is. Played by Zoë Robins, Nynaeve al'Meara delivers this line in episode three when she's asked to help Moiraine. Nynaeve wants answers, and she wants Moiraine to provide them in exchange for her help.

It's an accurate depiction of the situation. Nynave is the only one around who can help Moiraine. If she refuses, Moiraine will die. It's heavy-handed and borderline evil, but it's also her best play to get what she wants. Nynave has the leverage, and she's going to use it.

6 Nothing Is More Dangerous Than A Man Who Knows The Past

Thom Merrillin

This is a powerful quote from episode four of the show. Played by Alexandre Willaume, Thom Merrilin delivers this quote which may be the most pertinent from the entire series. Throughout time, men who have known their history have gone on to do both great and terrible things.

Those who understood history and sought power would take some of the past's tactics and apply them to a new generation. Those who understood history and sought to make the world a better place would avoid the tactics of the past. It's a companion to the famous quote that those who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it. Men who know history can make those who don't know history repeat mistakes.

5 Do Not Underestimate The Women In This Tower


Never underestimate women is good advice in general. Moiraine delivers this message to Nynaeve in episode five. Moiraine is issuing a warning that the women are experts in masking. They are driven by pride and ambition. When it matters, they will strike.

It's a great warning that is almost topped by Nynaeve's response. She recognizes the possibility that Moiraine is underestimating her and issues her own warning. These two make for a powerful dynamic duo of characters.

4 A Wise Woman Knows The Breaking Point Of Her Line

Berden Sanche

Some good fatherly advice right there. Berden Sanche tells this to a young Siaun Sanche in episode six. Played by Peter de Jersey, Berden is an officer in the younglings.

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Berden is preparing his daughter for what is to come. He has to send her away because he knows that it's not safe for girls like her where they are. It's almost like a horror movie. Their relationship tears at the heartstrings of the viewers, but it's nice to see Berden giving advice to his daughter.

3 Laws

Siuan Sanche
  • "Our Laws Don't Exist To Protect Our Lives, Our Comforts. They Exist To Protect Our People From Us."

This is an epic quote that should be used for years to come. At this point in the series, this quote is discussing the women of the Tower. Siuan Sanche recognizes they are seen as a threat to the people.

Laws shouldn't be created to trouble citizens, but rather as a way to protect them. They should prioritize the masses rather than those who create the laws.

2 A Wrong Step

  • "One Wrong Step, And You Plummet Into A Void Which Knows No End. Or Worse."

Loial delivers this quote to Egwene Al'Vere in episode seven. Loial is pointing out how much the land has changed, as it was once covered in fruit trees and now there could be a bottomless pit.

While it's an amazingly dire warning, it's followed up with a great bit of comedy between the two. Egwene asks if there really is something worse than a bottomless pit and Loial says "yes."

1 Everything That Means Anything Can Be Gone In An Instant

The Dark One

The Dark delivers one of, if not the most, powerful and poignant messages in the science fiction and fantasy genres with this one line. The Dark is calling out how the world seems stable, but it's really not. That's something that people around the world have had to learn.

Everything can seem happy and lighthearted, but then one thing can change and that person's entire world can be upended. It's always interesting to see when the antagonist delivers a line that's incredibly accurate, and the Dark delivers here.

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