Released at the beginning of February, Dying Light 2 has been received with fairly decent reviews, with many players and critics complimenting the parkour mechanics. With Techland discussing the possibility of a New Game+ mode, and a swathe of mods making themselves known, it's a sequel which, while lacking in numerous respects, has the potential for a lot of longevity. Along the way, the game has been through many changes, as all video games experience during development, and it may interest fans to know that some alpha footage has been leaked.

Uploading a short video recently, YouTuber Noviex shows some early gameplay footage from Dying Light 2, which demonstrates some repeated actions that, it seems, the devs were keen to test during these early stages. In the footage, which admittedly is quite low quality, the player can be seen swimming around in a lake, as well as sections in which they repeatedly jump from a building, perhaps attempting to land in different ways. While it is only short, it's a little peak behind the curtains of what Techland had been working on all this time.

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While there's nothing to indicate exactly when this footage was first captured, Noviex says in the video description that it was found hidden in the game files, suggesting that anyone has the potential to access it. In general, it's an interesting little insight into how the open-world zombie game looked, kind of, when it was in alpha. Those who have played the full game will likely be able to tell how much has changed in comparison, although the low quality visuals may make it a bit difficult.

Of course, it's natural to assume that things change as the game gets deeper into its development cycle. While most people expect the studio to add more content the closer it gets to release day, sometimes things end up being cut. A recent video shows that Dying Light 2 may have had a downgrade between its E3 demos and the final product. While removing assets is one thing, some may see a number of them as drastic changes. Many, however, may not even notice the difference, or even be too concerned about it.

It's not too uncommon for early alpha footage of video games to get leaked, but more often than not, it usually happens before the retail release of the title in question. In this instance, it's intriguing that it's shown up after the fact, and buried within the actual files themselves, as well, it seems.

Dying Light 2 is available now on PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S.

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