Aside from dealing with any monsters that get in your way, you will spend a lot of your time solving puzzles in Alone in the Dark. Aside from more traditional puzzles like the locked puzzle box or the clock, you will also have to find a way to clear various obstacles. One such obstacle you will encounter is a wedged door, which is blocked off and leaves the room beyond it inaccessible.

There is no key for this door, so you have to find another way to open it. Here is how you can clear out the block that is keeping you out of the Drawing Room that is connected to the Small Parlor.

Alone in the Dark Review

The new Alone in the Dark is a generic survival-horror adventure that fails to break the trend of bad Alone in the Dark games.

How to Get Past the Wedged Door

alone in the dark how to get past wedged door 2

In order to get past this obstacle in Alone in the Dark, you must first have completed the investigation of the Hateful Mound. This area is accessed by solving the clock puzzle. To complete this area, you must climb up the oil rig and then go down toward the path that leads to the Hateful Mound. After the cutscene that plays inside the Hateful Mound, you will be back in Derceto Manor and you will have a new key item in your inventory, the Palette Knife.

You can use this Palette Knife to remove the obstacle that is blocking the door. By removing this block, you gain access to the Drawing Room. Not only is there another puzzle that you need to solve in this room, but it also contains one of the three Lagniappes that you need to unlock the the Shotgun cabinet.

Once certain items have been used in every situation where they are needed, they are removed from your inventory. So if you are wondering why the Palette Knife is still in your inventory, that is because there is another door that you can unlock with it.

alone in the dark how to get past wedged door 3

After getting back from the Hateful Mound, you will have more areas that you can explore. You will eventually find yourself up near the Grand Parlor. On the second floor of the Servant's Stairs, you will find another wedged door that the Palette Knife can be used on. Unlike the wedged door that leads to the Drawing Room, you do not unlock anything special for removing this obstacle.

Instead, this just creates a shortcut that makes it easier to get to this area of Derceto Manor later on. Once you've used the Palette Knife on both doors, it will be removed from your inventory.

alone in the dark game 2023
Alone in the Dark (2024)

PC , PS5 , Xbox Series X , Xbox Series S
March 20, 2024
Pieces Interactive
Survival Horror