Every holding in Crusader Kings 3 can support a number of regular buildings. The number and variety of these buildings depends on a few factors, like innovations, cultures, and the local climate. Each de jure duchy capital also comes with a slot for a duchy building, which are unusually powerful and provide unique benefits.

However, a few rare holdings come with an even rarer building slot, in which you can build special buildings. Special buildings are completely unique. Many of them only have one building level that never upgrades (and never needs to upgrade) throughout an entire game of Crusader Kings 3. Read on to learn how to find these buildings, how to build them, and how to benefit from them.

Crusader Kings 3: Every DLC, Ranked

Some DLCs for Crusader Kings 3 have disappointed, while others add worthwhile content to the game. Which expansions are worth buying?

How to Find Special Buildings

Crusader Kings 3 Economy View

The easiest way to find the many special buildings of Crusader Kings 3 is to check the Economy map mode. This mode doesn't have its own icon, so click the plus sign in the lower-right corner and then choose "Economy" from the drop-down menu. You can also switch to it directly by using the shortcut Ctrl-S, at least on Windows computers.

While the Economy view is active, and you're on the medium zoom level, you can see an icon appear for every special building slot in the game. These icons come in four colors, and each one represents something different:

Dark Blue

The building doesn't exist, and your character can't build it or benefit from it.

Light Blue

The building doesn't exist, and your character can build it.

Dark Yellow

The building exists, but your character can't benefit from it.

Light Yellow

The building exists, and your character can benefit from it.

Bear in mind that these colors only check for basic information like, "Does your ruler follow the right Faith to activate a Great Temple?" A special building may have other requirements, like a high Development Level or a specific Innovation. If you don't have them, the building will appear as light blue, but you won't be able to fund its construction. This is why all the universities in the image above are light blue. Also, even if a building is light yellow, you won't get its benefits unless you own the county that it's in.

The Economy map view also displays the relative gold income each county makes. High-income counties are yellow, medium-income counties are orange, and low-income counties are red. This value comes from the combined income of all the holding buildings in the county, the Development Level, and the county owner's Stewardship level, among other factors.

How to Benefit from Special Buildings

Crusader Kings 3 Shah-i-Zinda

Whether your ruler is Tribal, Feudal, or Clan, you'll have to deal with vassals and indirect income from taxes and levies. Even counts get a baron-level vassal or two. This means you don't benefit directly from buildings in holdings you don't own yourself. This applies to normal buildings, and it also applies to special buildings.

In other words, special buildings have few benefits outside of the holdings your character owns directly. Fortunately, most special building slots are in county capitals, making it easy to enjoy these direct benefits (assuming you own the right counties and duchies). But even if you don't control every special building yourself, there are a few ways they can benefit your ruler:

  • A Grand Temple, Mosque, or Cathedral of your Faith will make pilgrimages to the relevant holy site much more rewarding.
  • Many special buildings increase the local Development Level at all times. A high Development provides more money and levies, and richer vassals provide more money to their lieges.
  • Other special buildings provide a solid amount of income for their owner, a percentage of which trickles up to the owner's liege.
  • If a University or Grand Temple of your ruler's Faith exists somewhere in your realm, you can choose to send a child to the university when assigning them a guardian. This adds a considerable price tag to the interaction, but it also raises the odds of getting a good education.
  • Adult rulers can boost their education level up to six by visiting a University or Grand Temple of their Faith.
  • Rulers can visit special buildings during trips. The first time they visit one, they gain Lifestyle XP. This includes inactive special buildings.

Every Special Building's Location and Benefits

Crusader Kings 3 University

The list of special buildings in Crusader Kings 3 is long, and no single ruler can benefit (even indirectly) from all of them. Many are only available to specific Religions or Faiths, and listing every possible holy site in the game would produce a pointlessly long list. However, there's some value in knowing what each building type can do, and where all the unique monuments and natural wonders are.

Grand Holy Buildings

Keep in mind that many Holy Sites are holy to multiple Religions. If that's the case, and the site's special building isn't unique, the grand holy building will usually use the more "mainstream" religion's design.

Building Type



County Benefits

Holder Benefits

Grand Cathedral

Christian Holy Sites

  • +2 Tax Income
  • +20% holding Taxes
  • +20% Development Growth
  • +0.15 Development Growth
  • +0.2 Piety
  • +5% Renown
  • -15% cost to hire Holy Order
  • +5% Clergy Opinion
  • +5% Control growth

Grand Mosque

  • Holder follows correct Faith
  • Holding isn't Tribe
  • Local ruler's Culture has Crop Rotation
  • 1,000 gold

Islamic Holy Sites

  • +2 Tax Income
  • +20% holding Taxes
  • +20% Development Growth
  • +0.15 Development Growth
  • +0.2 Piety
  • +5% Renown
  • +15% to Domain Taxes from other-Faith counties
  • +15% Levy reinforcement rate from same-Faith counties
  • +5% Control growth

Great Fire Temple

  • Holder follows correct Faith
  • Holding isn't Tribe
  • Local ruler's Culture has Crop Rotation
  • 1,000 gold

Zoroastrian Holy Sites

  • +2 Tax Income
  • +20% holding Taxes
  • +20% Development Growth
  • +0.10 Development Growth
  • +0.2 Piety
  • +5% Renown
  • +15% to Domain Taxes from other-Faith counties
  • +15% Levy reinforcement rate from same-Faith counties
  • +5% Control growth

Grand Temple (Other Abrahamic)

  • Holder follows correct Faith
  • Holding isn't Tribe
  • Local ruler's Culture has Crop Rotation
  • 1,000 gold

Dualist/Milete/Jewish Holy Sites

  • +2 Tax Income
  • +20% holding Taxes
  • +20% Development Growth
  • +0.15 Development Growth
  • +0.2 Piety
  • +5% Renown
  • -2.5% Men-at-Arms maintenance
  • -10% Short Reign Duration
  • +5% Control growth

Grand Temple (Eastern)

  • Holder follows correct Faith
  • Holding isn't Tribe
  • Local ruler's Culture has Crop Rotation
  • 1,000 gold

Buddhist/Hindu/Jainist Holy Sites

  • +2 Tax Income
  • +20% holding Taxes
  • +20% Development Growth
  • +0.15 Development Growth
  • +0.2 Piety
  • +5% Renown
  • +5 Different Faith Opinion
  • -15% Different Faith Popular Opinion penalty
  • +5% Control growth

Grand Temple (Pagan)

  • Holder follows correct Faith
  • Holding isn't Tribe
  • Local ruler's Culture has Crop Rotation
  • 1,000 gold

Pagan Holy Sites

  • +1 Tax Income
  • +500 Levies
  • +10% holding Taxes
  • +10% holding Levies
  • +20% Development Growth
  • +0.15 Development Growth
  • +0.2 Piety
  • +5% Renown
  • +15% Knight Effectiveness
  • +10% Levy reinforcement rate
  • +5% Control growth


You (and other rulers) can build universities in just about every location where a university existed in the real Middle Ages. A few already exist during the 867 or 1066 starting dates, but most are only potential locations. Some universities have unique rules, requirements, and benefits (see the unique building list below), but most of them use the following generic rules:



County Benefits

Holder Benefits

  • Anuradhapura
  • Barcelona
  • Bidar
  • Bologna
  • Cambridge
  • Coimbra
  • Dumbarton
  • Ferrara
  • Fes
  • Janakpur
  • Kanchipuram
  • Krakow
  • Leipzig
  • Madrid
  • Malappuram
  • Messina
  • Milan
  • Naples
  • Oxford
  • Padua
  • Pisa
  • Prague
  • Qartajana
  • Rostock
  • Salamanca
  • Sarsar
  • Somapur
  • Speyer
  • Srinagara
  • Turin
  • Ujjayini
  • Uppsala
  • Valabhi
  • Vienna
  • Wazwan
  • +1 Learning per Level of Fame
  • +0.25 Renown
  • +10% Lifestyle XP
  • +5% Cultural Fascination progress


All the mines in Crusader Kings 3 use the same icon, but most have a few differences that set them apart from one another. For instance, the Forest of Dean Mining Settlement provides a bonus to stationed Men-at-Arms Toughness, while the Taghaza Mining Pits provide a Supply Limit bonus to the county's holder. Still, most mines follow the same general rules:

  • The local ruler's culture must have the right Innovation, which can include Crop Rotation (Tribal), Banking (High Medieval), or nothing at all.
  • Mines have four upgrade levels, but the holding's main building must be equal to or higher than the mine's upgrade level. This means you need a Motte to build a basic mine, a Keep to build the second level, and so on.
  • Most mines provide extra tax income, siege weapon effectiveness, development growth, and improve the quality of weapon, armor, artisan, and metalsmith inspirations. Other benefits vary from mine to mine.

You can find mine special buildings in the following baronies:

  • Abrudbanya
  • Allaqi
  • Badakhshan (pre-built)
  • Caslav (pre-built in 1066)
  • Cevennes (pre-built in 1066)
  • Falene (pre-built in 1066)
  • Figuira
  • Gloucester (pre-built)
  • Goslar (pre-built in 1066)
  • Iglesias (pre-built in 1066)
  • Ijil (pre-built)
  • Innsbruck
  • Medapata
  • Mudigonda
  • Nishapur (pre-built)
  • Pansjhir (pre-built)
  • Phocaea (pre-built in 1066)
  • Polygyros (pre-built)
  • Rudnik
  • Sakarai (pre-built)
  • Samantakuta (pre-built)
  • Siguiri
  • Srebrenica
  • Taghaza (pre-built)
  • Takkeda
  • Torda (pre-built)
  • Turoc
  • Vemulavada (pre-built)
  • Yaresna
  • Zvecan

Unique Buildings and Landmarks

Some special buildings are completely unique. A few represent major holy sites, like the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem, while others are remarkable landmarks or feats of engineering. The landmarks are static and always exist on the map, and many unique buildings are present for both starting dates, but others can only appear during the course of the game.

Some unique buildings have special upgrade levels, while others don't. A building on this list with multiple upgrades has slashes between each upgrade's requirements and benefits, or the upgrade level is listed in parentheses if a benefit is unique.

The requirements listed include both what you need to construct the special building (if it doesn't exist yet), and what you need to keep the building active. You don't need money or cultural innovations to benefit from a pre-built special building, but you must meet a building's Faith requirement for as long as you own it.




County Benefits

Holder Benefits

Ananda Temple


  • Owner follows any Eastern Faith
  • 1,000 gold
  • +3 Tax income
  • +20% Development Growth
  • +0.20 Development Growth
  • +2 Learning
  • +5% Piety
  • +5% Renown
  • +10% Control growth
  • +5 Popular Opinion

Brihadeeswarar Temple


  • Owner follows any Eastern Faith
  • Owner's culture has Manorialism
  • 1,000 gold
  • +20% holding Taxes
  • +20% Development Growth
  • +0.20 Development Growth

Buddhas of Bamian


Owner follows any Eastern Faith

  • +10% holding Taxes
  • +75% Development Growth
  • +0.30 Development Growth

Canterbury Basilica/ Temple/ Cathedral


  • Owner is Christian or considers Kent a Holy Site
  • Owner's culture has Crop Rotation
  • 1,000 gold (per upgrade)
  • +3/5/6 Tax income
  • +20/20/30% holding Taxes
  • +10/20/30% Development Growth
  • +0.1/0.2/0.3 Development Growth
  • +5 Popular Opinion (Cathedral)
  • +0.2/0.5/1 Piety
  • +0.1/0.2/0.3 Piety per Powerful Vassal on Council
  • +5% Renown
  • +5/10/25 Control growth

Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela


  • Owner is Christian or Muslim
  • 1,000 gold
  • +3 Tax income
  • +30% holding Taxes
  • +20% Development Growth
  • +0.20 Development Growth
  • +0.2 Piety
  • +5% Renown
  • -15% Holy Order hire cost
  • +5 Clergy Opinion
  • +20% Learn Language power

Cologne Cathedral


  • Owner's culture has Crop Rotation
  • Owner is Christian
  • 1,000 gold
  • +2 Tax income
  • +20% holding Taxes
  • +20% Development Growth
  • +0.20 Development Growth
  • +15% Piety
  • +0.10 Piety per Knight
  • +5% Renown
  • +20% Knight Effectiveness
  • +5% Control growth

Dome of the Rock/ The Third Temple


  • Owner considers Jerusalem a Holy Site
  • Upgrade requires that owner is Jewish and has 1,000 gold.
  • +3 Tax income
  • +30% holding Taxes
  • +30% Development Growth
  • +0.30 Development Growth
  • +1 Martial per Level of Devotion
  • +3% Piety per Knight
  • +5% Renown
  • +20% Knight Effectiveness
  • +10% Control growth
  • +1 Learning per Level of Fame (Third Temple)
  • +5 Same Faith Opinion (Third Temple)

The Friday Mosque


Owner is Muslim or Zoroastrian

  • +20% holding Taxes
  • +25% Development Growth
  • +0.30 Development Growth
  • +50% Level of Devotion impact
  • +5% Renown

Great Mosque of Cordoba


Owner is Muslim or Christian

  • +3 Tax income
  • +15% Levy size
  • +15% holding Taxes
  • +20% Development Growth
  • +0.15 Development Growth
  • +0.5 Piety
  • +55 Renown
  • +5 Different Culture Opinion
  • +0.20 Development Growth in Capital

Great Mosque of Djenne


  • Owner is Muslim or considers Jenne a Holy Site
  • Jenne isn't Tribal
  • 1,000 gold
  • +15% Levy size
  • +15% holding Taxes
  • +20% Development Growth
  • +0.30 Development Growth
  • +1 Piety
  • +5% Renown
  • -15% Building Construction cost

Great Mosque of Mecca


Owner is Muslim

  • +3 Tax income
  • +20% holding Taxes
  • +35% Development Growth
  • +0.50 Development Growth
  • +1 Piety
  • +5% Renown
  • -10% Men-at-Arms Maintenance
  • +5 Same Faith Opinion
  • +10% Control growth

Great Mosque of Samarra


Owner is Muslim

  • +20% holding Taxes
  • +20% Development Growth
  • +0.30 Development Growth
  • +0.3 Piety
  • +5% Renown
  • -10% Building construction time
  • -10% Building construction cost

Hagia Sophia Cathedral/ Hagia Sophia Mosque


  • Owner is Christian
  • Upgrade requires Muslim owner, 1,000 gold, and 1,000 Piety
  • +20% Development Growth (cathedral only)
  • +2 Learning
  • +2 Intrigue per Level of Fame
  • +0.10 Piety per Knight
  • +5% Renown
  • +2 Knights
  • +20% Knight Effectiveness

Imam Ali Mosque


Owner considers Kufa a Holy Site

  • +3 Tax income
  • +20% holding Taxes
  • +30% Development Growth
  • +0.30 Development Growth
  • +1 Piety
  • +5% Renown
  • -10% Men-at-Arms Maintenance
  • +5 Same Faith Opinion
  • +10% Control growth

Lund Cathedral


  • Owner is Christian
  • Skane isn't Tribal
  • Owner's Culture has Crop Rotation
  • 1,000 gold
  • +2 Tax income
  • +20% holding Taxes
  • +20% Development Growth
  • +0.20 Development Growth
  • +0.3 Piety
  • +5% Renown
  • +10% Control growth

Mahabodhi Temple


Owner considers Gaya a Holy Site

  • +3 Tax income
  • +20% holding Taxes
  • +30% Development Growth
  • +0.30 Development Growth
  • +1 Learning per Level of Devotion
  • +1 Piety
  • +5% Renown
  • +5 Different Faith Opinion
  • +10 Religious Vassal Opinion
  • -20% Different Faith Opinion penalty

Minaret of Jam


  • Owner is Muslim or considers Ghur a Holy Site
  • 1,000 gold
  • +5% holding Taxes
  • +0.5 Control
  • +1 Stewardship per Level of Fame
  • +0.10 Piety per Knight
  • +5% Renown
  • +5 Clan Ruler of Same Faith Opinion


Isle de France

  • Owner is Christian
  • Owner's culture has Windmills
  • 1,000 gold
  • +2 Tax income
  • +20% holding Taxes
  • +30% Development Growth
  • +0.30 Development Growth
  • +5 Popular Opinion
  • +1 Stewardship per Level of Devotion
  • +1 Piety
  • +5% Renown

The Prophetic Mosque


Owner considers Medina a Holy Site

  • +100% Supply Limit
  • +20% holding Taxes
  • +75% Development Growth
  • +0.30 Development Growth
  • +0.5 Piety
  • +5% Renown
  • +20% Knight Effectiveness
  • -15% Holy Order hire cost
  • +5 Popular Opinion

Sanctuary of Imam Reza


Owner is Muslim

  • +2 Tax income
  • +15% holding Taxes
  • +55% Development Growth
  • +1 Learning per Level of Devotion
  • +0.2 Piety
  • +5% Renown
  • +5 Advantage against other Muslims
  • +10 Opinion of Imamists

Shwedagon Pagoda


Owner follows any Eastern Faith

  • +2 Tax income
  • +20% holding Taxes
  • +20% Development Growth
  • +0.30 Development Growth
  • +0.5 Piety
  • +5% Renown
  • -10% Tyranny gain
  • +5 Clergy Opinion

Temple City (Khajuraho)


  • Owner follows any Eastern Faith
  • 1,000 gold
  • +1.5 Tax income
  • +20% holding Taxes
  • +20% Development Growth
  • +0.30 Development Growth
  • +5% Piety per Powerful Vassal on Council
  • +10 Different Faith Opinion
  • -20% Faith Conversion cost

Temple of Uppsala/Uppsala Cathedral


  • Owner is Asatru or Christian
  • Owner's culture has Manorialism (for cathedral)
  • 1,000 gold (for cathedral)
  • +1/2 Tax income
  • +10/15 Levy size
  • +10/15% holding Taxes
  • +20/25% Development Growth
  • +0.2 Piety
  • +5% Renown
  • -10% Men-at-Arms maintenance
  • +15/20 Knight Effectiveness
  • +2% Prestige per Knight (Cathedral only)

Al-Azhar University


1,000 gold

  • Reduced cost for Board Games and Recitals
  • +20% Development Growth
  • +0.30 Development Growth
  • +1 Diplomacy per Level of Fame
  • +1 Learning per Level of Fame
  • +0.25 Renown
  • +10% Lifestyle XP
  • +5% Cultural Fascination progress

Alcazar of Segovia


  • Owner's culture has Hoardings
  • 1,000 gold
  • +20% Stationed Men-at-Arms Damage and Toughness
  • +4 Fort Level
  • +6 Defender Advantage
  • -20 Danger
  • +10% Stationed Siege Weapon Effectiveness
  • +500 Garrison
  • +5% holding Taxes
  • +0.5 Control
  • +1 Martial per Level of Fame
  • +5% Renown



  • Owner's culture has Hoardings
  • 1,000 gold
  • +20% Stationed Men-at-Arms Damage and Toughness
  • +4 Fort Level
  • +6 Defender Advantage
  • -20 Danger
  • +10% Stationed Siege Weapon Effectiveness
  • +500 Garrison
  • +55 holding Taxes
  • +0.5 Control
  • +1 Diplomacy per Level of Fame
  • +5% Renown

Ark of Bukhara



  • +10% Stationed Men-at-Arms Damage and Toughness
  • +4 Fort Level
  • +6 Defender Advantage
  • -20 Danger
  • +500 Garrison
  • +25% Hostile Raid time
  • +10% Development Growth
  • +0.10 Development Growth
  • -25% Attrition in Drylands
  • 5% Renown

Citadel of Aleppo/ Reconstructed Citadel of Aleppo


  • Owner's culture has Hoardings
  • 2,000 gold
  • -50% cost for Feast in holding
  • +10/20% Stationed Men-at-Arms Damage and Toughness
  • +2/6 Fort Level
  • +2/6 Defender Advantage
  • -10/20 Danger
  • +5/10 Stationed Siege Weapon Effectiveness
  • +250/750 Garrison
  • +15% Development Growth (Reconstructed)
  • +0.30 Development Growth (Reconstructed)
  • +0.1/0.3 Prestige
  • +2 Prowess per Level of Devotion (Reconstructed)

City Walls of Toledo



  • +2 Fort Level
  • +25% Garrison size
  • -20 Danger
  • +50% Hostile Raid time
  • +10% holding Taxes
  • +5 Defender Advantage
  • +10% Development Growth
  • +0.30 Development Growth


The Colosseum



-10% Building Construction Time

-5% Army Maintenance


Slesvig (two baronies)


  • +5% Stationed Men-at-Arms Toughness
  • +5 Defender Advantage


Doge's Palace


Owner is a Republic

  • -50% cost of Feast
  • +5 Tax income
  • +3 Fort Level
  • +100% Levy size
  • +100% Garrison size
  • +10 Defender Advantage
  • -10 Danger
  • +50% Hostile Raid time
  • +30% Development Growth
  • +0.50 Development Growth


Dome of Soltanieh


  • Owner's culture has Urbanization
  • 1,000 gold
  • +10% Development Growth
  • +3% Piety per Knight
  • +5% Renown
  • +10% Cultural Fascination progress
  • +5 Clan Ruler of Same Faith Opinion




  • +20% Stationed Men-at-Arms Damage and Toughness
  • +4 Fort Level
  • +6 Defender Advantage
  • +10% Stationed Siege Weapon Effectiveness
  • +500 Garrison
  • +5% holding Taxes
  • +0.5 Control
  • +10 Popular Opinion

-50% Attrition in Desert Mountains

Farum Brigantium



+1 Tax income

  • -25% Embarkation cost
  • +25% Naval Speed

Golden Gate of Kyiv


  • Kyiv isn't Tribal
  • Owner's culture has Battlements
  • 1,000 gold
  • +2 Fort Level
  • +2 Defender Advantage
  • -20 Danger
  • +250 Garrison
  • +10% holding Taxes
  • +10% Development Growth
  • +0.20 Development Growth
  • +10% Piety
  • +10% Prestige

Great Wall of Gorgan

Gurgan (two baronies)



Hadrian's Wall

Cumberland, Northumberland (two baronies each)


-10% Building Construction cost


Heddal Stave Church


  • Owner's culture has City Planning
  • 1,000 gold
  • +1 Tax income
  • +10% Levy size
  • +10% holding Taxes
  • +10 Popular Opinion
  • +10% Piety
  • +5% Renown
  • +1 Knight
  • +20% Knight Effectiveness

Hotin Fort/ Hotin Fortress


400/800 gold

  • +10/20 Stationed Men-at-Arms Damage and Toughness
  • +2/4 Fort Level
  • +4/6 Defender Advantage
  • -10/20 Danger
  • +5/10 Stationed Siege Weapon Effectiveness
  • +250/500 Garrison
  • +5% holding Taxes (Fortress)
  • +0.5 Control (Fortress)
  • +5% Renown
  • +1 Martial per Level of Fame (Fortress)

House of Wisdom



  • +20% holding Taxes
  • +20% Development Growth
  • +0.30 Development Growth
  • +1 Learning per Level of Fame
  • +5% Renown
  • +15% Lifestyle XP
  • +10 Different Culture Opinion
  • +10% Cultural Fascination progress
  • -20% Faith creation and reformation cost

Iron Pillar of Delhi



  • +10% Development Growth
  • +0.20 Development Growth
  • +5% Prestige
  • +5% Renown
  • -5% Army maintenance
  • +10% Heavy Infantry and Heavy Cavalry Toughness

Lake Maharloo



  • +60% Development Growth
  • +0.10 Development Growth
  • +5 Popular Opinion
  • +1 Learning
  • +10% Stress loss

Mount Damavand



  • +20% Stationed Men-at-Arms Toughness
  • +30% Development Growth
  • -30 Danger
  • +50% Levy from Mountains
  • +10% Stress loss
  • -10 Danger from Mountains

Nalanda University



  • Lower cost for Board Games and Recitals
  • +20% Development Growth
  • +0.30 Development Growth
  • +1 Stewardship per Level of Fame
  • +1 Learning per Level of Fame
  • +0.25 Renown
  • +10% Lifestyle XP
  • +5% Cultural Fascination Progress

Offa's Dyke

Herefordshire, Shropshire, and Cheshire (one or two baronies each)


  • +5% Stationed Men-at-Arms Toughness
  • +5 Defender Advantage


Palace of Aachen



  • +0.10 Prestige per Powerful Vassal on Council
  • +5% Renown
  • -20% Tyranny gain
  • +5 Clergy Opinion
  • +5 Powerful Vassal Opinion




  • 0.8 Tax income
  • +25% Supply Limit
  • +10% holding Taxes
  • +15% Development Growth
  • +0.20 Development Growth


The Pyramids



+0.20 Development Growth

  • +5% Renown
  • -20% Short Reign Duration

Rainbow Mountains



  • More Hunt sightings and higher success rates
  • +10% holding Taxes
  • +20% Development Growth

+1 Diplomacy

Rock of Gibraltar



  • +1 Fort Level
  • +2 Defender Advantage
  • +10% Development Growth
  • +1 Stewardship
  • +20% Diplomatic Range

Roman Walls of Lugo



  • +1 Tax income
  • +1 Fort Level
  • +10% Garrison size
  • -10 Danger
  • +1 Learning
  • +5% Renown

Ruins of the Palace of Ctesiphon/ Great Palace of Ctesiphon

Baghdad (An-Nahrawan barony)

  • Owner is Zoroastrian, Manichean, Nestorian, or Hellenic
  • Owner is king or better
  • Owner is independent
  • 2,000 gold
  • -10 Building Construction Time (Ruins)
  • +2 Tax income (Palace)
  • -20% Building Construction Cost (Palace)
  • +5 Zoroastrian Opinion (Ruins)
  • +1 Learning (Ruins)
  • +1 Diplomacy per Level of Devotion (Palace)
  • +0.20 Prestige per Powerful Vassal on Council (Palace)
  • +5% Renown (Palace)
  • -25% Title Creation Cost (Palace)
  • +5 Persian Opinion (Palace)
  • +5 Zoroastrian Opinion (Palace)

Shah-i-Zinda/ Shah-i-Zinda Necropolis


  • 400/400 gold
  • +0.5 Control
  • +10% Development Growth (Necropolis)
  • +0.20 Development Growth (Necropolis)
  • +1 Learning per Stress Level
  • +0.1 Piety (Shah)
  • +0.1 Piety per Powerful Vassal on Council (Necropolis)
  • +5 Clan Ruler of Same Faith Opinion (Necropolis)





  • +2 Learning
  • -20% Faith Conversion cost
  • +15% Learning Lifestyle XP

The Tower of London


  • Owner's culture has Battlements
  • 1,000 gold
  • +20% Stationed Men-at-Arms Damage and Toughness
  • +6 Fort Level
  • +6 Defender Advantage
  • -20%
  • +10% Stationed Siege Weapon Effectiveness
  • +750 Garrison
  • +5% holding Taxes
  • +10% Development Growth
  • +0.20 Development Growth

+30% Dread gain

Tomb of Batsheba



  • +1 Tax income
  • +0.5 Control
  • Small Disease Resistance boost
  • +5% Renown
  • +10 Close Family Opinion

The University of Sankore


1,000 gold

  • Lower cost for Board Games and Recitals
  • +20% Development Growth
  • +0.30 Development Growth
  • +1 Martial per Level of Fame
  • +1 Learning per Level of Fame
  • +0.25 Renown
  • +10% Lifestyle XP
  • +5% Cultural Fascination Progress

The University of Siena


1,000 gold

  • Lower cost for Board Games and Recitals
  • +20% Development Growth
  • +0.30 Development Growth

Visby Ringmur


  • Gutland isn't Tribal
  • Owner's culture has Battlements
  • 1,000 gold
  • +1 Fort Level
  • +25% Garrison size
  • +50% Hostile Raid time
  • +15% holding Taxes
  • +5 Defender Advantage
  • +15% Development Growth
  • +0.30 Development Growth
  • +5 Popular Opinion
  • -20 Danger


Walls of Benin


  • Benin isn't Tribal
  • Owner's culture has Battlements
  • 1,000 gold
  • +2 Fort Level
  • +50% Garrison size
  • -20 Danger
  • +50% Hostile Raid time
  • +50% Levy size
  • +20% holding Taxes
  • +5 Defender Advantage
  • +75% Development Growth
  • +0.30 Development Growth


Walls of Genoa



  • +3 Tax income
  • +2 Fort Level
  • +25% Garrison size
  • -20 Danger
  • +50% Hostile Raid Time
  • +5 Defender Advantage
  • +10% Development Growth
  • +0.30 Development Growth


Crusader Kings 3 generally doesn't want rulers to own more than two duchies, so most players won't get to own a lot of special buildings all at once. Still, by identifying all the best special buildings in your home kingdom, you can ensure the best duchies fall into your hands, and thus make ruling a growing empire that much easier.

Crusader Kings 3

PS5 , Xbox Series X , Xbox Series S , PC
September 1, 2020
Paradox Interactive
RPG , Grand Strategy
Online Multiplayer