Aliens Colonial Marines Wii U Version Worst

By now gamers have already read our Aliens: Colonial Marinesreview and watched our first impressions gameplay video, and found out that Gearbox Software's latest is less than desirable. However, recent developments with the game suggested the yet-to-be-released Wii U version might, in fact, be the definitive version of the game.

The disconnect between screenshots and trailers released for Aliens: Colonial Marines — which looked moody and atmospheric — and the final product appeared to be a byproduct of platform limitations, with a new theory suggesting the Wii U corrects all that. As it turns out, though, the Wii U version might be the worst of them all.

That's according to an unnamed QA tester that worked on the game, who took to Reddit to say that the Wii U version of Colonial Marines is ostensibly the same game, only with "frame rate issues, texture loading, and horrendously misguided minigames thrown in." Part of what makes the Wii U version worth the wait is apparently gamepad-specific mechanics, like using the device as the series' iconic motion tracker.

Beyond being a handy way to anticipate a xenomorph attack, the QA tester reveals tracking the series' iconic aliens using the device gives players a damage bonus. Additionally there is a minigame that pops up anytime the player cuts open a door using the game's welding tool whereby they must keep heat "optimal."

Ironically, the door-welding mechanic appears numerous times throughout the single player campaign, and was rather obtrusive to forward progress. But to know the animation (it's not really a mechanic) is there for a Wii U minigame only heightens its uselessness on other platforms.

Unfortunately, the QA tester's responses have since been removed from the popular site, likely because he violated the terms of his employee contract. A similar thread began on Reddit last week in which a former developer on the game revealed that Gearbox Software outsourced work on Aliens: Colonial Marines to several studios including TimeGate. The anonymous source claimed that Gearbox spent much of the game's troubled, 6+-year development keeping their most prized properties (i.e. Borderlands 2) at the forefront of their minds.

Are you still holding out hope for the Wii U version of Aliens: Colonial Marines? Has the poor reception for the PC, PS3, and Xbox 360 version soured any hope of the Wii U version redeeming the game?

Aliens: Colonial Marines is still targeting a March release for the Wii U.


Source: Reddit (via Nintendo Life)