Recently, to many fans' disappointment, it was announced that the rumored sequel to Alien: Isolation, titled Alien: Blackout, will be a mobile game and not the big first-person horror game that many thought it would be. Following the widespread backlash by fans, FoxNet has mentioned that it is still working on more Alien games, but that a console sequel for Alien: Isolation specifically will not be releasing any time soon.

In a recent interview with Variety, the Vice President of external development at FoxNext, TQ Jefferson, mentioned that as far as Alien: Isolation 2 goes, FoxNet does not have any plans for one yet. Jefferson emphasized though that this does not mean that a new Alien console game is far off: “[It is] not that binary... There are a lot of stories we can tell in the franchise." Jefferson added that "We can tell more stories about Amanda Ripley without it being an ‘Isolation’ game,” as many fans seem to like the character a lot.

new alien game not in development

Jefferson further commented on the connection that fans made between a recently-announced mobile game that also received a lot of criticism, Diablo Immortal: “I can see some people making a connection between ‘Diablo’ and this, but I think it’s a bit of a leap." Jefferson noted that "the ‘Diablo’ backlash was focused on free-to-play and mobile, our game is a premium mobile game where you pay one price and you’re done. It’s a contained experience.”

Even though Alien: Blackout is not the game that most fans were hoping for, hopefully the "one and done" price will alleviate some of the fears of a portal game such as Diablo Immortal that is filled with micro-transactions. Alien: Blackout follows the story of Amanda Ripley where Alien: Isolation left off, and players have to "try to stay alive while trapped aboard a crippled Weyland-Yutani space station carrying a deadly Xenomorph as it tirelessly hunts you and the crew" according to the game's description on D3 Go!’s website.

Alien: Isolation is out now for PC, PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, and Xbox One.