After the very disappointing Aliens: Colonial Marines, fans of the sci-fi horror film franchise were delighted to see things turn around with Alien: Isolation. The game wasn't a blockbuster by any stretch, but it saw decent sales and was well received by most critics. The development team behind the game likes to hint that a sequel isn't out of the question and the latest rumors seem to suggest that a follow up for Alien: Isolation may already be in the works.

The rumor doesn't specifically call the game Alien: Isolation 2, but it does refer to a new Alien game being in the works at Isolation developer, Creative Assembly. That team has been hard at work on Halo Wars 2 until recently, but with that project wrapped up, and considering the recent acquisition of Crytek Black Sea, the developer may finally have the capacity to return to the Alien franchise.

This rumor comes from a quote that will supposedly be run in the rumor mill section of next month's Official PlayStation Magazine (issue #135). Here's the full quote according to PlayStation Universe...

''Our sources tell us that after work is finished on Halo Wars 2 , a new Alien game may start development over at Alien Isolation dev, Creative Assembly.''


Another video game set in the Alien universe seems like a no-brainer in the long term, but the decision to green-light a sequel obviously will come down to the potential for profitability. Isolation didn't bomb by any stretch, but the game did leave Sega a bit disappointed in terms of the bottom line. Sega hasn't dismissed the idea of a sequel in the last couple of years, but the company has avoided committing one way or the other. With E3 right around the corner, fans of the franchise can keep their fingers crossed for a surprise announcement during the big summer event.

What do you think about the rumor? Would you be excited to play a sequel to Alien: Isolation?

Alien: Isolation is available now for PC, PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, and Xbox One. Alien: Isolation 2 is still in the rumor category at this point and has no estimated release window.