Robert Eggers has become a renowned household name, recognized for his outstanding and differentiated work on films such as The Witch and The Lighthouse. The first trailer for his newest endeavor, The Northman, has been released, following Alexander Skarsgård as Amleth, a young Viking prince on a campaign to take vengeance for his father's murder.

Skarsgård takes center stage as the protagonist in Focus Features and Universal's The Northman, but some familiar faces from Eggers' past work have also returned to the screen. Anya Taylor-Joy, who worked with Eggers on The Witch, will play a significant role in this journey, as well as Willem Dafoe, whose work with Eggers on The Lighthouse garnered praise for his incredibly gripping performance. The film will include performances from Ethan Hawke, Nicole Kidman, Björk, and other notably recognizable names.

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"I will avenge you, father. I will save you, mother. I will kill you, Fjolnir," are the words echoed by Skarsgård's character at both a young and adult age. These are the consistent motivating forces within his mind that propel him on a journey back to a home stolen from him by his uncle, Fjolnir. The Viking epic is told from the perspective of Skarsgård as he journey's to quench the thirst for revenge boiling within his blood. The trailer flaunts some beautifully engaging set pieces while equally exposing the violence riddled within compelling action sequences. The tonal atmosphere that Eggers can establish is evident in the chosen shot selections and cinematography, which is sure to attract those who admire his unorthodox style.

In a recent IGN interview, Eggers firmly establishes that the film comes from ancient Norse sagas of a vengeful prince that equally inspired William Shakespeares' illustrious Hamlet. "It is definitely Viking Hamlet. Or as one studio executive said, 'I love this Viking version of The Lion King,'" stated the enigmatic director, who grew up with a background in theater due to his father's profession, which centered around teaching others about the storied playwright. Eggers continued, saying, “Honestly, I didn't know a lot about it. Actually, I didn't know about it, period. Honestly. Basically, Alexander Skarsgård and I had lunch, and he said he'd been wanting to make a Viking movie and was developing Viking movies for some time, trying to get something to happen. And I said I had an idea for a Viking movie."

Many will remember that The Lion King is a loose interpretation of Hamlet, which masterfully tackled the material, keeping audiences enthralled by the narrative for decades. Connections have already been unearthed from the trailer, showcasing a young man torn due to unforeseen circumstances, mirroring Simba and his plight once his father's life became extinguished at the hands of his uncle. Due to the comparison, it's easy to foreshadow the events that will follow. Still, Eggers is known to walk the unbeaten path, which means surprises are instore with this new Viking-centered take on the Shakespearean classic. The adrenaline pulses throughout every moment the trailer has to offer, but will the effects last as the story unveils its actual narrative direction?

The scale of The Northman appears to be tremendous, which Eggers indicated, discussing the many locations used and work put into bringing this Viking epic adventure to life. The task is heavy, but Eggers seems to be up to the challenge to create what has to be his most ambitious film to date. The trailer highlights many of his cinematic achievements, but more still needs to be observed once Amleth makes his much-anticipated landing.

The Northman is set to make landfall on April 22, 2022.

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Source: Focus Features/YouTube