
  • Saga Anderson's red sweater in Alan Wake 2 symbolizes her Nordic heritage.
  • Finnish influences, like Ahti the janitor and Norse mythology, are abundant in Alan Wake 2.
  • The sweater's design, featuring trees and deer, showcases Remedy's attention to detail and adds depth to Saga's character.

Alan Wake 2's Saga Anderson is arguably one of the best female leads in gaming from recent years. The FBI agent is fearless and determined despite everything Alan Wake 2 throws at her. Beneath her cool jacket is a red sweater. It may seem negligible at first, but the sweater has a lot of meaning for Remedy's culture and Anderson's character.

Remedy is a Finnish studio. Though Alan Wake2 takes place in the United States, there are elements of Finnish culture sprinkled in. Understanding the sweater and its design helps to shed light on both Saga and Remedy's background.

Alan Wake 2 DLC News Could Be Coming Soon

Alan Wake 2's writer and director shares a promising update on progress for the game's two expansions, the first of which is hoped to release soon.

The Finnish Influence on Alan Wake 2

It's hard to miss the Finnish influences in the game, especially with a character like Ahti the janitor around. The mysterious janitor speaks and sometimes sings in Finnish, and occasionally even shares Finnish sayings with Wake.

Perhaps the biggest way Finnish culture leaks into the game is through the copious amount of Norse mythology references. Characters like Odin and Tor make an appearance as part of the band Old Gods of Asgard, and they mimic their mythological counterparts. Odin has a patch over one eye, and Tor parallels Thor, as they both have hammers.

Finland's Love of Coffee

Some of the influences are a little more subtle but enjoyable if noticed. There are coffee thermoses everywhere, and even an entire amusement park called Coffee World. This is a clever little nod to Finland, which has the highest coffee-drinking rate per capita in the world.

Why Saga Anderson's Sweater in Alan Wake 2 Matters

Saga Anderson in Alan Wake 2

Although it may seem negligible at first, Saga wears a red sweater under her FBI jacket. Sweaters are a staple in Nordic countries, and Saga says she wears hers to connect with her Swedish heritage. It also has deer on it, which is an animal she is strongly associated with. Furthermore, deer are seen as connections to other worlds in some cultures, which has obvious implications within Alan Wake 2. The deer connection Saga has is strong, as antlers appear in her Mind Place, and one of the side quests involves finding all the taxidermy deer heads in Bright Falls.

The trees on the sweater aren't arbitrary. Finland has an abundance of forests, and they cover over 75% of the country. It's only natural that a sweater dedicated to Finland and Sweden would feature a bunch of trees. All of these small touches weren't done easily, and it took a lot of planning and foresight. In a Reddit AMA, Remedy Entertainment revealed that the sweater was designed by Crossland worked with Minttu Wikberg from Pawlymade along with the directors to get it just right.

The Sweater and Saga's Personality

In addition to all the cultural elements, the sweater does give Saga Anderson a bit of a softer side, as she can be intense when she's working as an FBI agent. It's also another sign of her dedication to her family, whether it be her Swedish mother or her little daughter. Any fans who want a Saga sweater of their own, whether for personal use or cosplay, can look into Remedy's official knitting guide.