Remedy Entertainment's cult classic sequel, Alan Wake 2, has its release date set according to the titular character's voice actor. Two years ago, The Game Awards revealed Alan Wake 2, and it was a surprising announcement among a flood of other games at the show. This sequel was for a rather overlooked cult classic game of Remedy Entertainment's library, where it was a game many wanted to see but never thought would happen. After a little over a decade since the previous game, gamers will be revisiting the town of Bright Falls with a survival horror-inspired twist to it.

Despite its initial announcement, there has been little gameplay footage regarding the game from Remedy Entertainment. However, Remedy has kept fans abreast with information about what to expect with regular updates. The last update regarding Alan Wake 2 was that it would be on track to release this year, with a statement from its CEO, Tero Virtala, that the game also entered its final stage of production earlier this April. Its release date has also potentially been narrowed down according to Alan Wake's voice actor, Matthew Porretta.

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This statement comes from an interview on the Monsters, Madness, and Magic podcast, with host Justin Young interviewing Porretta. In this episode of the podcast (around 16:37 of the VOD on YouTube), Young states that one of his all-time favorite games was Alan Wake and asked how Porretta got the role as the author. Porretta however lets it slip that he believes Alan Wake 2's release date will be later this October.

Porretta mentions that he was working with Remedy Entertainment on the sequel and that he was just in Finland the previous week as of the recording of this podcast. The release date makes sense because a horror game would be perfect for the October 2023 season. That said, it will have to contend with other heavy hitters of the season, like Mortal Kombat 1 or other games that might release within the same timeframe. It's not clear if this was an internal placeholder date, and it could have been changed between Porretta's statement and Remedy Entertainment, so this should be taken with a grain of salt for now.

At the very least, with Alan Wake 2 finishing its production soon, it wouldn't be unexpected to hear more news about the game soon. Its release date could possibly be revealed at this month's PlayStation Showcase or Xbox's summer event. Regardless, it seems like the wait for Alan Wake 2 is almost over.

Alan Wake 2 is currently in development for PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X/S.

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