
  • Control's AWE DLC expanded on the game's mechanics and set up the events of Alan Wake 2, paving the way for the Remedy Connected Universe.
  • Alan Wake 2's upcoming DLC expansions will explore the Remedy Connected Universe and may push the main narrative forward or, more likely, tell their own separate narratives.
  • It would make sense for DLC expansions of Alan Wake 2 to feature protagonists such as Sheriff Tim Breaker and Agent Estevez, exploring the Night Springs and the FBC's outpost in the Lake House respectively.

Not content with just being a great game on its own, Control went ahead and proved that Remedy Entertainment was also capable of making some great DLC that not only expanded on the game's mechanics, but really pushed the game's story forward in some pretty major ways. Control's AWE DLC was particularly noteworthy, laying the groundwork for the Remedy Connected Universe and directly setting up the events of Alan Wake 2.

So, naturally, the simple notion that Alan Wake 2 is getting two major DLC expansions is enough to get fans incredibly excited, and after finishing the game, that's only more true. Over the course of around 20 hours, Alan Wake 2's story goes to some pretty crazy places, and its ending leaves a lot of questions to be answered. It'll be interesting to see if Alan Wake 2's upcoming expansions decide to push the main narrative forward or tell their own separate narrative, but regardless, they'll almost definitely end up exploring the Remedy Connected Universe forward in a big way, and the expansions' protagonists already seem pretty set in stone.

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Alan Wake 2's Expansions Already Have Two Clear Protagonists

Just before launch, Remedy announced that Alan Wake 2 would be receiving two separate DLC expansions, both currently set to release in 2024. The first of these expansions is called "Night Springs." Though nothing has been revealed about either of these expansions just yet, the title Night Springs does bring up some interesting plot details from the first Alan Wake. In the first Alan Wake, Night Springs is the name of an eerie in-universe TV show that discusses fictional paranatural activities.

An obvious homage to The Twilight Zone, Night Springs features heavily throughout the first Alan Wake, sharing some similar characters and plot beats to Alan's own journey. The original Alan Wake also had a DLC set inside an episode of Night Springs, and while Alan Wake 2's Night Springs DLC could follow suit, it seems more likely that it'll go a different route, possibly with Sheriff Tim Breaker as its protagonist. Still stuck in the Dark Place, Breaker aims to track down the mysterious Mr. Door, which makes him a natural candidate for the playable character in Alan Wake 2's Night Springs DLC.

Sheriff Tim Breaker is played by Shawn Ashmore, an actor probably best known for his role as Iceman in Fox's X-Men series, and as protagonist Jack Joyce in Remedy's own Quantum Break .

Alan Wake 2's second DLC is titled "The Lake House," and it's something that the game teases multiple times throughout its story. While playing as Saga Anderson, players will come into contact with the Federal Bureau of Control several times during Alan Wake 2, and the mysterious "Lake House" is mentioned consistently, being the site of the FBC's outpost in Bright Falls, an outpost that's apparently gone dark. It seems likely that Alan Wake 2's Lake House DLC will see players exploring this abandoned FBC outpost, though it hasn't been confirmed who they'll be playing as. This DLC could see players control the FBC agents during the event that causes the outpost to go dark, letting them play as Agent Estevez or maybe even going all-out to let players assume the role of Control's Jesse Faden.

Alan Wake 2's DLC Probably Won't Use Alan or Saga

While Alan Wake 2's DLC expansions could easily see players take control of Alan and Saga once again, it probably won't end up doing that. The end of Alan Wake 2 sees Alan remain trapped in the Dark Place after discovering that he's not trapped in a loop, but a spiral. It wouldn't make too much sense if this spiral included an entirely new section that covered the DLC, and it's likely that Remedy wants to save Alan's next journey for a full sequel. Similarly, it's not currently clear if Saga made it out of the Dark Place, and it's another cliffhanger that might be better saved for the eventual sequel.