Alan Wake 2 is a weird game to be sure. In a year filled with horror games with odd occurrences, Alan Wake 2 takes the cake. It’s like the ultimate fan letter to TV shows like Twin Peaks which is what Deadly Premonition tried to do. Deadly Premonition is an engaging game too, but it’s in another category of bizarre that stretches the very definition of “good.”

RELATED: Alan Wake 2: How Long to Beat

Now, one of the oddest things about Alan Wake 2 is its characters from the main protagonists of Alan Wake and Saga Anderson to side characters like Alex Casey and Rose Marigold. These characters naturally have some choice quotes attached to them and these are just a few favorites from poignant to funny.

WARNING! Spoilers ahead.

8 “I Don’t See A Badge On That Flannel.”

Alex Casey-Return 2: The Heart

Alex Casey in Alan Wake 2

Even though this survival horror game series started with Alan Wake, it is odd that he is the star. Alan is a writer who just so happened to find himself using flashlights and guns to fight off infected humans.

This line from Alex Casey points out that to the FBI, Alan is just a guy. He needs to stay out and allow the professionals, aka Alex and Saga, to handle things. Little did Alex know at this time in Return 2: The Heart in Alan Wake 2 that some weird stuff was tied to both Alan and Bright Falls and maybe Alan should have gotten an honorary badge.

7 “Show Me The Champion Of Light.”

Old Gods of Asgard-Initiation 4: We Sing

Mr. Door in Alan Wake 2

Remedy gave fans a fun musical mission in Control that was a highlight for a lot of players. It’s safe to say that the entirety of “We Sing” for Alan’s story was a highlight for Alan Wake 2 fans too.

“Show me the champion of light” is just the chorus hook of this ten-minute-long rock opera that goes through Alan’s childhood, and the previous game's plot, and ties up some other loose ends too. Hopefully, Remedy will patch in an option to replay chapters in the game as players would probably love to go through Initiation 4: We Sing in Alan Wake 2 on repeat.

6 “More Like UnderWatery.”

Saga Anderson-Return 3: Local Girl

Saga Anderson in Alan Wake 2

Saga is not a punny character as most of the bad jokes fall under Alex’s belt. There are a few lines in Alan Wake 2 that show her more quippy side though as if she took lessons from both Alex and Peter Parker from Marvel’s Spider-Man 2.

Alan Wake 2: Tips on How to Beat Nightingale

Take down the first boss in Remedy Entertainment's Alan Wake 2, FBI Agent Robert Nightingale.

In Return 3: Local Girl, Saga travels to the nearby town of Watery which has been flooded. As players explore the town, there is a chance for Saga to say this line about “UnderWatery” out loud. It’s a good pun even if it may be a tad insensitive as these people are going through rough times.

5 “Seriously, Stop Feeding Our Goats Coffee.”

Jaakko Koskelas-Return 3: Local Girl

Saga talking to the Koskelas Brothers in Alan Wake 2

There’s another great quote during the Return 3: Local Girl chapter in Alan Wake 2. Hidden within the game are commercials made by the Koskelas Brothers: Illmo and Jaakko. One of the best ones is an advertisement for their theme park, Coffee World, which players must explore in this chapter.

These commercials are FMVs, making them even better. This line about the goats is out of left field, and it’s odd to imagine amusement park attendants trying to give goats coffee. Why has that become an epidemic?

4 “The Tough Part Is Hiding The Bodies.”

Rose Marigold-Return 5: Old Gods

Rose Marigold in Alan Wake 2

It’s clear from the early chapters of Alan Wake 2 that things are not what they seem for Saga. Rose, for example, mentions Saga’s daughter drowning which Saga knows is not real. Rose is certainly a wild character later on when she reveals in the nursing home that she knows all about The Dark Place.

She’s the one leaving lunchboxes out for Saga to upgrade her guns in Alan Wake 2 along with several other treats. She’s also been killing The Taken and this line about hiding the bodies is just a little unsettling because she seems too nonchalant about it.

3 “Don’t Be The Story, Make The Story.”

Tor Anderson-Return 5: Old Gods

Tor Anderson in Alan Wake 2

Return 5: Old Gods is a difficult chapter in Alan Wake 2 to get through because there are so many parts to it. From exploring the nursing home to shooting through the hospital next door to sinking into The Dark Place, Saga has her work cut out for her.

Alan Wake 2: 10 Differences From Alan Wake Remastered You Need To Know

Alan Wake 2 features several differences from Alan Wake Remastered that fans should know.

After she rescues her grandfather, Tor, from an evil witch of a lady, Tor spills the beans on a lot of secrets. As he tries to comfort Saga with her powers, Tor says this line. It’s a good piece of advice for Saga but it can also be applied to real life that many players can apply to their lives.

2 “According To The Luck And Probability Department, It’s Statistically Bad Luck To Wish People Good Luck During A Crisis.”

Agent Estevez-Return 6: Scratch

Saga talking to Agent Estevez in Alan Wake 2

This long-winded statement was said by Agent Estevez after Saga got the power back online in the police department. Saga asks to be wished luck which is why Agent Estevez says this line as if that is a good substitution for comfort. It’s a fun connection to Control because the departments at HQ are all wild.

One of the best things about that game was being able to explore for small research documents. That’s also a great thing about Alan Wake 2, reading through tiny notes and documents that help fill out the game’s lore. It’s easy to sift through these lore bits too thanks to Saga’s Mind Place.

1 “It’s Not A Loop, It’s A Spiral.”

Alan Wake-Return 9: Come Home

Alan Wake in Alan Wake 2

There are a lot of things that tie Alan Wake 2 to Control. One of the most definitive things is the final line of the game said by Alan. He realizes that all this time, he was going through a spiral and not a time loop.

Those who have played Control know that spirals play a big part in that game. The title screen has a spiral as does the loading screens and that’s not even getting into what they mean. It’s easy to forget that part of Control since it was launched in 2019, four years before Alan Wake 2. What does this mean for the next game? It’s hard to say but what is clear is that fans cannot wait to find out.